Friday, May 1, 2009

orange glazed blueberry scones

Back in January, when it was Stacy's birthday, Mandy planned a fabulous tea party to celebrate. I was assigned to bring scones. I had never made scones before, but I knew it wouldn't be too hard and I was excited for it! I visited my trusty friends over at to search for a yummy recipe. I came across this Tyler Florence recipe for Orange Glazed Blueberry Scones. They looked and sounded amazing. It's a very simple recipe as well, which is always a plus in my book. I made them for the tea party and they were delicious. The orange glaze added the perfect touch. Go check out this recipe and make these scones for breakfast this weekend or try them for an upcoming brunch or party. You won't be disappointed.

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3 Responses to “orange glazed blueberry scones”

glenna said...

Those Look yummy!!

Ariana Rose said...

Oh yum! I loooove scones and am always looking for simple, yummy recipes.
These look amazing. I'll have to try them out sometime.

Unknown said...

These looks scrumptious! I was totally sold on them after seeing your photo and am making them today :) TFS this recipe.

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