Tuesday, November 17, 2009

eco-thrift gift guide

I know we haven't made it to Thanksgiving yet, but we LOVE Christmas, especially the whole gift giving part. For those of you that are making your gifts this year, a little head start would not hurt. If you are looking for some great DIY gifts for your list, you need to check out flip & tumble. They are designers of these adorable ecobags. Of course this is our favorite design. How can you resist those little birdies?

They sell their gorgeous designs here. Don't you just love them?

Even though we love their adorable designs, that is not why we are really featuring them today. The true reason for this post is they put together a fantastic DIY eco friendly gift guide. We were quite impressed by this collection of gift ideas and thrilled that each gift is not hard on your pocket book or the environment. If you are looking for a unique gift for someone, why not check out their collection of top DIY Eco Friendly gifts. Here are a few of our favorites:

I love this Natural Cleaning Kit. This is so practical and useful. As the main housecleaners in our homes, it would come in so handy for all three of us birdies. We love that. flip & tumble has a PDF with all the natural housecleaning recipes so you can whip one of these up in no time.

Look at beautiful bottles. I love the designs.

Look at these lush herbs! Our gardens are all closed up for the winter *sigh*. With this cute idea we don't have to wait until next year to enjoy fresh herbs.

Check out their post on more gift giving ideas. Also, if you have any ingenious DIY ecofriendly gift ideas, let them know. If they agree with you, they will send you a set of ecobags to use and give away this holiday season. Now, we know that you can do this because we've seen how talented some of you are. You probably already have some projects done that would be sure to wow them.

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4 Responses to “eco-thrift gift guide”

Katie Lewis said...

These are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing! I will definitely be making some little herbal tea sets since we have so much and we never use it! :)

Jill said...

Thanks for sharing! I love the hearb garden and know someone who would appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

awesome post. we're trying to go eco-friendly and handmade this year.

Janean said...

wonderful ideas!!! i really like the whole idea.

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