Tuesday, May 28, 2013

kidzmet and a parent's playbook for learning

Are you ever helping your child with homework and feel like you just aren't getting through to them? Or maybe you are a teacher and feel like certain students aren't getting the material you are teaching.

I recently heard about Kidzmet which is an online tool for teachers and parents that is all about helping parents and teachers determine their childrens’ learning style(s) and  learn to speak their students’ preferred learning language.There are 8 types of learners. Knowing which types your kids are can help them excel and develop confidence in their learning and study strengths. You can complete a personality profile for each child and determine exactly how they learn and what you can best do to help them!

I love that you can choose to have a snapshot of these results sent to a teacher or to yourself and keep it as a reference for your lesson preparation!

If you want to continue further in honing your skills for which type of learner your kids are, you can pick up a copy of the book--A Parent's Playbook for Learning.

The book offers insight on:
--how to create a learning environment that allows their kids to excel and develop confidence in their abilities 
--how to support and encourage their kids' education in ways that are best for him or her
--how to teach kids the strategies that help them each play to their individual learning strengths

 These are great resources for parents and teachers so we can be sure we are helping our kids learn in the best possible, individualized way!

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