Welcome back for another day of Flower Week! Today's flowers are made from layers of organza, tulle, and satin and a few pearly beads. These are perfect for a hair clip or a pretty pin for your jacket or purse. Very classy.
Organza Flower Tutorial

*Your desired fabric(s)--we used a combination of organza, tulle, and satin
*Beads or buttons for the center
*Invisible (clear) thread and a needle
*Candle and matches
1. Cut your fabric into flower shapes or circles. They do not need to be exact or symmetrical at all. Our flowers were about 4 inches across. You'll need 3-4 flowers total for one completed flower.

3. Layer your melted pieces. We used 3-4 layers, but play around with your pieces until you like the way it looks. Using the clear thread and needle, sew a few beads or buttons in the center of your flower, going through all layers of fabric, and finish it with a small knot in the back.

4. Attach to an alligator clip or pin of your choice to the back. You could sew this on or use a strong glue.

Voila! These would be so pretty in a bride's or bridesmaid's hair, but I also love them with jeans. There are tons of colors to choose from, and we were able to find several with matching colors in all three fabrics. We found all our fabrics at JoAnn. Happy melting!
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51 Responses to “how to make pretty organza flowers”
Thanks for sharing! I'll be trying this project out today!! I love the quick and easy ones!!
Happy Day,
thanks for the tutorial--these flowers are so "hot" this year--we have them on everything from headbands to pillows--thanks for another version to make!
I've been making these! I made a black one to go on a black hat I have and it turned out BEAUTIFUL!
It really is almost fool proof, people should really try it!
oooo thank you for sharing! I love the look of these flowers and so easy to make!Is regular hot glue strong enough or is there a glue you would suggest using that is best? would love to hear from you! thanks!
adorable! Now if only I had some cute little girls to doll up. I don't think my boys would be too excited about these!
Those are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!!
When I first saw these, I thought Why would I make one? (not being the floral type myself and having only boys), but then I saw the picture of the flower tucked into her hair and I thought "OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO CUTE I WANT ONE OF THOSE!"
Thanks for another great project!
Love this! I wish I would have thought about making one about a month ago...I was looking all over to find the "perfect" one to wear in my hair for my sister's wedding.
Can't wait to try it!
You're a genius- these are fabulous! I love how they curl in a little...I wish I had some fancy fabrics in my stash! :) I have hundreds of yards of poly-satin ribbon...I may have to cut into that today, to see if it works :)
These are brilliant!
I am LOVING Flower Week!!!
I've been clipping these to the sashes of my little girls' dresses and wearing them as brooches on my blouses. I'll be wearing them in my hair soon.
I wondered how those were made! Thanks - gotta give them a try! Wouldn't they make lovely xmas gift toppers?!
Cute!! I was wondering how to make those. :D
so adorable! wish i would have known this when i was a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding! also now wishing i hadn't cut my hair into a cute bob 'cuz i can't wear much in my hair!! ;) anyway, great project!! and so easy!
I have a couple of questions. Did you use all 3 types of fabric on each flower? And, did you "singe" the tulle fabric also? Thanks so much!
Yes, we singed all the fabric. Beware the tulle melts pretty fast so you don't need to hold it over the flame as long.
I have a bunch of these and I did just hot glue them onto clips with a piece of felt underneath to hide the glue. They stick just fine. If you want something stronger you can always use E6000--my all time favorite craft glue.
I have been wanted a tutorial on this!!! yeah. I will try this soon!
great gift for the nices for christmas I better get started today!
Thank you so much for this article!! It is literally the reason I am still going to a ball tomorrow night. It's amazing how much of a terrible alteration can be covered with a fabric flower... I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found this. Mental not to self - altering a ball gown should NEVER involve a hot glue gun (yes, I am being serious). I think I need to stick to sewing cushion covers for a while :-)
This is amazing! your blog is exactly what i need in my life! LOVE IT!
Thank you so very much for this tutorial. I have been wanting to know how to make these beautiful flowers. xo
Those are Very Beautiful.What a great photo instruction for making pretty organza flowers. I was always afraid of making them. I should give it a try now. Thank you!
Term papers
I just stubbled upon this site and it is everything I wanted to make but just didn't know how!! Thanks so much for getting it on the web!
Hi, i'm from malaysia. I like your blog so much! thanks for this tutorial. Since i got lot of organza but dont know wat can i use it. this is awesome tutorials for me. Since my wedding is coming soon, hope to make some flower for it. ;-) Hope i manage to do it. ;-)
I've followed your blog.^_^
These are great! I was looking at buying a necklace with these types of flowers, but I think it will be so much more fun to make my own! Thanks for such a clear explanation:)
Ooooooooo I am so happy, thank you so much for teaching me to make these beautiful organza flowers. I go to the markets and this will be wonderful. Big hugs, joey in Auistralia
Thanks for the information on how to make these wonderful accessories with some many uses. Love them! And what a great blog you have.
I found a tutorial for this type of fabric flower last year and made 70 of them that I assembled to make 2 pomanders for my junior bridesmaids at my wedding. I also made 7 small black flowers that each of my bridesmaids wore. I put a pretty silver and pearl button at the center of each one. They looked GORGEOUS! This type of flower is SO easy and quick to make. I LOVE them. They're prettier to me than other, more difficult fabric flowers, as well.
Remember that only polyester melts in a flame - silk will just burn so be careful!
Great tutorial! Love your flowers. I am linking back to you!
Fantastic! I have been looking for beautiful flowers like this. Your site is wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
Those are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!you have great done,Send gifts to Pakistan
very pretty... I just see your blog, I am searching organza flowers on google and found you and I am so happy now... I am going to make it now for my new post... I am your newest follower too
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Love Farah
These are truly beautiful flowers. And by the way, anything that makes the world a more beautiful place will always have a place of its own. Thanks for this blog!
These are truly beautiful flowers. And by the way, anything that makes the world a more beautiful place will always have a place of its own. Thanks for this blog!
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This is some thing good for knowing about and to ask for also that how to make pretty organza flowers, because this is some thing which looks good in making it and it is a thing which can be made by own for good.
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Love, love, love these! Thanks so much for sharing the how-to!
Thank you so much for this tutorial..... have been trying to find the recipe for these lovely flowers.
Thank you for this tutorial...
I lovely flowers.
I've been enjoying making these also. Did you know that Stampin' Up! sells a Big Shot die that will cut these flowers in several sizes at once? You can cut up to eight layers of thin fabric in one pass. I've been having a ton of fun with mine.
thank you for sharing!!!
will try them soon i hope!!!
hi! i'm from malaysia :) i love your craft so much! keep it up :DDD
I featured your tutorial on my blog. I love your flowers. They are gorgeous! Here is my post: http://crazydazedesigns.blogspot.com/2011/12/flower-power.html
Thank you so much for sharing this!
Thank you so much! I've been looking for this kind of tutorial, and this seems to be perfect! I will make 3 of these and put them on my wedding dress. :)
Greetings from Finland!
Thank you so much! I made a floral collar for my corgi to wear to a party and it looked great. I like how you can cut the fabric out messy, and then melting the edges cleans everything up and gives it such a nice shape.
hey great projects here! so easy to make! it's so perfect for my projects!!
i wish its easy for us to make these flowers..really i love to have like this one but i am not good at creative side so i can't make these flowers
I cant wait to try making these. I make dance costumes so these will be perfect for decorating tutus and dresses and fantastic for headpices. Thanks for sharing your great idea. Sue. :-)
thank you so much for sharing!! i could'nt find such wonderful tutorials in german blogspots. julia
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