Monday, October 22, 2012

seventh generation giveaway

My kids got flu shots this weekend and when that time of year comes around, I always feel like I need to be even more vigilant about trying to keep germs at bay. Which means more cleaning, wiping, hand washing, and tissue use!

Seventh Generation recently provided me with some products to help my efforts. Seventh Generation offers household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment. I love that I can feel great about using their products because they are safe for my family but also protect the environment. They have a fabulous line of products that I can use every day.

Check out this fun DIY video that Seventh Generation created showing how to turn an empty tissue box into a scary (but cute) germ monster! This would be a fun project to do with my boys.

Today, Seventh Generation is giving one of our readers the chance to win a gift box of products like this...

All you need to do to enter is visit Seventh Generation and find a product you would love to try. Then come back and leave us a comment with what that product is!  This giveaway will end on Saturday, October 27th at 11:59pm PT.

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67 Responses to “seventh generation giveaway”

Unknown said...

I'd love a toilet bowl cleaner!!

Heidi said...

I need some effective, non-toxic bathroom cleaners. I'd love to try their line!

schmiford said...

I already use the laundry detergent and love it. I would like to try the tub & tile cleaner in cypress fir scent for my boys bathroom. Anything to knock out the smell in there!

Anonymous said...

Their bathroom cleaner is AMAZING!!

Lisa L said...

Would love to try their bar soap

Playground Junkies said...

I would love to try the diapers and wipes with our new bundle of joy.

Erin said...

I'd love to try their disinfecting wipes.

The Murphys said...

I would love to try the shower cleaner! I hate cleaning the shower maybe this would help..

Jill said...

The disinfecting bathroom cleaner...looks like we're all about clean bathrooms so far. :-)

Diane @ DD Kimball Road said...

I would love to try the Natural Body wash. I am trying to make a move to all-natural products. I am planning to start a family and don't want all those toxins around!

Becky R said...

tissues and toilet cleaner

Rebecca said...

I'm definitely a Seventh Generation fan and have been using their diapers. I haven't ever tried their cleaning products though and would love to try them out - maybe the stainless steel product in particular.

dannyscotland said...

Oh my gosh, I want it all! The bath tissue, regular tissue, all the paper products...I use their kitchen cleaner spray every day and I love it. I feel good spraying my baby's high chair tray with it. I would try anything of theirs I could get my hands on! I had no idea they made so many products, either. My stores don't carry much. :-(

Dana said...

I would love to try the clear laundry detergent!

Schaefer Clan said...

I would love to try: baby lotion


Little Ella Lu said...

I'd like to try their fabric softener.

Olson said...

Oh heavens.. disinfecting wipes, please!! With an antsy 1 year old and a 2.5 year old in preschool, we're DOOMED without them!!

nicole at

The Clayburn Family said...

Free & Clear all purpose cleaner!

latanya t said...

The Recycled Kitchen Trash Bags

Julie said...

I would love to try the free and clear all purpose cleaner.

Thanks for a fun giveaway!


Nindya Karlina said...

I would love to try 100% Recycled Napkins ..

Jennifer Cleaver said...

I'd love to try their new bar soap and body lotion!

Pat C. said...

I would love to try the Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner! I am so concerned about breathing in harsh chemicals that also ultimately go down the drain, doing who-knows what to our water supply.:(

Thank you for hosting this wonderful giveaway!

Erin said...

The toilet bowl cleaner!

Laura said...

I'm expecting twin babies soon, and I would love to try their baby wipes and diapers!

Unknown said...

Oh I saw so many things I would like to try including their body wash, the all purpose cleaner, the recycled paper towels and I could go on and on thanks for turning us on to this site. I definately will be doing some shopping there.

Unknown said...

Recycled bathroom tissue? I'd love to give it a try...I never seem to like anything else than costco bathroom tissue.

Lori said...

I would love to try the shower cleaner! I think "Green Mandarin & Leaf" would smell so much better than the nasty chemical stuff that burns my nose!

Donna said...

I haven't tried any of their products yet, so I want to try everything! But especially the body wash or hand wash.

Megan J said...

Really would like to try their wood polish. Thank you for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I would love to try their Tub and Tile cleaner

Laurie said...

Would love to try the body wash. I didn't know they made body wash! I thought they were all about household cleaning items and diapers. Thanks for the chance to win.

Cindy said...

Thank you so much for offering such a lovely and generous giveaway! I would love to try their beauty care line... especially the body lotion.

Cindy Aiton

Unknown said...

I would love to try their Granite and Stone cleaner

debrajwebb said...

I would love to try all of seventh generation's products!
Debra J Webb

Beth said...

As a mom of a 7-month old who very sloppily eats bright-colored pureed foods, like carrots, I'd LOVE to try the Baby Natural Laundry Stain & Spot Spray!

Amy's Adventures said...

I would like to try the toilet bowl cleaner. It is one of the products I haven't found a good, natrual alternative to yet.
rose_amyd (at) hotmail (dot) com

Nanabells said...

That's very generous. I would like to try the body lotion... I currently use Jergens original scent, but would like to try something different!

Peggy said...

I would love to try the toilet bowl cleaner - no harsh fumes! Can't get better than that!

Amy M. said...

I'd love to try the automatic dishwasher pacs. I love using pacs but I want something a little less non-toxic than the one I am currently using.

Felicia said...

i'd love to try their disinfectant wipes.

Andrea said...

I'd love to try the Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Andrea D.

Tiffany & Brittany said...

I'd like to try everything, but I'd especially like to try the body wash or bathroom cleaners!'

annemarie said...

I would love to try their bathroom cleaner.

Kristen. Jason. Sofie said...

i'm addicted to disinfectant wipes! i would love to try theirs!! thanks for the giveaway! paleblueapron at gmail dot com

Wendy said...

I'd also like to try the bathroom cleaner.

Karen said...

I already use the laundry detergent. Would like to try the wipes- they would come in handy at work for cleaning my desk.
KarenL 1020 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Any of the bathroom cleaners! And I really like their disinfectant wipes.

Thanks for hosting this give-away!

Melissa D

Summer said...

We love seventh generation products...and I had no idea they make body lotion. I so would like to try this. Side microbiology students tested their cleaning spray against E. coli and Staph. Bacteria....and it worked at anilating the wee beasties :-). Earth friendly and works great = awesome products.

Nancy said...

I would love to try the Seventh Generation Bodywash

Pat K said...

I would love to try the bathroom cleaner. Thanks for the opportunity.

Sue said...

I would love to try the laundry detergent.

June L said...

Disinfecting Wipes are something I would love to try.

junerlisle at gmail dot com

Karen said...

I would love to try the hand soap! Something not so harsh for the winter months...

Patricia Steadman said...

I would love to try their dish washing soap. I have chemical allergies and have not found any product free of chemicals.

Anonymous said...

would love to try their handwash!

Linda R. said...

I would love to try the Chlorine free pads

jengd said...

I'd like to try the Shower Cleaner.

SaltyPearl said...

They have toilet bowl cleaner...saweet! I use the laundry detergent and it's great :)

Maria said...

I would like to try the dishwasher soap! Thanks!

Emi Sorensen said...

I already use some of their baby products, which I love. I would like to try out their laundry detergent because I think ours is irritating our little one's sensitive skin.

Katrina said...

The all purpose cleaner! =)

Susannah said...

I'd love some bathroom cleaner. I'm trying to go more green.

SimplyTiffany said...

Oh how fun! Definitely the baby laundry detergent! My second child is due in 5 weeks, and I only use natural products in my house! Haven't tried their detergent yet, though...

momandsons said...

Would love to try the new Steel cleaner.

T said...

I would love to try the lavender body wash! Lavender is my favorite!

Cassie Eastman said...

I would love to try the all purpose cleaner and the automatic dishwasher powder!

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