We love our sponsors. They really do help make this blog go round! Great Lakes Diaper Company has been our sponsor for a few months and we love working with them. What a great company! We had a great giveaway from them a while back and today they are offering another one. How generous. Just to remind you, Great Lakes Diaper Company is an online retailer of modern cloth diapers and accessories. They carry a wide variety of Thirsties, Mother-ease, FuzziBunz®, Knickernappies, Booroi, Gro Baby, Dream-eze, Planet Wise, and The Natural Baby Co products.They have a great informational page if you need more information about cloth diapering or are thinking about starting. They are putting together a comprehensive Newborn Diapering section on the website. They will offer many different package options that will take the guesswork out of deciding what to buy.

Today Great Lakes Diaper Company is offering one reader a medium wetbag of their choice (you can choose from Wahmies or Planet Wise brands in any color/pattern)! Here's what you need to do. Visit the Great Lakes site and find a product you would love to try. Then come back here and tell us what it is in a comment. You can earn a second entry by becoming a fan of ours on facebook and leaving us a separate comment saying you are a fan. Good luck! This giveaway will end at 11:59 PST on Wednesday, February 10th.
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165 Responses to “great lakes diaper giveaway”
I would try the Gro Baby Shell Set in wildflowers. Plus I would LOVE LOVE the Cotton Baby Sling in Cocoa Butter!! Great Giveaway!
I'd love to try the Mother-Ease AIO Bamboo diapers. Already use the regular Mother-Ease AIOs, but would like to see the "slimmer look" of the bamboo.
We already have most of our cloth diapering supplies, but I'd love to try one of those slings! Thanks for such a well-timed giveaway; I'm due in about 6 weeks! :)
I'm a fan on facebook
The Thirsties Fab Wipes look great. Thanks for the giveaway!
I soooooo wish they offered these when my children were little!!! (ages ago) However, my daughter could really use this now, and the whamsie 3 leaf design would coordinate with her likes!!! Thank you!
I would love to try the stay dry nursing pads. With a baby on the way these could come in handy.
I don't even know where to start with what I want to try! We're first-time parents doing the cloth diaper thing and I feel like I need to try everything to figure out what we like best. That being said, I'm really interested in the Gro Baby sets. I've heard good things.
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I would love to try the Knickernappies Hemp Nursing Pads. I'm going to be a new mommy in May and have been looking for a washable nursing pad to try!
I love the knickernappies one size pocket diaper with the microfiber insert -- they look neat!
Also, I'm a fan on facebook!
Yay! now I'm a fan on Facebook! I love y'alls website!
I'm interested in trying the Gro Baby diapers....such cute patterns! And the wet bag giveaway sounds great!
I would love to try any of the all in ones or the gro baby diapers.
Actually, I'd love to try any of it, I'm always looking to get a "better" cloth diaper, maybe one that changes itself? :)
I would really like to try a sling!
I would love to try a GroBaby diaper!
I would be interested in trying the thirsties duo wrap. I own some thirsties normal wraps and they work very well, but their newer design looks very good too.
just became a fan on facebook. :)
my sis uses these and I've been holding out trying...why not now? I'd love to start off with the whamsie 3 leaf design...and definitely come back later for the stay dry nursing pads!
I would love to try the Thirsties or the All in 2. What a fun giveaway!
I would love to try a Fuzzi Bunz one size diaper
I'm a fan on facebook!
Just started the research on cloth diapers. I would love to try any of them - I have heard good things on the Fuzzibuz.
I would love to try a new brand of diaper pail liner--mine is wearing out! (But I would also looooove a new sling-so many nice ones!). A few new diapers would be nice, too, to cut down on the frequency of my laundry! :)
Thanks for this great giveaway!
I'm a new fan on Facebook, too!
brierleigh (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to try the grobaby diapers.
I am also a fan on facebook. :)
The wet bags are so cute. and they are the next step in my cloth diapering adventures. I actually used disposables today because I was out of plastic bags to put the wet diapers in. I have considered making some but I fear that would be a leaky mess.
I also like the cloth wipes, I think that would be my step 3.
i would go with the thirsties diaper covers. mainly because we are getting ready to move into the potty training stage and i think they would be great to use with undies in place of pull-ups (never been a fan!). thanks
I would love to have the organic cotton sling.
i am a fan on facebook!
I use cloth diapers, but have been dying to try cloth wipes. I'd love to try their Thirsties Fab Wipes.
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I would like to try the bamboo wipes. I've been a cloth-diaperer for years and years (5 kids worth!), but have never switched to cloth wipes.
I wouldlove to try the Booroi covers. they look reallynice :)
ida_mai at hotmail.com
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ida_mai at hotmail.com
I would like to try the one size diapers!
I really like the art deco wet bag!
I'm expecting in June and haven't don't the cloth diapering thing before. Needless to say, there is a lot we could use. I have heard a lot of good things about the Gro Baby sets. Thanks for a great giveaway!
ooo...would love to try it all! But those newborn packages look just great! Or, maybe a sling for the new little one. decisions, decisions!
I'm a fan on facebook!
I would LOVE to try the Gro Baby Shell diapers!
knickernappies diaper sprayer. i so need it.
I would love to try their Thirsties Newborn Starter Pack. Because, well, I'm going to need newborn diapers in October ;).
ronandwhit (at) gmail (dot) com
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ronandwhit (at) gmail (dot) com
The Thirsties Duo Diaper!!
I'd love to try the Fuzzi Bunz one-size!
I'm a facebook fan!!!
I would love to try one of their slings. My daughter is such a snuggler and loves to be held. It think the sling would make us both happy.
I'd like to try the organic cotton baby sling in natural sands.
I like the Booroi Bamboo Wipes. They look great and are eco friendly.
I would love to try the Gro Baby diapers! Fun giveaway!
I would try a pail liner, I need one!
So many things I would love, but I think the Gro Baby Bio Soaker Intro Package looks great.
I like Dream-Eze AIO. Such a great giveaway, thans. :)
I'd love to try the knickernappies one-size with the loopy do inserts! In raspberry!
I would really love a pail liner. I love cloth diapering, and this is such a great site.
I'm a fan now!
I would love to have the Gro Baby shell set for my daughter to use with her new baby girl due in June! Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a fan on facebook.
I would like to try Mother-ease One Size Cloth Diaper - Cotton
I'm also a fan on facebook.
I'd try anything! I haven't tried cloth diapers yet, and I don't even know where to start. I'd be happy to start anywhere!
I don't have a baby but a good friend of mine just had a little boy last week and what a great help this would be to her! I'm sure she would love the thirsties wipes and diapers. She is a pre-school teacher who is on leave to spend time with her new special boy but this is her first baby and any thing to help would be great!
Great timing as I just returned from the store with our first set of cloth diapers! I'd love to try the Magic Stick - All Natural Diaper Ointment and the Cotton Baby Sling in Paprika.
We have several medium Fuzzi Bunz, but those polka dot ones sure look cute... This giveaway is perfect timing - we'll be starting daycare soon and I need a wetbag for them!
I would love to give cloth diapers a try. I've wanted to try them but just haven't bought any. I also really like the wet bags. Those are a great idea. This is a great giveaway, thanks!
I'm also a facebook fan.
I want to try the newborn starter kit. I didn't do cloth with my first but now I am expecting again and thinking it might be a good idea.
I am a facebook fan!!!!
I'd love to try Bottombumpers side snappers all in ones.
i would probably want a sling! i do hope to cloth diaper when i have my baby, but dont know where to start!
I think that the newborn diaper starter set would be fantastic as we are pregnant with our first and are thrilled to try cloth diapering. I also really like the planet wise wet bag in art deco! ANd lastly I really want a Cotton Baby Sling in Sage! I am definitly coming back to this site!
Sandy's Newborn Starter Package. I'm due in July (my first) and I want to cloth diaper... just trying to figure it all out.
I would love to try the FuzziBunz® One Size Diaper.
I'm a Facebook fan.
I would try the diaper pail inserts...I always have difficulty washing out the diaper pail and have wished there was an easier way. Apparently there is!
prefolds, prefolds, prefolds! They have the absolute best quality on these!
Hope I win!
I would love to try the fuzzibunz one size!
I love the Cotton Baby Sling in Cocoa Butter!
We already use cloth diapers but we haven't tried the Fuzzi Bunz one-size diapers. I would try those.
I'm a facebook fan :)
Mother-Ease AIO Bamboo diapers
I'm a facebook fan!
I would love to try the Fuzzybunz diaper in aqua for my baby boy! Thanks for introducing me to all their site! I never knew it existed. I've tried the gDiaper, but these are a thousand times more cute and soft!
Great Giveaway. ;)
I am a facebook fan too!
The magic stick diaper ointment looks great! Looks like something that would be used by more than just the baby in the house!
I am a facebook fan!
I would definitely want the part time newborn diaper package! We're having our second, and I'd love to try cloth diapering this time around. :)
I also just became a fan on fb too!
I love the FuzziBunz diapers, and would love to try their one size diapers!
I just became a facebook fan. What a great blog!!
I would love to try the mother-ease.
I am a facebook fan
I would LOVE to try a knickernappies one size with the loopy do insert. I've heard great things about those inserts just being perfect for overnight...and a one size side snapping diaper...I think I might NEED that :) Pick me! Pick me! Going to go be a fan now too.
and now I'm a fan :)
I would love to try the knickernappies one size pocket diaper
I am new to cloth Diapers. I have a 3 yr old that is trained, a 17mo. old still in diapers and a baby on the way. I have been using disposables until just recently because of a bad experience. I have purchased 6 cloth diapers that I have been rotating and washing all day long because I refuse to use disposables. I will purchase more when more money becomes available. I could really use another cloth diaper!!!
i could really use the wet bag. i love the guitar print by the wahm.
i'm a fan on facebook! which i love by the way!
Just became a Facebook Fan!
I am new to cloth diapers. We have 6 cloth diapers that I wash and rotate all day long because I refuse to use disposables ever again!! Could use another cloth diaper!!!!
I didn't know Thirsties made adjustable rise covers - I'd love to try those!
I've been wanting to try the Fuzzi Bunz one size! It's such a genius design!
I'm a fan on Facebook!
I am looking into cloth diapers... My neighbor has some and loves them until night time when her kids leak through.... Any ideas on how to have that not happen? I love the All-in-one idea, would be soo easy and after "earning" the first few diapers would be cheaper...
mccracken03 at gmail dot com
The wetbags are fabulous. So are the sling carries. Great stuff!
I just became a fan on facebook.
I'd love to try the Thirsties Fab Wipes. They look wonderful.
I am a facebook fan!
I am dieing to try Thirsties Fab Fitteds! I hear they are great. Thank you
I am a facebook fan!
I'm a thirsties diaper fan! So glad to find you.
mama3davis at gmail dot com
I use Mother Ease Diapers and just love the Wonder Wraps. I love the colors of Wonder Wraps, but am also intrigued by the Gro Baby covers. I'll keep these in mind for the next one.
I have been wanting to try the Knickernappies 2G for awhile. I've read that they made a lot of improvements to the size of the pockets!
I love the baby slings, what a convenient way to keep your baby close!
I am a fan on Facebook! Thanks for offering the giveaway!
I would love to try the knickernappies stay dry nursing pads. I only used disposable with my last child and would love to try cloth this time around!
shindylahoe at hotmail dot com
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shindylahoe at hotmail dot com
I'd love to grab some fuzzi bunz in Large!
I would love to try the Gro Baby stuff! It looks very versatile.
I am now a fan on Facebook :)
I'd really like to try the thirstie fab wipes. they sem so great!
I like the planet wise med bag in the art deco color!! How cool is that!!
I am now a follower on facebook too:) I would love the planet wise web bag in med in art deco:)
I would love to try a fuzi bunz diaper. WE use bum genius but these look great!
I am a fan on facebook
we cloth diaper, and i have always wanted to try the dream-eze AIO; heard great things about thos diapers.
I think they are all darling. And wish I had started last year with my one year old. Maybe I'll get on the ball with our *surprise* due in June. I think I would try the Gro Baby Intro Package or the shell ones. So cute!
I would love to try their DreamEze AIO (in Mandarin) because I am SO fed up with overnight leaks that I'm getting with other diapers!
I would love to try a GroBaby shell, or the nursing pads!
Became a FB fan.
I would be interested to try the Thirsties Duo Wrap.
I am a facebook fan
Our daughter and son-in-law are trying, wanting a family so bad, so winning would be a boost for them! The cotton baby sling or the diapers(bamboo) would be fun for them to try!
I would love to try out the nursing pads or the infant starter kit because we just found out we are having our 3rd and need all the innovation we can get! ;)
I would love to try the Sandy's Newborn Starter Package. My daughter just had her baby. I would love for him to use cloth diapers. Thanks
i have always wanted to give cloth diapers a try they are so much better on the enviroment.
I totally want the Gro Baby Shell Set or the Bottombumpers. Oooh, and the bamboo inserts.
I'm a fan on facebook.
I have been a big GDiaper fan so the Gro Baby's are right up my alley, but also like the fuzzi buns.
I love the all in ones....I really need to win these...I am nanny to a lil one who's mom has her in those old school cloth diapers, I cringe every time I have to get near her skin with those pins!!!! SAVE ME... and her!!!!!
I'm a fan!!
I really want to try the Thirsty duo wraps. We are just about to try cloth diapering for our little one born last week. Just waiting for him to grow a little so he can actually fit into the newborn size of wraps we have.
I'm a facebook fan too!
I am still trying to talk my husband into cloth diapering. I would love to try Sandy's Newborn Part-Time Package with our little boy due in 8 weeks.
I just became a facebook fan too
I'm thinking about cloth diapers & would love to try the funzi bunz.
I would love to try the Thirsties Fab Fitteds with our second. And am in desperate need of another Planet Wise pail liner. They are sooo awesome.
I would love to try the GroBaby shell set in Kiwi or Vanilla. The idea of a cute little green bum running around my house makes me happy. And, although I am not breastfeeding right now, the stay dry nursing pads sound like something I would like to try the next time around!
I would love to try the Boorol bamboo wipes! Or one of those gorgeous slings!
I'm a facebook fan (Terra L. Jones)
I would love to try any of the diapers- the FuzziBunz one look really cute
I like the thirsties fab wipes...they look great! Thanks for a fun giveaway!
I'm a facebook fan!
You know, I need the DryBees Hybrid, but I would really love to own that Paprika sling. So cute!
Entry 2: Just became a FB fan
facebook fan! and new to this blog, love it!
I have been cloth diapering for a while but still haven't tried Gro Bbay Diapers. I would love to try them. Thanks for the give away!
I would like to try the Mother-Ease AIO bamboo diapers. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
I actually really want to try one of the planetwise wet bags
I'm a fan on facebook.
I'd love to try the FuzziBunz® One Size Diaper. I use bum genius pocket diapers and love them but I've wondered how the fuzzibunz compare. :)
What a great giveaway!! I'm on my second cloth diapered baby & never splurged on a pail liner or wet bag-- I know- gross. I'd love to try one!!
I really want to try Fuzzibunz! I'm currently expecting a soon to be cloth diaper baby and heard great things about this brand!!!
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