Friday, December 5, 2008

hot chocolate mix in a jar--a really cute jar

This simple hot cocoa mix is another great neighbor/co-worker gift that you can put together super fast. It's also our weekly recipe, so don't forget to make some for yourself!

We used these mini "quilted" jars, mostly because they're just so little and cute, and because for one person, it provides several cups of cocoa. (One jar holds one cup of mix.) If you wanted to make some for a couple or family, try using a pint or quart jar. Just add more mix!

Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe

10 cups dry milk powder
4 3/4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
1 3/4 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
1 3/4 cups powdered non-dairy creamer

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Store in a jar or airtight container. Yields 15 cups (enough for 15 of the small jars pictured here). To make the cocoa, stir 3 heaping Tablespoons into 3/4 c. hot water or milk. I always advise topping it off with whipped cream as well, but that's just me (and my sweet tooth).

Cheater version: Buy the bulk size Swiss Miss hot cocoa mix at Costco or WalMart and add 3 teaspoons of flavored non-dairy creamer per serving to make a gourmet flavor (see below) . Try the Swiss Miss Dark Chocolate mix plus a few teaspoons of Ghiradelli Sweetened Cocoa for a dark chocolate flavor. Go ahead--cut corners. It'll be our little secret.
If you really want to make an impression, why not make gourmet hot chocolate flavors? Or add layers of sweet treats for a cool presentation. Here are a few more ideas for truly gourmet hot cocoa:

*Substitute the non-dairy creamer with a flavored non-dairy creamer, like hazelnut, amaretto, vanilla, or cinnamon for gourmet flavors.

*Peppermint cocoa can be made by crushing candy canes and mixing them with the cocoa mix in your food processor (this makes the pieces even smaller so they blend well with the cocoa). Add a layer of crushed candy canes in the middle or on top of your mix to show off the flavor in the jar!

*Add a few teaspoons of instant coffee crystals per serving for mocha cocoa.

*Layer fun dry toppings with the cocoa mix in your jar. Try mini chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, red and green jimmies (sprinkles), or crushed candy canes.

*Melt chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl in the microwave and dip the head of a plastic spoon in it. When it dries, wrap the chocolate-covered head in a plastic or cello bag and tie with a ribbon. Attach it to your jar of hot chocolate to be used with the first cup. The chocolate will melt when they stir, adding a little extra creaminess!

Now for the jar. All supplies are Stampin' Up! We traced the inside of the ring lid on the back of patterned paper, cut it out, and glued it to the top of the lid. Then we layered a strip of coordinating patterned paper on a piece of card stock and wrapped it around the jar, securing it with adhesive. We stamped tag stamp, layered it on card stock, and adhered it to the front. Then we tied a matching ribbon around the top and tied on a little tag with the instructions for mixing the cocoa (see above). Another classic idea is to put a square of Christmas fabric between the lid and the ring for an old-fashioned look.

To add a little to this little gift, check out this electric milk frother we found at IKEA for $2.00! Just pour a small amount of hot milk in a glass and blend until thick and frothy. Pour on top of your cocoa for a coffee house feel--that's a lot fewer calories than whipped cream!

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25 Responses to “hot chocolate mix in a jar--a really cute jar”

Natalia said...

Super cute! I love this idea.

a Knitting Junkie! said...

How wonderful! This is a definite "have to do" for me!!
Thanks so much for sharing this little birdie secret with us.
Hugs...Anita, a Knitting Junkie

Anonymous said...

Those jars and tags are absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Where did you get the jars? I want to make these for my co-workers!

Kathleen W. said...

I made a similar mix last year along with a homemade pancake mix and packaged it as a breakfast basket for family and friends. But those jars are much prettier than my striped bags! And I love the frother idea to go with it.

I added a dash of cayenne pepper to my cocoa (sounds weird, but it adds a bit of spice), and people really liked it.

Little Birdie Secrets said...

The jars are 4 oz. quilted jelly jars by Kerr. I found them at WalMart with all the canning stuff, so I'm sure most places that sell canning supplies would have them. :)


Anonymous said...

This is SO cute!!! I think I have everything in my pantry and craft cupboard to make these. I'm definitely going to make this. I think this would be oh-so-martha-stewart with some homemade marshmallows.. no? (definitely yummy!)

Little Birdie Secrets said...

You must have read our minds! A to-die-for homemade marshmallow recipe is coming soon--check back!

traci said...

I love hot chocolate and think this gift is so cute. The mixer is a score - got to head to IKEA. Where did you get those cute tag stamps?

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Good question about the stamped tags! I meant to inlcude the supplies in the post--thanks for the reminder.

All supplies to decorate the jars are from Stampin' Up! We love the new online ordering system--check it out here:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing this one, I'm standing by for the upcoming marshmallow post!!


Michelle said...

I, many years ago, made hot cocoa mixes in cute jars - and, also included chocolate dipped spoons, for my co-workers. I think your post has inspired me to do it again this year!

Beth said...

What a great idea! I love how the jars look!

Bahama Shores Mama said...

Thanks for the idea. I made a few for my bookclub the other day and it was great!

Juls said...

Awesome idea. I'm going to do this for teacher gifts. I'm sure they're going to love it (especially with the peppermint marshmallows - YUM!)

Melinda said...

I made this a few days ago and it has proved a huge hit! I ran out of time to make the cute jars...maybe next year. Thanks for the post.

Atticelf said...

I love you. Thank you. Fantastic EASY ideas!


Anne Esquibel said...

I posted this on my blog linked back to you :)

Candles For Compassion said...

Very cute idea! Thanks so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great ideas! The mixer looks like such a fun gift.

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

What a perfect holiday/Christmas gift!

Delighted Momma

Tanya said...

I just thought I would say that I discovered and bookmarked many of your recipes and ideas long before I knew what a blog was. Now I am pinning some of my bookmarks and remembering looking these things up. Thank you for all of the cute ideas. I am still a subscriber btw.

Miss Katie said...

I just made this and it tastes like cardboard. What kind of dried milk powder did you use cause the stuff i bought tastes horrible and i can't even get the chalky feeling out of my mouth. I bought jars and little canisters for this awesome cocoa and now im going to be putting store bought cocoa in them. :(

Little Birdie Secrets said...


Wow, I am sorry your cocoa tasted so bad! I don't know what brand of milk I used--probably just the Carnation brand. Did you use a nice cocoa? I'm not sure if maybe a richer cocoa would've helped or not. I am a huge hot chocolate fan and if it would've tasted bad at all I wouldn't have recommended the recipe. Sorry!


Unknown said...

It was very blah, not sure what I'm going to do with all of this coco mix.

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