Monday, February 1, 2010

heart strings

I received a darling heart punch by Stampin' Up! for Christmas from a cute friend. I love how quick and easy it is to punch a bunch of hearts at once. I was putting together craft kits for our upcoming blog party, and decided to use the scraps to play around with my punch. They were so cute I just kept punching, and then I had to make something with them so all those little sweeties didn't go to waste!

Here's what I came up with. I call them Heart Strings, and you can use them for Valentine's decor, a cute kids' necklace, or even a scrapbook or card embellishment. My son enjoyed making them, and I was impressed at how cool his turned out! I think I might have a little jewelry designer on my hands!

Heart Strings Tutorial

What you'll need:
*Heart punch or die cuts
*Various papers
*String or crochet thread
*Glue - I used Tombow's Liquid mono glue
*Extra embellishments (Optional) - I used rhinestones and Stickles glitter glue to dress mine up

1. Punch out or die cut hearts from various papers. Embellish them with glitter glue, rhinestones, ink, etc.

2. Lay out a piece of string and start designing your heart string, alternating hearts and buttons. You'll need two of each heart and button so you can glue them together on either side of the string. Be sure to leave room at the top if you intend to tie it together or to something else.

3. When it looks the way you want it, apply glue to one heart and lay the string on top. Apply glue to second heart and place on top, matching it up with the first heart. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat with remaining hearts and buttons. The buttons won't be completely flat when glued together, but as long as they are glued to the string and touching on one side, they will be fine. Allow to dry for a few minutes.

4. I wanted mine to hang from my light fixture, so I spaced the pieces out a bit. Then I tied them to a piece of red tulle and tied the tulle to the chandelier. My son wanted his to be a necklace, so I tied his ends together.

That's it! This is such a fun project to do with little ones, although I did help with the gluing. My son loved making his necklaces, and practiced making patterns like he's learning to at school. He even wore one to kindergarten the next day. He said every kid in his class and his teacher all commented on it--he was so proud! Don't you love it when kids love to craft as much as you do?

Next he made this one to give to Grandma who came to visit. She loved it and wore it every day she was here.

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39 Responses to “heart strings”

Emily Call said...

I am dying over these! I am going to have to make some of my own! Thanks for the inspiration.

Emily Call said...

I am dying over these! ADORABLE. I am going to have to make my own.

Patricia said...

this is adorable!!! thanks so much for showing us the heart strings!

CarzooCritters said...

That has to be the cutest and most unique idea ever! I love them hung up =) So cute!!! Perfect little decorations! Love them!!!

Kristin said...

So sweet!

Amie said...

I love it!!!!

Care said...

adorable!! I am a sucker for Valentine's day! :o)

PaisleyJade said...

That is so cute - thanks!

Ann On and On... said...

You make the cutest crafty items!

Laryssa Herbert said...

So charming!

Tutus and Choo-Choos said...

Love how you hung them from the chandelier! What a clever idea!

P.S. I made your heart garland over the weekend. I used bias tape instead of ribbon and I used heat & bond tape instead of sewing the hearts onto the tape. It was easy, fun, and cheap to make. Thanks again for the idea!

Widge said...


Lisita said...

So stinkin' cute!!

courtneyb said...

simple and adorable. love it!

Andrea said...

Cute, my little girls would love those! Of course, they'd have to cut the hearts out themselves!

Andrea @

Anna said...

This is so cute! I think it would look really nice as a garland too. Great idea.

Anonymous said...

Super cute!!! I love how it looks hanging from the light fixture. My kids and I will have to make a few of these this weekend - thanks for the neat idea :)

Donna VW said...

This is very cute - I have made something similar, but never thought to add the buttons!

Sachiko said...

I love this idea! Maybe I have enough time to try this before Valentine's day. I love your blog!

Atticelf said...

What fun! I really like the danglies off the light fixture. :)

Shorty said...

Those are so cute! What a fun Valentine project idea.

Pera Chapita said...

Very vcute! I "punched out" some hearts out the other day too... I call them Marsh-Hearts!
Thanks for Sharing :)

deb@virginia blue said...

These are so fabulous! LOVE the wonderful tutorials that you guys offer :) I linked to 2 of them on my blog today {the crochet hearts and the crochet flowers}.

Stephanie said...

Those are really cute, and on top of that you are the "bomb" at your son's school! Looks like fun and so easy. I wonder if I can remember to get it done before valentines day...

Brittany said...

Hey these are cute!! Thanks for sharing. I'm linking this post to my blog. LOVE it!

Jennifer Sikora said...

Just wanted to let you know I was going to link to this post for the Econonbusters newsletter!

Stephanie - My Frugal Lifestyle said...

What a sweet necklaces! I can't wait to make me one! :)

amybluestar said...

OMG - LOVE! This is fabulous. I wanna come to Lynnwood to the meet and greet - waah! xo

Christie said...

These are super cute! Love them! said...

Those are so cute! I wish I lived closer. The Meetup looked like so much fun! Thanks for the project, I'll be linking.

Colette said...

LOVE <3 I just stumbled across your blog today and saw this project, which I am getting ready to make tonight!

I started my first ever blog on New Years day where I am doing or trying something new each day. This is my something new today - THANK YOU for the inspiration.

sunnymama said...

These are so adorable! I love them. :) Thanks for the tutorial. I've linked to this post here:

MommyTeacher123 said...

I adore this. So cute!


Mary Beth said...

how adorable is this! so happy to have found your blog, it really makes me smile and feel inspired, now if I could just sit here all day reading it all :)

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! I wish I had a chandelier to hang these from. I'm going to link this project on my blog.

Unknown said...

I would love to hang many of this at home... the problem is I am the only "girl" in the house :) What would men say about having hearts everywhere? Lol...

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Marisa, I'm the only girl in my house, too! That's WHY I hang the hearts! :)

Pranita Kocharekar said...

Love it ! I'm making this instantly! Like right now! :D

Designed By CeeJayRose said...

Hey, I just wanted to let you know I linked to your post in a Valentine's Day post on my blog.

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