Monday, January 5, 2009

misfortune cookies

Okay, so maybe “misfortune” is an exaggeration, but these cookies are for sure not your typical peace, love, and harmony fortune cookie. Growing up half-Asian was great. The food is probably one of the best parts. I mean, in what other family do you get turkey AND fried rice for Thanksgiving (true story)? So thanks to my mom for introducing me to kai lan and bok choy on the Asian side, and thanks to Pops for introducing me to spuds and fortune cookies. *Gasp!* I know you are all wondering, but the truth is, these little sweets are a modern American creation. And since I am a true-blue American, it is my cookie.
Ever since having custom made cookies at my wedding reception, I’ve always wanted to make some more “not so traditional” cookies. With the help of Tsue Chong Egg and Noodle Co. in Seattle, I was able to make some professional cookies with a little punch. I wrote up my list of "fortunes" and gave it to them with my cookie order. Here are a few sample sayings:

Help! I’m being held hostage in a Chinese Bakery!

Soon fortune cookies will be all you can afford.

I cannot help you for I am only a cookie.

You’ve turned into your mother.

Looks can be deceiving, but you are not fooling anyone.

Eat your vegetables.

Only a fool would look to a cookie for wisdom.
Well, you get the picture. Think of the possibilities. I may have some chore fortunes made up for my kids. They will beg to do their chores if it comes from a cookie, right? You all are crafty/creative folks, so I know you are thinking right now of how you can personalize your own cookies. Give Tsue Chong a call--they run from $5.50-$12 per lb. (about 65 cookies), and for a little extra you can get exotic flavors like ginger, banana, mocha, and mint. Or, why not make your own at home? Here's a recipe for a do-it-yourself version. For those of you that want a non-edible cookie, you can find tutorials here and here for fabric and paper fortune cookies.

Check out these beautiful fabric fortune cookies by Megan at Brassy Apple.

And the tutorial for this easy paper version by Kimberly at For the Love of Paper is wonderful!

These would both make fabulous favors for a Chinese New Year celebration! (It's January 26 this year, in case you were wondering.) We'll be posting more ideas to help you celebrate Chinese New Year 2009 throughout the month. Enjoy!

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16 Responses to “misfortune cookies”

Anonymous said...

I was laughing so hard at your fortunes! I really liked the "you are turning into your mother" and "only a fool would look to a fortune cookie" ones!! Too cute!

I am so with you on ordering some with chores inside for my girls! My oldest will hide all of our fortune cookies when we get them so she can eat them all! lol

Kayleen said...

Those fortunes were hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh.

Stephanie said...

Those are SO cute! They would make really cute party favors!!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

Too funny!

thanks for posting about my tutorial!

Anonymous said...

You have like the best timing! Not even a week ago I was saying I wanted to make some fortune cookies and was wondering where the tutorials were. I was at a computer so I didn't look. Thanks for all the leg work!

Love your fortunes too!

The Morgan Family said...

I LOVE them! I must be a fool because I do look to a fortune cookie and take it seriously!

Anonymous said...

Your fortunes are hilarious -- what a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I've never tried this before, but a friend of mine said you can microwave fortune cookies to soften them, and then you can pull out the paper inside and put in your own. That way you could personalize your own cookies without the cost.

Michelle said...

I love your fortunes! So cute!!!
I am currently making a felt Chinese food set, so I will definately be including the forture cookie inside!!!

lifebythehandful said...

What a great idea, I always hate the typical random fortunes. BTW, I love your site!

namaste said...

what a great idea!

Lo said...

That is TOO funny! I will be back, I love your crafts! Thanks for my Saucy visit. Stop by anytime

WonderKitty said...

I friend of mine made me a box of the paper cookies for my birthday with quotes from the show Gilmore Girls! It was so cute, and I was so grateful.

Anonymous said...

I just love the fortune cookies! I'm so going to do something fun with that idea! I'm inspired to create!

mamabeck said...

I had to laugh, reading your "fortunes".
Our wedding dinner (after a very small wedding at the courthouse) was at a Chinese Restaurant. My new hubby's fortune? "You love Chinese Food." Bwahahaaaaa!!!!

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

we made some fortune cookie Valentines out of fun foam this year you should stop by and check them out

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