Friday, August 28, 2009

grilled salmon

In case you haven't noticed, the three birdies love fresh seafood. What do you expect? We live in the Pacific Northwest! This week the fall salmon run is in full swing, so my husband went out to catch us some dinner. He fished the river for some pink salmon, which only come every other year. He got one, and it became my job to figure out how we wanted to cook it up.

We had two large fillets, so I decided to put a different spin on each one. For the first fillet I used Tom Douglas' Salmon Rub. You might have heard us mention this famous chef in our crab cakes post. This rub is amazing and after coating the fillet with it, we grilled it up on a cedar plank until flaky. Perfection!

For the second fillet, I used a recipe that we got from a wonderful friend of ours, Debbie Kimball. The recipe is so simple and the salmon tasted amazing with this finger-lickin' sauce.

Grilled Salmon with Secret Sauce
1/2 cup butter
3 T. soy sauce
1 tsp. fresh minced garlic
1 1/2 tsp. dijon mustard
1/4 cup ketchup

Melt butter over low heat. Add remaining ingredients and heat through. Cover cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Place salmon fillets skin-side down. Brush generously with sauce. Close grill. Grill hot with smoke chips for 12-18 minutes or until fish begins to flake.

Note: This makes enough for about 1 1/2 pounds of salmon. If you like it a little sweeter you can add a little brown sugar.

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9 Responses to “grilled salmon”

Natalie said...

OMG! I am drooling. Your fish dishes look so good.

Now returning to my peanut butter toast for breakfast but dreaming of fresh caught salmon.

Lyssa Beth said...

Thanks for the flower week! I followed one of your tutorials and made one. I posted it on my craft blog:

Anonymous said...

OMG that looks SO good and Im a vegetarian!!! LOL I may have to eat salmon now ;)

Neuffj said...

I am sooooooooooo writing that down. we LOVE fish!

Beverly said...

They both looked delicious! I have made something similar to the one that you used on the second fillet. Now I want salmon.

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

This whole family loves salmon. Ever since my youngest was a little boy he has asked for salmon for his birthday dinner (with mac and cheese-haha)! Your recipes look amazing and I can't wait to try them!

QuiltNut Creations said...

we are just north of you and impatiently waiting for the pinks to show up here for dinner lol

enjoy! it looked delicious

Unknown said...

Yummers! Will be trying this out!
♥ Jen

Aunt Nancy said...

Oh, my! Those both look so dang good!!!!

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