Saturday, November 1, 2008

baby wear from old t-shirts

One of my favorite baby clothing items has to be the sleep sack. Not only do babies look adorable in them, but they make diaper changes so easy! We are loving the pattern for these newborn gowns made from mens t-shirts. Check out the free pattern download from This Mama Makes Stuff. Thanks for sharing with us!

Homemade by Jill has a simple tutorial for this sweet baby hat made from an adult t-shirt sleeve! You could easily make a gown and matching hat out of a large t-shirt. It's a great way to restyle and be kind to the earth. So hold on to that bag of clothing for Good Will--there just may be a few "vintage" t-shirts in there that would be perfect for your rock-n-roll baby. Thanks for sharing, Jill, and congrats on baby Oscar! He's adorable!

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6 Responses to “baby wear from old t-shirts”

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Oh those looks fun!! I am going to have to give those a shot!!

Alena Jo said...

This is so clever! I absolutely love this idea! I really wish I was having more kids now!

Simple Daisy said...

Those are so stinkin' cute!! If I ever have a little one i'll have to whip a few up!!!

Dee said...

what a fantastic idea!

April JoAnne said...

how do you determine what posts are "favorite tutorials" because I'm pretty sure this is one of mine!

Anonymous said...

hey this is really cool idea. I'll definitely try this. :)

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