Wednesday, December 10, 2008

peppermint marshmallow recipe

I'm not a huge marshmallow fan, but I find it hard not to stuff my face with this homemade peppermint variety. Seriously, so yummy. And really, not hard to make! You don't even need a candy thermometer (any recipe that requires a candy thermometer does not get made in my house). As promised, here's our favorite peppermint marshmallow recipe, a perfect companion to the hot chocolate mix for your friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

Peppermint Marshmallow Recipe

1/2 c. powdered sugar
1/3 c. cornstarch
2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1 1/3 c. sugar
2/3 c. light corn syrup
1/2 c. crushed peppermint candy canes (about 6)
1/8 tsp. salt

*Tip: to crush your candy canes, break them up in large pieces, then seal them in a Zip Loc bag. Put your bag on a sturdy cutting board and use a hammer to smash them into a powder. The finer the powder, the better.

1. Into a small bowl, sift together powdered sugar and cornstarch. Line a 9x13" pan with foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray.

2. Sift 2 Tbsp. of the powdered sugar mixture into pan and tilt to coat all sides. Leave excess in pan.

3. Place 2/3 c. water in a large bowl and sprinkle with gelatin. Let soften 5 minutes.

4. In medium, heavy-bottom saucepan, heat sugar, corn syrup, candy cane, and salt over medium heat until completely dissolved (about 7 minutes).

5. Pour into bowl with gelatin mixture and beat on high speed with electric mixer until light and fluffy (10-15 minutes).

6. Spread evenly into prepared pan. Smooth top and dush with powdered sugar mixture. Let sit at room temperature for 2 hours.

7. Lift from pan with foil. With a small, wet cookie cutter, cut shapes and dip sides in sugar mixture. Cut up remaining marshmallows into small, irregular pieces (these are the ones I let my kids and husband eat!). Or, using a wet knife, cut into 6 large squares and dip sides into powdered sugar mixture. Then cut each of those squares into 9 pieces and dip in sugar mixture.

8. Store at room temp, loosely covered.

Put three in a cello bag, tie with a ribbon, and gift them along with a jar of hot chocolate mix. These are perfect with regular, dark chocolate, or chocolate mint hot cocoa. I love the way my star cookie cutter makes them just the right size to fill up my mug! But I find it hard to make them last long enough for more than one cup of cocoa. I can't stop eating them straight out of the bowl!
P.S. Thanks to my dearest Checketts for this recipe--you changed my life when you gave me a bowl of these so many years ago! Miss you!

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50 Responses to “peppermint marshmallow recipe”

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

I have seriously been thinking of making peppermint marshmallows but I've been too lazy to research a recipe. :) I've made regular marshmallows before using Martha Stewart's recipe (it's nice but not so good for roasting over an open fire).

I love that you cut out shapes! Fun idea!

michelle said...

love this idea, thanks for sharing!

Trying Traditional said...

Oh Yum! I'm going to link this over at my place. I love a bit of peppermint taste in hot chocolate and I'm betting this would be just the little bit to do it.

My daughters will really enjoy this as we just happened to watch an episdoe of Iron Chef a night or two ago where they made marshmallows and they thought that was amazing.

Katherine said...

Thank you for this luscious recipe! I am on the way to the market this morning to gather the supplies! I think the kids will love to help cut these out when they get home from school this afternoon. Since we had a major cold front last night and are hovering around freezing I know they will want hot cocoa as soon as they come inside! Perfect!! Thank you!

Unknown said...

How long do these marshmallows keep?

Jenna Cox said...

yum! this might have to be on my list of holiday makes!

Casey said...

oooh yum!

Mommy of M's said...

This looks great, might have to try.

Just a tip I make peppermint bark using candy canes, I put them into an electric chopper. It works great, in half the time!!

annies home said...

I love this idea and now you have me thinking about other seasons and holidays as well

Carrie said...


Those look amazing! I must make them!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Wow what a great idea I will have to try them.. said...

Yum, yum, YUM! I'll be linking.

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

I've always wanted to try to make marshmallows from scratch, but I've been terrified of a repeat of the Pate A Choux incident of 03.

This looks very user friendly!

ButterflyChica said...

I so want to make these. Thanks for the recipe!

Liz said...

Yum Yum!

Brenda said...

These look delicious - I love marshmallows and peppermint as well, so it is sure to be a hit - for ME! Oh, how much gelatin would be in an envelope? I'm in Australia so a measurement would be great. Thanks a lot.

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

I am so trying this recipe!! I can't wait. What if you dipped them in chocolate fondue?? Yummy!

Mimi and Reese said...

Please! That is too cute!

Anonymous said...

I am also wondering how long they keep? As in, how long before Christmas could I make them up?


SuZ said...

Oh, what a great Christmas treat!!

AndreaLeigh said...

I can't wait to try these! Thanks for sharing.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Thanks for sharing ... I've always wanted to try making marshmallows but hate the candy thermometer part. Can't wait to try these!

Angel said...

Wow. These look great. I hope they're as easy to make as you make it seem. I'm a bit of a clutz in the kitchen but I'm really excited to try this out. Thank you.

Blockbuster Parking Here said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you... a bazillion times thank you.


Destiny said...

Could you use peppermint extract instead of the candy canes?

Whitney said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I love this blog! What a fun idea!! And I'm so glad that you posted the marshmallow recipe, I've been wanting to find a good homemade marshamllow recipe!

Erin said...

Oh my goodness, this recipe is so yummy! I made it today, and just got done drinking my hot chocolate with the marshmallowy goodness in it! Thanks for sharing! Delicious.

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Here are a few answers to questions from all of you:

*These last probably up to a week, but I have noticed that the sugar/constarch dusting gets a little crunchy after a couple of days. So that's a little weird if you're just eating them, but they'd still be perfect in hot chocolate!

*I have not tried using Peppermint extract, but it would probably work (and be a lot easier!). I can't really comment on the amount you'd need, though. Sorry!

*The gelatine envelopes are each .25 oz.

*Dipping them in chocolate fondue? Um, yes please.

Anonymous said...

Just finished a batch of these. Fabulous!!!!Will certainly be making more. I am also thinking of coating some in dark chocolate.

Elise said...

I am with you on the candy thermometer bit!!! This looks sooo yummy! I love your site by the way, I visit every day. :) Thanks so much for all of your amazing ideas.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll try these this year. Seems simple enough here!

Thanks & Merry Christmas

LBBlum said...

That looks sooooooo yummy!

Anonymous said...

mmm... these look delicious!! i just printed off the recipe and am going to try them out this weekend. thanks for sharing :)

I've stolen a garden said...

I made these today. They were delicious.

Alena Jo said...

I just made these last night and they turned out great! (I was skeptical at first.) They seriously are so good! I was sooo excited! I want to make more! Also, I found it WAY easier to cut the "left-over" marshmallow stuff with kitchen shears dipped in a cup of water. It went way faster than handling it with a knife. And it certainly helps to have a husband who crushes the candy canes for me and coats the mallows in sugar while I cut!

I think this will be a new family Christmas tradition!! Thanks gals!

Jaime said...

Thank you so much for the recipe! I made some and they turned out perfectly!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

My friend, Carrie, sent me over here and I love your recipe! What a cute idea.

I really like the way you packaged them as gifts as well. :)

LaRonda Schrock said...

loved that episode... thanks for sharing the recipe. :) i'm gonna make it today!

Anonymous said...

Found you through Oikology (Carrie's blog) - I think my boys will bow at your feet (but I know all your fans say that)!

Jennifer said...

What a yummy idea. Have you tried any other flavourings?

Anonymous said...

Do you think these would be able to be used in a receipe for fondant? I have an idea for a cake at Christmas, and am looking for different flavored marshmallows to make the marshmallow fondant from. Thanks for any ideas!


Unknown said...

Ohhh how unique! I haven't seen a recipe like this before. Can't wait to try it this holiday season!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

I made these again this year and posted this recipe on my blog, thanks for the recipe. I give this gift to my neighbors.

Tiffany @ Eat at Home said...

I made these yesterday and posted them on my blog with a link to you. Thanks for the recipe. They were easy, fun and yummy!

Its So Very Cheri said...

I saw your recipe on someone's blog and had to come over and get it.


Tracy said...

Delicious AND easy! My kind of recipe! I put it on my blog with a link to your blog for the recipe!


Anonymous said...

This looks easy and scrumptious! Thanks for sharing!

Alison @ said...

Yum! Yes please!

ashley said...

I stumbled upon your blog and tried out this recipe, they are so super yummy. However, I ended up with some chunks of gelatin in them and wondered if anyone had had the same problem? I think maybe I let the gelatin set for too long. Not sure, but they still taste great!

Unknown said...

these are so fantastic!shared this post on my blog-

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