As mentioned in a previous post, my kids are obsessed with monsters. My four-year-old draws pictures of monsters with multiple teeth-filled mouths and giant scythe-like claws all day long. One day Stacy had a brilliant idea. We had the kids draw us pictures of monsters, and with a little felt, notions, and stuffing, we brought them to life (only a little less-scary).
This was such an easy project! Plus anytime I can include the kids in crafting, I feel like a good mom. They were all over this project. Here's a detailed tutorial to help you create your own Frankenstein of sorts, with or without the kids. Don't miss the original drawings next to their felt creations below!
Felt Monster Tutorial
What you'll need:*Felt in various colors
*Scissors, pinking shears (optional)
*Buttons, yarn, pipe cleaner, or any other notions to create details
*Polyester fiberfil or other stuffing/batting
*Dowel or pencil
*Sewing machine and thread (you could stitch these by hand, but it would take a while!)
Okay, let's get started.
1. Using your child's drawing as a guide, cut out various body parts for the creature in different colors of felt. You'll want to either use two pieces of felt or fold it over so you have two identical pieces for each body part. I used pinking shears on some parts to simulate fur. Gather notions to create face, etc.2. Sew on any buttons, felt, or other notions to complete face.
3. Sew outer body parts like limbs, tail, and ears together, leaving an opening at the place it will attach to the head or body. To make it simple, I left the seams on the outside. I didn't bother turning them inside-out. Also, I used transparent (invisible) quilting thread to avoid having to change thread colors for each body part.
4. Stuff each body part with enough Fiberfil to make it firm but not rigid. A dowel or a pencil can be used to push stuffing into all areas of the part.
5. Pin the limbs inside the main body or head. Sew around the edges, leaving an opening for the stuffing where the head or other body part will be attached.6. Stuff the body and pin the head to it (with all of it's attachments pinned inside of it). Sew around as before, leaving an opening to stuff the head. Stuff it and sew opening closed.
That's it! Here are a few examples of our creatures and their inspiration. Please note, the artists felt inclined to make a few changes in color and design as Mom was putting these together, so they may not look exactly like the original design. But close!

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101 Responses to “it's alive! kids' drawings brought to life”
WOW! These monsters are adorable. How cute to see them "come alive".
Oh yay! I love funny guy. I really need to find that book and make some more of those. I love the idea of converting pictures to little monsters. So creative!
Those are AWESOME!! I love it! You really did make them come alive.
I LOVE these! Very, very cool!
This is SO great!
I just wanted you all to know that Mandy was the real magic behind these monsters. She made them the lovable creatures they are today.
Oh my word these are so cute. My sister just sent me your link! I love these!!! Thanks for posting this idea!!!
Adorable! Total hoot!
Adorable! They are so winsome!
This is the best idea I've seen as to what to do with children's drawings. Love it! Thank you so much for posting this, I'll have to try it with my kids drawings. Bookmarking for future reference.
Thanks again!
What a great idea! your monsters are soooooooooo cute!
i love these! they couldn't be any cuter.
These are adorable! I can't wait to try to make these. Thanks for posting it.
These are so cute!! I posted about my humble attempt to do this on my blog.
Thanks for the great idea.
Nice monsters. I've been making my son's faboo drawings come to life since I saw something just like this in Martha Kids a couple years ago. It's such a great idea.
Very good ideia! They´re so colorful. I loved your monsters...I made some of my kids drawings come alive, too. Only they drew on the fabric, I cut them out, sewed and stuffed. They really seem to like it.
A friend told me about this idea a couple of days ago. When we draw names for Christmas this year I'm gonna have my kiddos draw monsters for me to make for their gift recipients. I think that will be fun for them.
Thanks for your idea - it saved the day for me on a PD day that I was unprepared for - the kids all did their own buttons and sewing on the faces - firsts for all of them! Suddenly the world of sewing WITH my kids has opened up to some many possibilities!!! Thanks for gaving this idea. I thought I'd show you our results - I purposefully told them not too fancy though -hehehe!
Wow! They look great! What type of felt are you using?
We just used craft felt. Wool felt feels much better and we like working with that, but craft felt will work fine. Either way will be a hit with the kiddies.
LOVE the curly haired one!!
One of my girlfriends has started making felt toys for her preschooler... I'm sharing this blog with her!!! :) Great work!
This is a brilliant idea! My son loves to draw monsters also. Another great project for me to try! :)
Those are completely fabulous!
Visting from SITS. My son would be ALL over this! I'll have to try it next time he draws me something scary! haha
You are so clever and talented. This is another great idea but this boy can barely use a staple let alone a sewing machine. But I'm really good at drawing monsters. Now if I could only get my daughter to drag out her sewing machine...
Absolutely adorable.
So cute! Thanks for sharing this! I just wish I could sew, lol.
These are hilarious! :)
It's times like these that I wish I knew how to sew.
What a clever idea!!!
Great monsters! I had such fun making stuffies for my daughter for Christmas that I will definitely be trying this. She's an artist as well so it should be fun.
The kids must be so excited to see their art come to life! As long as they're not scared... hee hee :)
~~Meredith from SITS
I am so enjoying your tutorials. thanks for sharing.
These are just too cute!
How charming and clever!
Those are so cute!! I don't think I would want the drawing featured on my blog today to be "brought to life"!! :o) Have a great weekend!
What a great Idea!!! My son (he's 4) would think it was so super cool if we could make his drawing come to life!
Thanks for sharing and Congrats on being a Sitsta!!!
those are great! I never would have thought of that.
Fantastic idea! I think even *I* might be able to do this one.... or have my sister do it. :)
These would be great to do with anything kids draw!
This is great!
My daughter doesn't draw monsters or much of anything really. She is only three and usually everything is little circles :)
That is so creative!! My kids would love that idea!
So cute.....i'll definately have to bookmark your blog!
How adorable...and brilliant!
This is a most original idea! Thank you for sharing it with me, the crafty-mom-wannabee.
This is so cool too! This will come in handy in a few years!
I love these, they came out so great! If only I could teach myself to sew... hrmm..
These are adorable. And you are such a wonderful Mom to bring their drawings to life.
Now I have to see what my girls would come up with. I think it's such a great idea to bring their drawings to life!
What a good mom you must be,,,Ann
Wow! Great job interpreting those drawings.
Nappy SITs day! What a great idea and so clever! If I could sew better, I'd give this a try. My ids would love it as they love to draw...especially monsters and Star wars guys.
This is a great project to do with your kids! How creative!
Keep up the great blog!
Awesome!! Thanks soo much, I know what we will be doing on weekends and summer, bringing my kids creations alive. Such a neat idea!!
Wow, so adorable!!! What a fun project!!
Very cute idea.
I'm not sure I could pull it off, but it's awesome.
My bunch are a little too flinchy/jumpy to bring any brought to life monsters their way. But they loooove to draw crazy numbers and animals and cars and trucks so I will just cater this to their drawings of....what is that? Ohhhh...the sun. Of course I see it honey.
My best, Lynn
What a great way to capture the kids drawings. I just tape them to the inside of my garage door (instant art gallery) but the space fills quickly.
What a fantastic idea!
Okay, so you're one of those "Good Moms" aren't you? The one that your kids friends actually like because you're fun and give them attention. lol
Happy SITS day!!
These are too cute! And what a neat idea. I just love it when my 5 year old draws pictures of people and things. They make me laugh! Visiting you from SITS!!! Have a great weekend!!
These are so great! I need to try something like this!
I need to do this - my 4 yr old has a whole pile of stories about a princess pig that she's drawn over and over... it would make a fun surprise!
Cute & fun!
Those have got to be the cutest monsters ive ever seen!
These are adorable!
Fantastic. And very hip.
This is so cool!
I love them!
Darling! Great way to help the kids face their demons.
That's awesome!!!!!
This is super-cool!
:^) Anna
That's too cute! Happy SITS day to you!
Very cute and fun. My son would love to do this! Thanks for the great idea. Happy SITS Day!
What a wonderful idea! My kids do the best drawings I'd love to turn them into stuffed toys.
Yet another reason to go and get a sewing machine already!
What a wonderful idea! Happy SITS day!
You have a very cool blog.
What cute little monsters!
This seems like a great way to help kids conquer their fears!
This is such a good idea, I will definitely be using this one. Thanks for sharing all these fun ideas and recipes. Stopping by from SITS.
Very cute and crafty! Your kids must have been awed to see their drawings come to life! Very neat idea.
I love these very much. Yet another great idea. I love your site.
Very cute! And your likenesses of the original drawings are remarkable!
These came out so cute, I love how you involved your children in the design. What a great personalized project. Sure to be extra special.
Adorable! What a fun site.
You are amazing! Love this idea. :)
thanks for the awesome tutorial, SITSta! My kids are going to love this!
What a great son is quite an artist and he would love to see his drawings in real life. Thanks!!!
Unfortunately, you realize you lost me at "sewing machine" ;) That's one talent I don't have that I really wish I did, but what you made is really neat!
LOVE these monsters! My oldest daughters have done something very similar with their old girl scout troop.
So cute!
What a cute idea.
My little guy would like these "monsters"
wow that is an amazing idea! you did such a great job! :) I love it!!!
came over from SITs!!!
how cute. I once made pillows for the grandparents of my eldest daughters drawings. They loved them.
What a cool idea!! I love it!
these are so cute
What a wonderful idea!
ohh!! its great!!
This is so what I'm doing for my boys for Christmas.
Oh Wow! I saw a Create your own monster kit at a store for $200 and thought the idea was fun and made on for my nephew. Then I just happened across your blogpost on the same idea! I love the tutorial instructions, I'm going to link this tutorial to my blog post of my monster since I didn't include any instructions of how I did it!
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