Wednesday, September 16, 2009

chomp, chomp

My dear brother-in-law just finished up his two-year surgical dental residency. Whew! What a ride. We got together to celebrate with him, so I decided to make him something unique. Okay, quirky. But I did make it myself and I felt pretty darn crafty when making it so I thought I would share it anyway.

When I purchased the Best Cupcake Decorating Tip Kit from Bake It Pretty, I also picked up some fun chocolate molds. They have a fantastic selection of molds and decorating kits. I fell in love with the garden gnomes and mushrooms and just had to have them. I also picked up this unique mold. We have a lot of dental professionals in our family so I thought it would come in handy some day. I've seen handcrafted candies baby and bridal showers and wanted to do something a little different. You can't get much more different than this.

This was my first time ever using a chocolate mold. Wow, this was hard work. I hand-painted the white for the teeth and then poured the pink melts on top. My hats off to all you candy makers out there. This is not as easy as it looks. I think it turned out okay, but I would love to have someone share some of their tips on how to do this. Anything to make the next time around a little easier.

I put the candy in a cute jar I picked up at Ikea to make them look like dentures. I think bro-in-law is going to love them. Now, I need a reason to make candy mushrooms and gnomes.

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52 Responses to “chomp, chomp”

Janelle said...

HILARIOUS! Love it. Wish I has a need for this mold.

Suzee said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! Reminds me so much of my grandma. I am sure he will love them.

torinem said...

Those are too fun! My hubby is in his last year of dental school, so I can appreciate these :)

pjw3362004 said...

you could also use them for retirement parties too.

pjw3362004 said...

you could also use them for retirement parties too.

CourtneyKeb said...

Oh I just love that!

Unknown said...

That's hilarious! I love them!

ShareandRemember said...

That's awesome!! LOL

Kelly O. said...

this is awesome! I'm a dental assistant and any dentist I know would think these were hilarious!

Cher said...

oh my gosh---I am soo glad you shared this. My husband is a dental student and I can't wait to make this for him... maybe I'll do this after he passes his first sets of board exams! I checked out those websites and couldn't find this mold?! aww..where can I find one? What a cute little gift...I don't think I can imagine eating it though...*gross* :)

My Trendy Tykes said...

Ah, my kids would love this one!
They are amazed at FALSE TEETH.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness that is the BEST! I love it love it love it.

And I am sure he will too :)

Jen said...

Ummm...yeah. That might be the funniest candy gift I've ever seen. Love it. I only wish I knew a dental resident!

Jenn said...

HILARIOUS! I love it!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Very clever!

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

SSSSSOOOOO funny! Great work! Good idea for an "over the hill" b'day, too!

:::b r a n d i::: said...

That is so super cute!!!

Cynthia said...

Hilarious! I bet he'll love it. I'm not sure if I could eat it though- looks too real.

Diana said...

This is hilarious! I have a brother who is in dental school right now, so this idea will be bookmarked for the future. Thanks!

Allie said...

That just cracks me up! What a fantastic ides. I wish I could see his face when you give them to him.

Tanya said...

That is adorable! I am sure he will love it:)

christa said...

this is super cool. it would be fun for Halloween too

Jessica Sorensen said...

My husband is a dental resident right now I think I might have to find me one of these molds.

Andy said...

That's funny, and a little bit gross. I would have a hard time eating them! Very clever though!

Cap Creations said...

Oh how cute!

Lallee said...

ROFL!!!! The teeth are a hoot and so perfect for the occasion.

Tauni said...

Ha, ha, ha, LOVE it! What a great gift. And, I agree with you, candy making is MUCH harder than it looks.

Lo said...

ROFL!!! that is the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time. Thanks for making me laugh :)

Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

Oh my word! Those are so hilarious! Now THAT is creative!

greetingarts said...

Too funny. And creepily realistic! What did you need to know about making candy in the molds? I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, by I did work for a candy maker and we taught classes for years, doing just what you did. Your project came out great, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I'd be happy to let you pick my brain. :0) We used little paintbrushes and artists' palettes for the colored chocolate, I think that's what you did, too?

Claire Mercado-Obias said...

This is funny! I hope he got a kick out of this =) You can do this again for Halloween -- maybe add some fangs & fake blood!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

LOL - I'm not sure I could "bite" into those! How they will get a huge laugh. :o)

Neuffj said...

hilarious... I work in the dental feild, and this is a crack up!!!!

Grace @ One Craft Girl's Corner said...

hilarious! I have so many friends whose hubbies are in dental school. i'll have to pass this along!

Bev @ The 3 Clutters said...


Cyndi said...

Awesome job!

My husband is looking into going to dental school... any suggestions? Tips? Advice for him? For me? Thanks! :)

Shan Van said...

This is so great! How creative!

Unknown said...

This is hilarious!! I love it and I bet he will too!

Rachel D said...

That is awesome! I'm laughing at my monitor right now.

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

OMG thats too funny!! LOL!! I am no expert, but I've done a little.

I think using a piping bag makes it really easy. I get the disposable ones and throw them away when I'm done. You also have to make sure you tap the mold down on the table several times to get all the airbubbles out.

Elizabeth said...

omg so funny. I must share this post with my friend that is a dental hygienist.

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

That is way too funny! I hope he pees his pants when he sees them!!! I almost did!

Jen V said...

Weird and spooky! Awesome.

seven thirty three said...

LOVE IT!!! We made chocolate favors for our wedding... My future husband and I were a chocolate factory pushing out Brides/Grooms and Hearts! Then we had a tulle party with my bridesmaids to get them bundled and set for the big day.

But ours were no where near as fun as those! THanks for sharing.

Alena Jo said...

Oh my gosh! I love it!! My father-in-law is a dentist. I think it would be awesome to give him this. (Maybe when he retires...) Or, give it to someone at a "over the hill" birthday party! It'd be kind of funny to give it to someone who just had their wisdom teeth pulled. :-)

So fun, and funny!

KatieJ said...

Hysterical- so cute and so gross at the same time.

The Blaisdell Family said...

That is awesome!! My husband and father in law are dentists!! I would love to make these for their office!

felicia said...

oh man, the idea of eating those teeth makes me feel like I'm gonna pass out!

Atticelf said...

LOL! That is GREAT!

Martha said...

That is too funny!

DanainDFW said...

Dental hygienist here - love this cute candy!

carly k said...

haha! What a good prank that would be... Or an over-the-hill party gift!!!

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