Saturday, February 7, 2009

valentine book cards and a giveaway

Sometimes just a simple card isn't enough to tell your Valentine how much you really love them. Or maybe you just like really elaborate cards like I do. Here are a few ideas for Valentine cards with a little something special to satisfy either need. Each is in book-style, with room for photos or love notes. And read to the very end for a code for a free 8x8 photo book from Shutterfly, and our extra special Valentine book-card giveaway!

The envelope accordion card. Perfect for including "love coupons" for your sweet. We made ours using a tutorial we found at Paper Source. The only difference is that we didn't cut a slit for the ribbon--we just tied one around the finished accordion. We also decorated ours by adding paper to the front flap and a little stamping action.

Another easy book-style card is made from brown paper sacks. You can make as many or as few pages as you want, then include pictures and notes--even special pull-out pages for secret love notes! Check out this easy tutorial over at Scrapbook-Crazy. The only difference in our version is the pages are bound by two jumbo brads instead of by ribbon ties.

Altered board books make great Valentines for spouses or kids! I made this one a few years, ago, so I didn't have pictures for a tutorial. (But we're putting together an altered board book tutorial in the near future!) Basically I altered a childrens board book to tell my husband a few of the reasons I love him. I included pictures of myself and the kids, as well as special love poems. The digital artwork is not mine--I got this kit free from Two Peas in a Bucket. Click here to download yours for free!

Our last idea is this easy 2-Minute Memories card book by Simple Scrapbooks. It's a "Ten Things I Love About You" theme, and there are ten numbered pages with room for you to write in your top ten, plus a space for a picture for each reason. Just write your reasons and slap in a photo--how easy is that?

We're making it even easier by giving away one of these free. Just leave us a comment stating one thing you love about your Valentine by Monday, February 9 at 11:59pm PST. We'll pick our winner and send it out Tuesday so you'll have it in time for Love Day!

*UPDATE*: To those of you who saw the code earlier for a free photo book, we're sorry to say that the code does not work, so we have removed it from the post. Please forgive us!

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111 Responses to “valentine book cards and a giveaway”

Shelley said...

The thing I love most about my valentine is all the little things he does for me to show his love like setting a coffee mug and creamer next to a ready made pot of coffee and hanging warm towels up for me after I take a shower and posting love notes on our's those little things that count! I love you Danny Lemaire!

Southern Gal said...

Thanks for the free book code. I made a book before Christmas that I got for free and we love it! My daughter is getting married in April and I have an idea for this one...

I love my hubby of almost 29 years mainly because he puts up with me and loves me unconditionally. I don't deserve him, but I sure am happy he's mine.

Ben and Taryn said...

What great ideas! I love my hubby more than I could ever express. I love how he lets me blog about our crazy life and never gets mad or embarassed. Thanks for all the great tips, tricks and tutorials.

Sara said...

i love your blog. :) thanks for all the great ideas. my valentine folds all the laundry. i heart him!

i hope i win the book!

Andrea said...

Wow! Another great idea, you guys never cease to surprise me! One thing I love about my Valentine is how thoughtful and loving he is towards me and my daughter- it especially warms my heart to see his love for my little girl and to know that is creating an amazing foundation of love for the rest of her life!

Anonymous said...

What a great blog! I love that you've done the research for me! Thanks for visiting me so I could find you!! xo, Nan

{amy k.} said...

I love Valentine's Day for lots of reasons... but one of my #1 reasons is the candy! I'm a big candy fan!

Mrs. Dunbar said...

The one thing I love about my Valentine is that he is makes me laugh. The looks he gives me after something irrational has exited my mouth is enough to make us both burst out laughing. Laughter in a marriage is a gift, and I am so blessed by my husband in this area.

Anonymous said...

Hello.looks like I am first.I have a question.You get free at shutterfly the album.but how many pages can you put in it for free?I'm scared to do it yet,the pages can really add up.Plus i have the flu and I'm just not thinking right.I'll wait a day or teo.But thank you.and happy valentines.
What I like about my Valentine is he takes care of me and treats me like I'm cherished...ann

Julie Magallanes said...

There are many things I love about my Valentine but the one I love most is that he is a good daddy :)

Laura said...

One thing I love about my Valentine is he is a rock. He has been beside me threw some very bad times and has been solid and loving threw it all.
Thanks for sharing I need to go check out some cards. :)

Cara said...

Oh I am first!! I love how he let me sleep in this morning.

ShellyLynn said...

I love that my husband is so sweet to me when I'm not feeling well (which has been a lot lately) and I love watching him play with our 1 yr old.

This post has so many amazing ideas. Thanks!

Mark and Emily said...

He is patient, one thing I'm not! That's one of the many things I love about my Valentine!!

Di~ said...

I love him because he just keeps on giving and giving and giving...mmmm

American Homemaker said...

I love my Valentine because he wants me to succeed :)

Pink Princess said...

LOL My Valentine is my sweet kitten Elvis, I have no hubby or kiddies.
SO Elvis is the joy in my life, he makes me laugh with his silly antics. He cuddles up to me in the evening, on my lap and purrs whenever I pet his cheeks or his throat. He is 9 months old and really the cutest ands sweetest and naughtiest kitten ♥

Julie said...

I love that he puts up with me! Sometimes I am ornery or bossy, but he knows it's just because I'm stressed. And he'll just smile and say I love you. That always makes me feel so good!

Ash said...

I love making valentines for the ones I love!

Julie said...

The think I love most about my Valentine is that he loves me all the time, through good and bad. He is a dream that I could have never imagined and I feel so blessed.

The Giggles Family said...

My man loves me unshaven legs, messed up hair, make-up stained face first thing in the morning and all day long :)
Who could ask for more?

Gloria P. said...

The thing I love most about my Valentine, Tom! I love the way he kisses!

Hannah said...

I love how my husband is such a hard worker. He does everything he can to provide for our family and help around the house. He is a great example to my sons.

mom2four said...

I love my Valentine because he is my anchor!!

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

I love how my "Valentine" always tells me i'm beautiful, even on the days I look terrible.

Kate said...

Oh I love the Valentine coupons! I think I will use that idea for my Valentine! One thing I love about him....I love that he loves to do sweet and romantic things for me!

Thanks for the book code!

Anonymous said...

I love it when my hubby sings songs to our sweet kids at bed time! ~Monika~

Kathleen W. said...

I love the simple things that my Valentine does for me, like letting me sleep late on weekends, making me pancakes, holding the door for me, and buckling our son in the car seat (I hate doing that!!). He's a wonderful father and husband!

Amy said...

I love my Valentine's sense of humor, his wit, and his logic. I know I can go to him for a laugh, for figuring things out, and just for a better day.

Tina said...

What I love most about Valentine's day is giving valentine's to my loved ones. It's a gift of love.

Anne said...

I love my valentine for alot of reasons..but I love especially that he puts in his very best at everything he does.

Pearl Girl said...

Its hard to pick the thing I love most about my valentine (hubby). I think it muct be his selflessness and generosity.
BTW I just love your blog

Unknown said...

I love that he REALLY loves me. He is not perfect but he does take really good care of me.

Barbara Brown said...

one thing i love about my valentine--he lets me sleep in every saturday and makes breakfast for me and the kids. it's usually pancakes or french toast, home made even.
barbara brown

the undomesticated wife said...

I made a valentine paper bag book for hubs a few years ago. It was fun!

Let's see, one of the many things I love about hubs is that he really puts up with a lot of crap from me. I can be really moody, and he deals. I'm always bringing home stray animals, and he deals. I'm obsessive compulsive about things around the house, and he deals. He should get an award! ;)

jojoebi-designs said...

mannaging to make me smile no matter what the situation is.

Tina B. said...

The reason I love my valentine is because we have been together for 19 years (married 15)...the first 7-8 years were pure YUCK...but our love for each other pulled us through and we are happier than ever now...he is my true soul mate and I will love him forever...thank you for the giveaway

Nicole said...

love the cute card ideas..and cute pic of Mandy and Christian!

Small House said...

My valentine has been mine for over 23 years. There is no one that I would rather be with. He's not fancy, but he is the kindest and most gentle man I will ever know.
Thanks for this fun giveaway.
Have a good day.

Angela said...

I love my valentine for spending Saturdays running errands with me!

cpullum said...

My valenite this year is my two daughter and I love that each year I get a homemade Valentine Card!

Care said...

I have recently discovered your blog, and I love it!!

My Valentine is my husband. There was never a more perfect match for me. He is sweet when I am sour, he is cheerful when I am grumpy, he is strong when I am weak. He is always, always willing to play with our boys when he gets home from work so I can have a break. I do not know what I would do without him!

Sabrina said...

Wow how do I pick just one??=)
I guess the thing I love most about my valentine is how perfect he is for me. My life has been extremely blessed and enriched by having him become a part of it. I love being with him every day!

LOVE your blog!!

Young Family said...

My true love....well, I knew I loved him the minute I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and he smiled at me across the room. But the minute I knew that I truly loved him....was watching him the second our daughter was born. His baby blues welled up with tears, he looked at me with the sweetest look ever, my heart stopped, and he said "she is so beautiful". Yes, this was before she was even cleaned, smelling yummy, and indeed, the most beautiful thing we have seen.

Anonymous said...

I haven't met my Valentine, yet...but I'm looking forward to the day I do!!!

Marcee said...

My valentine is truly selfless. He is incapable of saying anything intentionally mean. He has no spite whatsoever and is terribly difficult to fight with. I love his sweetness and I am in awe of his ability to love so deeply and purely.

4handfulls said...

My Valentine is not selfish. Not with time, money, attention ect.. I love my guy and he is a great example to me!

heather said...

He does all the chores I hate: unloading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, washing the floor

Anonymous said...

Hi, I love my valentine b/c he is still there for me whenever I need him. Even after 26 years he loves me and puts up with my silliness. We are a perfect match! I love him so much.

angie j. said...

mine's a great kisser!!

Blockbuster Parking Here said...

I love having a reason to give and get yummy treats.


Unknown said...

I love my Valentine becasue he is always thinking about me in his everyday thinking and he puts me first in his heart.
Hugs Patt

Just Lisa said...

Hmmm.... I love that my Hubby makes dinner almost every night, and lets me relax!

Annette said...

I love the way he takes care of me and his amazing cooking skills!

Anonymous said...

How cute! I love that my Valentine is very sensitive & does dishes too. He is such a devoted husband & daddy!

Brooklyn said...

You have an awesome site! I love to read about how I can make my child's life just a little more special sometimes..thank for all the ideas!

Sarah S said...

I love that my Valentine gives me his honest opinion when I ask for it!

Fairlightday said...

I love these ideas! I love my Valentine because he's given me two of the most beautiful girls ever born, he supports me in all of my creative endeavors (even when he really really doesn't "get" it,) and he loves me unconditionally. He's the best and I love him dearly. I would love to give him one of these for Valentine's Day.

Kindy Lynn said...

The one thing I love about my Valentine is that he loves me for all my flaws and lets me be a SAHM. This Vday will mark our 4yr anniversary!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Stephanie Humphreys said...

I love my husband because he is so incredibly supportive of all my outlandish ideas.

Anonymous said...

He loves me back


Anonymous said...

My Valentine works hard daily to provide for me and the little ones. He is a wonderful husband and dad. Plus he gets me all the craft stuff I want. :)

Sara said...

My valentine has taken to doing the dishes. Oh how much easier my life seems!!!

Amy said...

The thing I love the most about my valentine is that he loves Jesus with all his heart. And He loves me the way that Jesus loves us...unconditionally. He makes me want to be a better person!

Mandy Beyeler said...

my valentine lets me sleep in every Sunday - I wake up to a big delicious breakfast!!

Benj and Melinda said...

Because he is my best friend.

Anonymous said...

WOW! What beautiful ideas! Thank you for sharing.
I love Valentines because we get to share with everyone how much we not only love them but appreciate them for who they are.
Thank you for all of your inspiration and for the opportunity to win!


Unknown said...

My valentine loves me unconditionally and treats me like a queen every day.

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

My Valentine is the kindest man I know! :)

~ Sarah

Tricia said...

One of the many things I love about my husband is that he never complains if I haven't cleaned the house because I've spent the day looking at blogs all day!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

I love that my husband is an amazing cajun cook! Yum!

AuBien said...

I love that my Valentine gives our children their bath each night. It's his one on one time with them after a busy work day. It's a break for my aching back and everyone is happy. I have a wonderful husband who loves his children.

Giddy for Paisley said...

I love my valentine cause he does special things for me all year to let me know he loves me, not just one day a year


One thing (out of many) that comes to mind is my Valentine does the "going to bed" rituals with our boys. Bathing, Brushing teeth, reading, singing, praying, then night-night! It's the best thing. I love him immensely for this any many other things.

BECKY said...

Almost every morning when we are cuddling, my man whispers something wonderful to me, like "You are so pretty", or "You are my life" Not bad for being married for 29 1/2 years, huh? He's awesome!!

Thanks for all you do to inspire us!! :o)


Anonymous said...

I love that my Valentine always has the ability to make me laugh.

Unknown said...

I have just discovered your fab site! WOW! Will be sharing it with LOTS of friends! I love that my valentine works hard to give me time to craft every weekend. We have two small kids and the creative time is priceless! Thanks for all the great ideas!

Aine said...

It's the one time of year that my husband is willing to get silly. He always makes me laugh on Valentine's Day.

Elizabeth said...

I love my valentine for always supporting me!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Angie said...

I love that my valentine is constantly making me laugh. After almost 9 years of marriage, it's great to know we still have lots to laugh about.

The Fife's said...

I love the coupon one! They are all so cute.

Anonymous said...

I love my hubby of almost 17 years because of the little things he does for me. Like watching the baby for me to sew or scrapbook.

Alena Jo said...

One thing I love about my sweet husband is his love and dedication to our family! He is so selfless and rarely does something for just himself.

I really hope I win this book because we are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this June, and I would just save it for that. I love the idea of giving that book to him for our 10 years together!

Thanks Little Birdies!

Sue said...

I love your fun ideas.
My Valentine is the love of my life! He is always the first to say "I'm sorry."

Dawn said...

The thing I love about Valentine's day is that I have someone to love!!

Callicott Family said...

Even after waking up early every morning for PT, my Valentine always takes care of the kids and lets me sleep in on Saturdays.

Unknown said...

I love that my hubby wants another baby just as badly as I do, and that it breaks his heart even more than it breaks mine that it's been a year of TTC and no luck. I love how much he loves his little girl, and how much he wants another just like her. And I love that he got her a cat so she wouldn't be lonely until that happens (even though he hates cats)
(and I love that he calls me his Martha Stewart and constantly enables my crafting addiction, even if Martha would pass out on sight if she saw my crafting room)

thetoddlerwhisperer said...

I too love your blog!!

I looooove my husband because when we were dating he and I made a pact, "You and Me against the world." and we have stuck to that agreement...we are each other's best friend....and he's really amazing in bed. lol

annemarie said...

I think what I love the most about my valentine is faithfulness. We have been married almost 40 years and this is quite a feat nowadays!

Alisha said...

Love the color red! It just makes me all warm inside!

hayley said...

i love my valentine because he takes care of the kids when they get up in the middle of the night.

As You Wish said...

What great ideas. I'm definitely going to make one of these for Valentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

I love my valentine because he is loyal.

As You Wish said...

I love these and will definitely make one of them for Valentine's Day. Thanks for sharing.

Diana said...

It's hard to pick just one thing that I love about my sweetie...he has so many great qualities! But the best part about him is that he loves me for me. All of my quirks, insecurities, goofiness...he loves it all!

Molly said...

His selfless way of loving me and our daughter...among so many other things! He never complains and is always ready & willing to do anything that comes to my mind, even after a long week!

Anonymous said...

I love the way my hubby sings Jack Johnson songs with the guitar.

Jen T said...

My Valentine is a hard worker and is a great Daddy!

linnellbelle said...

My Valentine rocks! I love how he listens to all my great ideas and lets me know which ones really are great and which ones I should work on a bit more...impulse control!

Unknown said...

I love that my Valentine will be a great Daddy someday.

The Pimentel Family said...

I love my valentine because he takes care of our newborn baby in the middle of the night and tells me how beautiful I am even I look like a total mess. He treats me and my daughter like a princess.I want my daughter to marry a guy who's just like her daddy!

Hiatt Family said...

I love my hubby because he paints my toenails french tip. He's amazing.

Chelsea said...

What i love about my valentine is that he always makes me laugh and feel like I am the most important person in the world!! I love your blog by the way!!

jennymarie1981 said...

I love the way that my Valentine makes me laugh harder than anyone else. He makes me slow down and enjoy life more.

Anonymous said...

I love his patience, it never ends!

Ryan and Chelsea said...

I love how sweet and caring my husband is. He is a sensitive guy and always thinks of me first. Love him so much!!
Mu email is if I win.


Rachel said...

I love it when my valentine packs my lunch before work- I especially think of him during my lunch break!

Cheree said...

I love the way he never complains when I ask him to reach something from the very top shelf of the cabinet!

rhibrix2 said...

Great ideas, thanks for sharing. I love my Valentine because he is such a great dad!

Unknown said...

My valentine is a soldier, a best friend, a son, and a lover. I love that he has always been there for me over the 4 years we've been together and for the majority of that time been 3 or more hours apart. Even though is he so far away (on a deployment) he is still the most loving person I have ever been with. I can't wait to marry him in the fall!

Unknown said...

There are so many things I love about my husband. He is the hardest worker, loves the manliest things (fishing, construction, football, cars) and gets his hands pretty dirty every single day. But he does those things that other men would make fun of him and "take his man card away" for doing. But it takes a real man to make this wife as happy as he does. I couldn't ask more a more perfect valentine for the rest of eternity!

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