Thursday, November 19, 2009

sew squeaky! Giveaway too!

Christmas is such a fun time of year. I love how excited my children get over their Christmas wish lists. Of course, like any good crafty mama, I have to add to their presents with handmade items. Two years ago I spent a lot of time sewing outfits for an American Girl doll. Then came the accessories like her pillow and bedding. Last year I was busy crocheting baby doll booties and hats so all the little babies dolls would match their little mama.

This year, it's all about the Zhu Zhu pets. What do you make a hamster? Well, my little one takes hers everywhere and insists on sleeping with it too. So, I decided to make this cute guy his very own "sleeping bag". Here's how I did it in case you want to make one for your squeaky little pet.

I cut some scrap fabric into 5 inches by 10 inches. I chose a soft fuzzy fabric for the inside and a cute cotton print for the outside.

Lay the fabric right sides together and sew all the way around. Leave a 2 inch opening where you do not sew so you can turn the fabric.

Next, I trimmed my corners and turned the fabric right side out. I used a chopstick to push out the corners.

Then I sewed the side with the 2 inch opening down so the opening is now shut.

Last I fold the fabric in half with the inside lining fabric on the outside and sewed two of the sides together leaving a little opening. I turned my little pouch inside out.

Done! One cute little sleeping bag for our little "Baby Chicken" (I can't seem to convince her it is really a hamster-not a chicken. That's okay though. She loves it all the same).

So, now you're thinking, "Great, I've got the cute sleeping bag, but what do I put in it?" Well, never fear! Your little birdies are going to come through for you. We have a brand new in box white Zhu Zhu pet dying to be adopted. He's looking for a home within the continental United States.
Here's how you can enter this giveaway. You can enter up to three times. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.

1. Leave a comment on this post
2. Become a follower and then leave us a comment telling us you are
3. Become a fan on our new facebook page here, then come back and tell us you are a fan.

We will pick a winner one week from today!

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325 Responses to “sew squeaky! Giveaway too!”

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greetingarts said...

I've never heard of these, but they sure are cute!

greetingarts said...

I'm definitely a follower of your blog, have been for a long time. :0)

elle said...

Oh, My. My son's little girlie friend is dying for these!

theamazingjohnsons said...

Very cute! I love your blog!

elle said...

Ok, I'm a follower now!

theamazingjohnsons said...

I'm a follower.

theamazingjohnsons said...

I'm a facebook fan.

Angie - said...

I'm a Facebook fan!

Angie - said...

I'm a follower!!

Angie - said...

This is just adorable! I would love to win one of these for Serenity!!

Lisita said...

My little MG would love this, adorable!

Lisita said...

I am a fan on facebook!!

Megan said...

I've never heard of these either, but I KNOW my 7-year-old would love one!

Megan said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Tanya said...

That is too adorable. I have a little girl who would love that for Christmas:)

Tanya said...

I am also a Facebook fan:)

Tanya said...

I have your blog bookmarked but now I am also a follower:) Thanks for all the great ideas.

Crystal said...

HOw fun. My daughter would love this.

Rebekah said...

I think I have just found a great and fun Christmas gift for my niece!

ezeldabeth said...

this is so cute...i have only recently heard of these...i am very curious

ezeldabeth said...

just became a facebook fan!

Unknown said...

so cute! I have never heard of these either! My little girl loves having her "friends" sleep with her! What a great idea!

Unknown said...

I am a fan!

Unknown said...

I am a follower!

Ter said...

I used to have a hamster named Caramel.

I miss her!

Ter said...

I follow your blog

C. Jane Reid said...

I just found your blog two days ago and I'm already learning so much! Such fun projects. Thank you!

C. Jane Reid said...

So now I have to follow it daily.

C. Jane Reid said...

And a facebook fan as well! Thanks again!

pinar said...

so it!
kisses and best wishes from turkey

Brandi said...

This is too cute!! I am sure one of my 6 kiddos would looove this!!

Brandi said...

I am a fan on facebook!!! :)

Jennifer C said...

I have never heard of these things either but they are soo cute!! Especially the sleeping bag!

Melanie said...

Too cute! I just discovered this toy tonight and have a couple of little boys that would love it! I hope it's not just for girls.

Jennifer C said...

I am also a facebook fan!!

Keith and Angy said...

My son would love a little hamster!

Melanie said...

Now I'm a FB fan! Crossing my fingers...

Keith and Angy said...

I did not know you could follow blogs, cool. I'm following yours now!

Keith and Angy said...

Been a facebook fan for a couple weeks now!

Tots and Tails said...

OH MY! I want to win :)

Jodi said...

That cute little hamster is soo something my daughters would be in to. They love anything that's furry! I've always loved your blog. Keep up the awesome job!

Jodi said...

oh and I'm a follower now too! I've always followed you on Google Reader.

enikő said...

Oh, that's cute! My kids would love it.

enikő said...

Now I'm your fan on Facebook too.

enikő said...

I have been your follower for months...

Mason Manor said...

My daughter would LOVE this. Thanks for the chance to win!

Mason Manor said...

I became a facebook fan


Mason Manor said...

I'm a follower!


kirsten said...

I'm a facebook fan!!

kirsten said...

I'm a follower!

kirsten said...

Love the idea. I have a girl who loves stuffed animals. Some of them need sleeping bags for sure!

BreeAnn said...

I am a follower!

Ashley said...

I am a Facebook fan!

Ashley said...

I have been reading your blog since the summer. I love the variety of projects you have. They are excellent. (fingers crossed b/c dd would love a Zhu Zhu>

RR said...

very cute!i guess they only have them in the states,never seen them over here in the boring u.k!typical!


Kelly said...

This are all the rage this year from what I've been hearing about them! My girls would love one!

Amy said...

So cute!

Amy said...

I said.. so cute, forgot to leave my name... duh! I am a follower!! Amy

Trisha said...

He is so cute, I think I call him Charlie:) Now if I win do I have to give it to my little one???

Trisha said...

I am a follower!

Trisha said...

Facebook fan too!

Amanda said...

My daughter would FLIP for a fake hamster! Plus it's an actual 'pet' hubby and I would compromise on!

Amanda said...

And now I am a Facebook fan!

Margaret said...

My daughter would love this! So much better than the real hamster that we got for her birthday a few years ago that went on to have 9 babies 12 days later...

Anonymous said...

adorable sleeping bag! we are on the hunt to find some hampsters :) we have few accessories hidden in the closet, but they dont do much good without the pets!

Anonymous said...

and im not a 'blogger follower' but you are on my bloglines, which is how i keep up! (if that counts for anything)

Donna VW said...

What a cute little project!

Vindiciti said...

Adorable! My daughter would love one of these. I looked locally in stores for these but haven't seen them. The sleeping bag you made cracks me up!

Vindiciti said...

I am a follower. :)

Lynette said...

I'm a follower!

Vindiciti said...

I'm a fan!

Lynette said...

My son would LOVE this!

Trish said...

if I knew how to sew, this would be perfect!

Trish said...

I'm a fan on facebook.

Kari said...

Cute! girly said "look at that little mouse. Hims so cute" gotta love 2 year olds!

Kari said...

I follow your blog, have for a while!

Kari said...

And I'm a FB fan!

Jess B said...


Jess B said...

I'm a follower!

Jess B said...

And I'm a Facebook fan :)

Bridget =) said...

Those are CUTE!!!!

Bridget =) said...

oh, and I already subscribe to your blog!

Bridget =) said...

and i just became a fan on facebook!

mommymelb said...

My daughter asked for one of these and I can't fing them anywhere! I would be eternally grateful if I won!

Mama King said...

Aren't you going to be everyones FAVORITE giveaway!

Mama King said...

I am a follower :-)

Unknown said...

i have a little one who would LOVE that and of course i would HAVE to make a place for him to sleep.

Southern Gal said...

Never can get enough stuffed animals!

Unknown said...

i follow you!

Southern Gal said...

I'm a follower.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable!

Unknown said...

im a fan! of course im a fan.

Mandy Beyeler said...

they're all the rage - my kids would love one!

bobbiea said...

I became a fan on facebook :)
Oh my daughter wants one so bad.. and the stores are always out of stock..

bobbiea said...

I also have your blog bookmarked and loved one of your last ideas for the bow holder AWESOME!!!

Nikki said...

That sleeping bag is so cute! I've been a follower for a while now.

james and bess said...

too cute!! great giveaway!! -bess

Nikki said...

I'm a fan.

james and bess said...

p.s. i am now a fan on facebook. :) -bess

Anonymous said...

i am looking everywhere for these & can't get one!!! My daughter has been pretty sick & this is all she wants for christmas!!!! please enetr me!!!

Anonymous said...

i am already a follower of your blog!!

Anonymous said...

i am a fan of your facebook page!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Suzy D. said...

what a great mom you are!
making all that wonderful stuff for your kids!
this would make a great stocking stuffer for my little guy.

annemarie said...

These are new to me but they are darling - love them.

Simply Jessabells said...

Oh, I can't find these anywhere. I hope I win. I have been looking for my neice for Christmas. They sure are the hottest item this year. Thanks so much for the chance!

Simply Jessabells said...

Oh, I am also a follower.

TMDSPD said...

These little ones crack me up! Can you post pictures of your American girl clothes you made?

Nicole-Lynn said...

So cute!!

Nicole-Lynn said...

I'm already a follower!

Ms Mae said...

Too cute. I bet my daughter would love to chase one of these everywhere :)

Ms Mae said...

I'm a follower too :)

ktarbell43 said...

I love your website!

Tiffany said...

So cute. My boys have been asking for everything else on tv.

Tiffany said...

I'm a follower. Love your blog.

Cassie said...

My daughter wants one of these so badly ;D

Cassie said...

I've been a follower for so long, and I love all the tips you all give ;D

Cassie said...

I'll follow you on Facebook right now! ;D

Grace said...

Oh, my daughter would LOVE this!
Thank you.

Kristin said...

what a cute giveaway!

My little dude would love one of these!

Jenn said...

Got to love pets that you don't have to clean up after.

Grace said...

I'm a facebook fan.

Heidi said...

oh my gosh, my neice is all in a tizzy about these little hamster things...I hope I win one for her.

Heidi said...

I'm a follower

Thelissa said...

I have to enter just because where I'm from these are so hard to find! I do love your blog and check it everyday.

Heidi said...

i'm a facebook fan!

. said...

So so cute!

. said...

I'm a follower!

Liz said...

I'm a follower and my son would love to get his hands on one of those little guys. He says he'll name her Squeaky Rainbow...

estaats (at)

Milica said...

I'm a follower! Love the blog!!

Milica said...

I'm a fan on facebook! That's what brought me here early this morn!

hawkeyejlp said...

What a cute idea! I do hope to get my hands on one of these for a certain someone this year.

hawkeyejlp said...

I follow your blog (eagerly) as well!

Lonna said...

Love your blog. You have so many fun projects.

Kara said...

I love your blog and it's great having you on facebook, thanks!

Kara said...

great idea, I follow you on my blog!

Kara said...

My girls would love to have one of these cute pets!

Parkinson Party of 7 said...

Already a follower!! Yeah!

Parkinson Party of 7 said...

Love you on facebook!!!

Parkinson Party of 7 said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me!!! :)

tammyjh84 said...

How cute is this!!! Love your blog!!

Name Nazi said...

No idea why I'm entering to allow a battery powered rodent into my home ... but, here's hoping for good luck!

And I'm already a follower ... does that count?

Noelle said...

my daughter would LOVE this! and i'd love to make the sleeping bag!

Noelle said...

I'm a facebook fan now!

Noelle said...

I'm a follower, now, too!

Aims said...

ZhuZhu pets are all the rage in my house!!! I think I'll be making the sleeping bag this afternoon!! Would love to add to the population with a friend for Mr Squiggles under the tree!!

Aims said...

I am also a follower, and love so many recipies and craft ideas I get here! :)

Anonymous said...

Cuteness... I want one.. err My kids want one :-)

Aims said...

I'm now a fan on your FB page too! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a Facebook fan!

Tessa said...

So cute! I love your blog! =)

Live, Love, Craft said...

My two year old would LOVE it!

Live, Love, Craft said...

I follow! :)

Stephanie said...

Such a cute project.

Anonymous said...

My little niece wants one of these so much! It would be such a joy to give her one. I have recently found your blog and are loving it.
thank you for all the wonderful ideas!(I too, am sewing American Girl outfits this year< any tips would be great)

Tuesday Girl said...

We would love to have one of those critters!

Sims Family said...

Ohhh, those are so hard to find these days! Great idea!

Sims Family said...

I am a follower!

Sims Family said...

I am a facebook fan, too!

thetoddlerwhisperer said...

SO cute...what a fun idea. :)

thetoddlerwhisperer said...

I'm a follower!

thetoddlerwhisperer said...

Totally a fan on fb.

Unknown said...

I am a follower and a FB fan.

My boyfriend's daughter would love it!

K Hutchinson said...

Oh my goodness this is adorable! My boys would love this little hamster in his own little bed!

brianna said...

I'm a fan, my neice needs this!

brianna said...

i'm a fan and a follower.... did i mention that my neice needs this?

brianna said...

ok, my third comment... maybe i want this more than my neice does... scratch her off the list... i need this little guy, soo cute! i think i'll name him otis...

Annie Lee said...

I have been trying to get one for awhile now! My daughter really wants a real live mouse for Christmas, and I'm hoping that she would be happy with one of these!

Annie Lee said...

I am a follower

Jenny said...

My daughters want a lil zhu zhu so bad..and they are sold out. I would love to make her lil Christmas dreams come true!

Jenny said...

I became a follower on facebook!

Jenny said...

I have been a follower of your lovely blog. I love all your projects!
thank you!

Anne said...

We'd love a cute zhu zhu pet! Thanks for the chance!

Anne said...

I'm a follower!

mommy2luke2008 said...

Ooooo, my son would love one of those!!!

The Allen Family said...

What a cute little craft. It fits so perfectly.

The Allen Family said...

I'm a facebook fan. Dezi Allen.

Unique2wh0 said...

How cute that is! Please, enter me in your contest-TY!

Unique2wh0 said...

I follow your blog :)

Unique2wh0 said...

I follow you on Facebook and so glad I do :)

Trista said...

I love your sight. Especially the adorable pie in a jar.

Jessica said...

I absolutely love your blog, and my daughter is dying for one of these! So cute!

Jessica said...

I am now a follower too!!

Atticelf said...

That sleeping bag is TOO cute!

Atticelf said...

I'm an avid follower! :)

Atticelf said...

I found out about the giveaway because I'm a FB fan!

Unknown said...

I'm such a follower of your blog! ;)

waiseone said...

Oh, my daughter would go crazy over this hamster. I've tried to get them at our store but they are always sold out.
Thanks for the opportunity.

waiseone said...

I love everything you post. I'm a follower through google reader. Keep up the great work.

momof2Boys said...

My son would really love this.

momof2Boys said...

I am a follower.

Kim Huggins

momof2Boys said...

I am now a facebook fan.

AikoArt said...

Thanks for the great idea! My nieces are wanting a zhu zhu so bad. I didn't even know what they were till yesterday. My dd is only 14 mo & much too small for a zhu zhu.

AikoArt said...

I'm a blog follower! Thanks for having the giveaway

Sharlene said...

I have a friend who would love for me to win this for her daughter. I hope I do!

Sharlene said...

I follow your blog and love it!

Sharlene said...

I now am a fan of your facebook page

Philip, Melissa, & Summer said...

I think that is a cute idea. My daughter would love it.

Philip, Melissa, & Summer said...

I follow your blog.

Staci J said...

Love your awesome ideas! My 4 yr-old would love this!

Staci J said...

I am a follower

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