Monday, January 12, 2009

sugarhouse ink giveaway

We are so excited to announce our classy new sponsor and a fabulous giveaway! We love Sugarhouse Ink's professional yet totally hip photo announcements and greetings for new babies, weddings, holidays, invitations, and anything else you can dream of (they have custom card options!). Their designs are fresh and their prices are very reasonable. And if you visit their site and pick your favorite, then leave us a comment, you'll be entered to win one of THREE $25 gift certificates!

Check out some of their totally cute Valentine cards!

And we love the hip look of their wedding invitations and save-the-date cards.

These baby announcements are almost as cute as the real thing!

So if you love these designs like we do and think you might have even the remotest reason to send a photo greeting card in the near future (these would be the easiest Valentine's cards you ever sent!), enter our giveaway for a $25 gift certificate! Just visit Sugarhouse Ink's Web site, then come back and leave us a comment with your favorite design. We'll draw three winners on Saturday, so be sure to have your comment in by 11:59pm PST on Friday, January 16. Good luck!

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108 Responses to “sugarhouse ink giveaway”

Runaway Farm said...

I love the valentine card that says "all you need is love". My 4 little ones would look so cute on it (that is if I could get a decent photo of them). All the designs are super cute!

stacey said...

What cute designs! It would be so fun to send out a Valentine's card since we didn't get a Christmas one sent out...

Southern Gal said...

I love the simple black graduation card since my son will be graduating from high school this spring.

I really love them all!

sara said...

I love the idea of sending that New Year's card! That kills the pressure of getting cards in the mail by the 23rd! All designs are very cute!

Anne said...

I like the valentines cards but I would most likey use them for baby announcements

The Yosts said...

I'm having my 3rd girl any day now and all the baby girl announcements are so cute! I have several that I would pick, but I'd probably pick Olivia Payne's.

Cara said...

I love the little brown and blue valentine's card, having had a boy this past year, it seems that everything in my house is blue!

connorandmaddiesmom said...

TOO cute and very adorable, I love them all!!! I have 2 favs, the preschool graduation one is adorable and the new year one that says "we hope your year is full of wonder and cheer".

Di~ said...

hmmm so much cute stuff there and on YOUR blog! I like the Paige is turning 10. I think a birthday announcement like that is great! it does a lot for the young person who is being celebrated. Thanks!

Mrs. M said...

I like the wedding announcements! We are going away to get married and have to send out announcements afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I love the preschool graduation one! What a great idea! I missed it with my son but I will definatly have to do it for my daughter! Yea!

theparakeet said...

My favorite is the Valentine that's brown and blue - so cute to send to the little one's baby sitters and relatives. What a great website!

Stephanie said...

I love the one that says Be Mine! I want to send Mr S one!!

theparakeet said...

my fave is the brown/blue valentine - perfect to send my little one's picture out to all his aunts, uncles, and babysitters. love the website!

Anonymous said...

I love both the "be mine" and the "All you need is love"! I was trying to think of an original valentine for my kids to pass out this year...I think this is great! Thanks for sharing!

Lynn Osborne said...

There are so many cute designs, it's hard to choose my favorite. I think if I have to pick it would be the Happy New Year collage! Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway. (lynnosborne[at]verizon[dot]net)

Kameron said...

I love the wedding invitation with the pictures and the teal and brown tree! My brother-in-law is getting married and I'd love to help them out with their invites!

SquirrelGurl said...

I really like the wedding announcement that has the background photo with 3 inset photos on the left side (the photo is a couple by a lake).

Those would be great save the date announcements for my friend that is getting married this fall!

(Nicole) The Very Hungry Caterpillar said...

I love the baby girl one named Olivia Grace. they do a great job!!

The Bertone's said...

I like the valentines cards, and the new years one. I also think the birthday cards are rather cute. To many to choose from! :)

Mandy said...

Love the cards! They are beautiful! I am planning an upcoming bridal shower... these just may be the way to go! They are pretty but very 'in' too!

Lauren Bryson said...

Love the designs. The birth announcements are adorable! We didn't find out what we are having so I like boy 18 or girl 12.

Anonymous said...

In the Birthday Section i really like the design used for "Jed's 3rd". I'll have to bookmark them:)

Nancy said...

They are all so cute. How's a person supposed to choose?
Ok...I like the baby announcement Benjamin Tyler.
Very nice.

Mollie said...

With a little one due next month, I'd love to win a gift certificate for birth announcements.

Sugarhouse Ink has a lot of adorable favorite is the baby boy announcement for 'Oliver James' with the stars at the bottom:o)

ANS said...

I like the engagement announcement for Jared & Emily! Very cute!

Megan J said...

I love all the Valentine cards! It would be awesome to send them out with a picture of us all finally back together. My hubby is finally coming home from Iraq!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the first valentine card that says Be Mine soooo cute!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the link. I have a son graduating this June and love the grey graduation card. The site was perfect.

mandy said...

I love the Valentine's card with Emma on it. I slacked and didn't get Christmas cards out, so it's a good backup!

Heather said...

Love the Valentine card that says "all you need is love". It's so true!

Heather said...

Love love love the preschool graduation ones!

Kristofer said...

I like the Birthday invite "Hayley is turning 3." All her stuff is so cute! Thanks!

Mandy said...

I love the valentine from Sonya...

I never got around to making christmas cards since I was in the middle of moving & I need the extra incentive to send out some Valentines!!

Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

I like the card with the travel stamps. I would love to use this as a going away party invite.

Welcome to Lulu's life. said...

I love the travel stamps! They would make a darling going away party invite.

Anonymous said...

I like the bday cards but my favorite is the Valentine Card that says "all you need is love". So cute!!!

allreddesign said...

My good friend just asked me to help her design a Baby Announcement for her daughter. But now I'm going to just show her this darling website. My favorite one was the baby girl announcement called Sydney Morgan James...too cute!!

M and M Madsen said...

I am a huge fan of the baby girl announcements that are pink on pink dots. I could use those really soon!

Tracy said...

I love the V-day one that is half pink half picture that says Happy Valentines Day too cute.

Jodi said...

I think they're all great but because Valentine's Day is coming up, I like the Be Mine card in dark red best.

BreeAnn said...

I really like all of the valentines day cards, but the birthday invitations are fabulous too. Good job!

Mindy said...

I absolutely love the wedding invitation with the brown/blue/green tree on it--so beautiful. I would love to send out some beautiful cards using their work--so glad you pointed them out!

The Ormsby's said...

I love the graduation design, with no picture. It will be perfect when my hubby gets his masters degree this summer.

Lisa said...

The baby boy birth announcements are great...maybe I'm drawn to them because we are expecting our first grandchild, a boy, in a couple weeks!

Amy said...

I love the Christmas one that says Joy and the Christmas card that says Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. (My 4 year old can't stop saying this.)

Unknown said...

Love the Be Mine Valentine's Card- red and pink stripe.

Holly Erhard said...

Yeah we were slackers and didn't send out cards this year maybe it was we were moving across the US suring that time.. My favorite would be the valentines day one that is brown and blue! So cute!!

Casey said...

so many to choose, they're all so cute! I like the "be mine", the one with Emma on it, and the "Hailey is turning 3!"

Elam's said...

Cute, cute and Super Cute cards! I'm due with our third girl in 2 weeks, so my favorite had to be from the baby girl announcements... We finally painted our daughters' room pink and brown so when I saw the brown 'Olivia Grace' announcement card (2nd page of girl announcements) with the pink and white stripe, three baby pictures, and star at the bottom, that instantly became my favorite.

Lisita said...

I'm also loving the 'All you need is love" Valentine card. Really cute website!

Wendy said...

I had to check out the birthday invites since I have a Princess about to turn 6! Thought it would be a great way to do her invites this the one with the little girl sitting on the stairs...that would be great!

Emily and Frank said...

So many to choose from... I like the birthday invite with the circles of dots- very modern and cute.

The Lind's said...

I love the valentine one that says all I you need is love...I would love to send valentines to family and friends for the 1st time!

Dottie said...

What a great site! I loved looking through the baby announcements, makes me want to have another. But I have to say I'd love to send out a valentine card I like them all but the first one with the red and pink is cute!

emerzim said...

I live the love, emma V-day card. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Having 2 girls, I'm automatically drawn to the girl announcements. :) I love the vertical Madeline Zoe baby announcement!

Linda said...

All her designs are very cute! I love that the brown/blue valentine's card isn't all red and pink. lol. We didn't get around to sending out Christmas cards so maybe a Valentine card instead? :)
Thanks for the heads up on this site and for the giveaway.
cokelush at gmail

Knit Purl Gurl said...

I really like the "All You Need is Love" Valentine's Day card.. probably because I have Valentine's Day on the brain!

Hammond Family said...

I love the baby girl announcements since after 4 boys I am finally having a baby girl!! I cant wait to do a PINK announcement this time!! Super cute cards!

Lanie said...

I like the idea of Valentine and New Year cards and the mutiple square b-day was cute too.

WonderKitty said...

These are beautiful designs. I love the baby girl anouncemnt witht the three polka dots on the bottom. I think I will have to incorporate polka dots when I have my first girl. Thanks for turning me on to these!

Gayle215 said...

I love the Benjamin is Turning 5 party card. My daughter is turning 21 in June and I would love to include a montage of photos of her a different ages!

Anna said...

The baby annoucement--pink with little flowers "growing" at the bottom...will have to have another baby to use them!

nichole said...

I love the Valentine card with the cute tree with the hearts a leaves. These would be so much fun to send out.

Sitton said...

There are so many I love! I really like all the baby girl announcements and the wedding ones. If I won, I think I would get V-day ones with my sweet little daughter one them.

Heather Richardson said...

So many to choose from!!! But I love Christmas cards, and my favorite is the Hardison Family card. Cute card, cute family! Thank you for doing this giveaway!!

Sonia said...

I love the preschool graduation announcements. Such a cute idea.

Emily said...

I like the valentine card with the vertical LOVE on the side. So cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the valentine cards. They would be cute for my preschoolers valentine party.

Amanda said...

I know there is a slim chance of me winning this fabulous gift from "sugarhouse ink" (which I so love their name) but I thought I'd try anyway. Our little girl is due to arrive any day now and I'd love to have a sweet baby girl announcement to send out. I like the one where: well it's the top left corner of the second set. Mostly picture. On their site it is a picture of a baby's back, so so sweet. Thanks gals!

Annette said...

I have a new granddaughter on the way and so of course my favorites are the little girl birth announcements. Especially the pink ones and especially the ones with flowers. Pretty designs.

Anonymous said...

i love the paper invites that say "we do"

that type face is brillant and fun!

The Traveling Turtle said...

All you need is love... too cute! I love all the designs though.

Nicole said...

I love the monogram baby annoucement...I think it was Mary. pink with M in middle top. So cute. Loved all of them. so hard to decide

Megan G said...

Like many have already said... I really love them all. But one of my faves is the 3rd paper wedding announcement (Elizabeth Marie & Jordan Graves)

Trisha B said...

These cards are so cute. We are having twins in February and would love to send these out.

Jenni Peay said...

This would be perfect for my new little girl coming the 12th of Feb, i love the baby girl Jenna design..

Laci said...

I'm having a baby boy in a few weeks, so I would choose my favorite as the announcement with the brown and blue stripe on it!

Anonymous said...

These are all so darling! I especially love the birth announc. that you all also posted on your site , with Baby David. Too cute!

keelime said...

I love the valentine's card with the tree and little heart hanging off of it. if i win this, then i will definitely send out my annual "Christmas cards" that i didn't get to this year.

The Saunders Family said...

oh the madeline zoe birth announcement would be great come May!
mom2maria at hotmail

ashley said...

i love the simply baby announcements - esp the baby girl ones! :)

Vidya said...

I love this one http://www
birthday.html for my son's first bday.

Blockbuster Parking Here said...

Valentine cards would be great right now.


MaryD said...

I love any of the baby girl ones. My daughter is due in a month and I'd love to gift her with the gift certificate....very cute cards!

christina said...

i love the birth announcements, i didn't do one with my first, but am determined to with my second!

Nicole said...

I love the "Spring Has Brought You Such A Nice Surprise" baby girl announcement. My sister is having a baby girl in March, her first child since moving out of state.This gift card would be a wonderful gift for her.

Megan said...

Adorable cards!

My sister in law might like the wedding invitations since she's getting married in May. Hmmm...

Thanks for visiting me today fellow Pacific Northwesterners. =)

C said...

I like the "be mine" red and pink valentine. Real cute stuff!

meg said...

so cute! I love the preschool graduation and the valentines. My favorite is the red circle baby girl announcement. However as we just had our girl last may I would use the Valentines day ones.

Sarah S said...

I love the brown background Valentine - so cute!

The Parker Family said...

So cute...I really like the "all you need is love" card.

Mikaela said...

adorable cards. Love the brown/blue Valentine card. Darling!

Mrs. Olsen said...

I like the Bradly Jason Reese birth announcement. rebolsen at gmail dot com

courtneyb said...

I like the birthday invitations. What a fun idea for an invite.

Somer said...

I love the picture Valentines. What a great idea for those of us who didn't get our Christmas cards sent.

Amy said...

The Valentines ones are just super stunning and cute! but i also just love those holiday and baby announcement cards!
They're all gorgeous!

Tracy said...

I love the brown and blue valentines day card. I didn't get birth announcements out for my now 4 month old and would love to send out valentines day cards to show him off a little.

Anonymous said...

I really like the new year's cards since we weren't able to send out Christmas cards. The ones with multiple places for picutres are the best since our daughter is in the Air Force and isn't here to take a "family" picture. We could add her just like she was with us when the picture was taken.

stubz said...

I think the little yellow and pink thank you card is one of my favorites. How adorable!

Atticelf said...

I don't know which design it was in the "Milestone" section but the one for Lawrence Johnson was awesome! I want to hang out with that guy cuz I bet he'd be hoot!

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

I love the fun Valentines card. Would be perfect for all those far away relatives.

Tori C. said...

I love the Valentine announcement that has the picture of the little girl with "Be Mine" - the ribbon detail is so cute!

Amber said...

I love them all! I have a sister getting amrried this summer and I think the save the date card would be super cute and would match (kinda) the handmade invitations I am doing for her.

Andrea Hatfield said...

I like the "Taylor Anne" birth announcement.

Bonnie R said...

They are all so cute its hard to pick! I think I like the Valentine's Day cards best.

Callicott Family said...

Love the birthday party invites with the graphic numbers. Cute!

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