Tuesday, August 25, 2009

scratch-off tickets

You know those silver scratch-off tickets that you rub with the side of a penny to reveal your prize? I've always loved those things. I knew my kids would, too. I wanted to come up with a fun way to reward them for things, and I knew this would be just the ticket. I made some tickets to give out to them whenever they go the extra mile at home or as payment for doing chores. I followed this tutorial on how to make a scratch ticket.

You could put anything under the silver stuff. A prize, a dollar amount, or a fun activity, like going to a movie or staying up 1/2 hour later. We think the rewards will go a lot farther with a fun presentation like this. Check out the tutorial from Art Mind!

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14 Responses to “scratch-off tickets”

Lisita said...

I would have never known I could make my own 'scratch tickets'. Thanks for sharing!

Jennie said...

I love it! Can't wait to make some! But where did you find the 'sticky back plastic'?

Tammy @ tinselshop.com said...

Great idea, thanks for sharing! I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago as I googled how to make a two-sided ruffle (the skirt you made for your daughter is adorable!). You have a wonderful and inspiring blog!

Best wishes,

Little Birdie Secrets said...

I just used clear contact paper.

Brandy said...

Oh yay! You finally used the tutorial!!

Beth- the mama bee said...

Yep, those have been sitting in my to-do pile since I saw the tutorial too. I like how yours turned out.

Anonymous said...

brilliant!! my kids will love those!!! Thanks for sharing :)

Leslie said...

What a great idea....I think even my teens would get into this! Thank you for posting it!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Thank you for sharing.

Beverly said...

I might try to work this into my son's birthday party this year!

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Hey there, I hope your kids are loving it! I used to love 'em too as a kid! :)
Thanks for linking back to my tutorial! Enjoy scratching! :)

SkiptomyLou said...

This technique also makes awesome SCRATCH OFF Valentines, you can see them here:

Ashlee said...

This would be an AWESOME thing for a classroom too! I used to teach elementary school (before the budget cuts, ha!) and would have loved this for my classroom!

Unknown said...

Great idea, thanks for sharing! I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago as I googled how to make a two-sided ruffle (the skirt you made for your daughter is adorable!). You have a wonderful and inspiring blog.Thank you for sharing.

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