Friday, March 20, 2009

chocoholic cake

Hi, my name is Jessica....and I am a chocoholic. I am addicted to chocolate. Phew, it feels good to have that off my chest. I must also admit that I make little to no effort to overcome it. In fact, I am always on the lookout for recipes that might feed this addiction for me. Luckily, my mom knows this about me and was kind enough to be my enabler and pass a wonderful recipe on. Chocoholic cake. Yes, that is really the name. It can't get any sweeter than this.

Chocoholic Cake
1 chocolate cake mix
1 small package (3.4 oz) chocolate pudding
1 cup milk
1/2 cup sour cream
4 eggs
1 cup walnuts, chopped (optional)
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

Mix all ingredients except nuts and chips on low until well blended. Beat 2 minutes on high. Add nuts and chips. Pour into greased and floured bundt pan. Bake at 350 for 55-65 minutes. Cool cake 10 minutes then turn out onto platter. Glaze with the following recipe.

1 bar (2 oz) semi-sweet baking chocolate
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
3 T. butter
2 T. water
1 tsp. vanilla
Melt chocolate and butter in microwave 30 seconds at a time until smooth and melted. Cool. Add powdered sugar alternately with water. Add vanilla. Pour over cake.

Enjoy every heavenly bite!

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50 Responses to “chocoholic cake”

Screwed Up Texan said...

Oh dear, you've enabled me too. This is one addiction that is worth having.

Abbie said...

I'm drooling all over my computer and wondering if it'd be ok to lick the screen!

Anonymous said...

That looks yummy and I am not a cake fan. My dad's birthday is coming and he was also bitten by the chocolate bug, I think I willt ry to make that for him. Thanks for sharing.

Jenn said...

Hi, my name is Jenn and I'm a chocoholic too. This pales in comparison to some of my chocolate cake recipes!!!

Amy said...

Um, I unfortunately have ALL of those ingredients on hand. I guess I have to make it now!

Gloria P. said...

Love chocolate......I have lindt chocolates in the refridgerator and they are screaming my name.......that recipe looks so so good ..! I am going to copy it and make it Sunday for my guest!

This is exactly why I love blogging!

PaisleyJade said...

Wow - yum! I share your addiction too ;)

Me and My Boys said...

good goo that looks tastey!

arah said...

hello, my name is Arah and I am also a chocoholic...this looks tasty.
There is a fantastic cake recipe on the bake of the herseys dark chocolate cocoa powder box. You must make it with the dark chocolate...heaven. It's really rich and good.

Mrs. M said...

yummy! i could eat chocolate all the time!

Sharlene said...

You are an evil evil woman postig this recipe. Such a temptress!

Kerry, Miranda and Logan said...

I LOVE this recipe. I remember you shared this with us during a recipe swapp and anytime I have to bring a cake anywhere...this is the one I bring. It always gets rave reviews. LOVE IT!!!

Shey said...

*wipe wipe* I'm drooling and my tummy's saying, "I want that!"

From another chocoholic.

Deanna said...

*sob* I too am an addict. And I don't want to be cured!

Gina said...

This is the only cake I make. It's sinful eating each and every piece of it. I found the recipe in an old Taste of Home cookbook I got for a wedding gift! Glad I am not the only one benefiting.

junko said...

Wow! This cake sounds amazing! My husband is going to love it. Thanks for the recipe!

Nicole said...

Yum, sounds delish!

Bumpkin Hill said...

wow that looks like my kind of cake :) Catherine

calicodaisy said...

I love that cake! I think I need to go to the grocery now ...

Anne said...

Oh that sounds GOOD! I'll have to try that sometime when I have lots of company coming so I don't eat it all by myself!

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

My Trendy Tykes said...

GASP.....I am drooling now.

Gee, thanks


Anonymous said...

OMG..yummy. i want to run out and get chocolate cake now.

Christina said...

I must say, I have this recipe and it is Divine!!

Unknown said...

Just stopped by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2009! The chocolate cake looks yummy. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

I enjoyed looking around your blog and hope to come back and visit again soon.

Julie H said...

Ummm wish you could pass that through the screen!

courtneyb said...

i will. i will enjoy every heavenly bite and possibly all to myself

-Sydney- said...

Oh, I love this recipe! I couldn't make it while we were in the UAE because you can't find instant pudding there. . .go figure. What I love most is how easy this cake is, but it doesn't taste at all like it came from a box.

Anonymous said...

oooh...something new to try!
I just made this cake tonight after seeing it on kim's blog--delish!
you won't be disappointed!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I am new to the blog world and this is my first BLOG PARTY! Wow, what fun.

I am so glad to find your blog. I will be back soon for a longer visit.

Come by for a visit and sign up for my first prize.


Kerry said...

Yummy-another recipe that sounds delicious!

Kirsten said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh.......... that looks gooooooooood.....

Kind of torture to see the pictures though, because I gave up chocolate for Lent. LOL

The Nester said...

Went to the store and just got the stuff so I could make this RIGHT NOW!

I cannot wait to eat it!

sunnymama said...

Hi! I'm just calling by at your blog for the party. Hope to see you at my blog soon :)
Spring, a bonfire and a blog party

Alena Jo said...

My 6 year-old daughter just saw it and said, "Ouohhhh! Giant doughnut! That looks yummy!" I happen to agree! My husband's birthday is tomorrow! I wish he would let me make this for him. He wants cheesecake instead. (Still a good choice!!)

Anonymous said...

Great site! I added you to my favorites! I can't wait to come back for more. I am lovin' the Ultimate Blog Party! Deb

Amy @ OurScoop said...

That looks Yummy! You should make one for NieNie. She is on a quest to find the best one!

Deb said...

Great party post, yummy actually! This blog party is such a great way to meet new people. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week.
Pop over and say hi sometime. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh. I think i'm gonna have to make a run to the store for some chocolate!

Jessica Sorensen said...

I made this last night for my daughters birthday and it was wonderful. I am making it again for her party on Satrday.

Tiffany said...

We love this cake! The first time I had it was the day I came home from the hospital with my new babe. My mom had made this cake for us.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I am a chocoholic too! I will say it loud and proud! Now I need to go make this cake!!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Love all the crafty stuff and yummy food. Nice to meet you. Happy blog party week.

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Hi Jessica, my name is Joy and I am a chocoholic enabler. You will absolutely want to participate in my Joy of Chocolate Roundup! You can link this recipe and any other chocolate recipes. Plus you'll get to collect scrumptious, mouth-watering chocolate recipes from all the other chocoholics I enable. Stop by to get all the details. You won't want to miss this one.
Joy Of Desserts

Anonymous said...

Can I use three 8" round cake pans instead of a bundt cake pan to bake the chocoholic cake? I can't find a recipe using round pans. Pls let me hear from someone asap. Thanks

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Hi Anonymous,

Jessica, our recipe expert is currently off at the moment so she can't get back to you asap so I will try to fill in as best as I can. I do believe that you can use the round pans, but you will have to adjust your baking time. When you do it, please watch your cake carefully and take it out when it is done rather when the recipe for a bundt says it is done. I hope this is helpful. Let us know how it turns out.

Unknown said...

I added about 1/4 cup Andes mints baking chips with the 2c chocolate chips and WOW! Just the righ thint of mint to go with that chocolate yumminess! Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas & fun finds!

mandy said...

Jess, I finally made this cake and it was WICKED good! I'm not sure if I should thank you or curse you! :)


DecRenew Interiors said...

I've made one similar and posted about it over Christmas. Few differences but always fun to compare. Love your icing!!

arie09 said...

Hi I was wondering do you add the ingr. on the cake mix box or do I just use the ingr. listed.....

Little Birdie Secrets said...

You just use the dry cake mix and add the rest of ingredients from my recipe.

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