Thursday, August 12, 2010

book page canvas tutorial - guest post

We're so thrilled to introduce you to one of our new favorite blogs this week. This girl is the real deal. Her work is masterful and her style is elegant and polished, yet cozy. And she posts weekly about her outfits--LOVE that! Plus, she's in the Seattle area. Hooray for us! Wish I would've known that when she threw this Summer Boutique (please, do another one for me!). This week she's featuring 5 great tutorials in a row, and so far they're all amazing. Please meet Emily of Jones Design Company. She stopped by to share her Book Page Canvas tutorial, which I am totally going to use to make some art for over my piano! Enjoy!


This one is fun and while I’d like to think I made it up, I’m pretty sure it’s out there somewhere else. Again, it is a simple and inexpensive project and makes a delightful gift or custom art.

Here’s what you’ll need


:: a canvas {purchased at any craft store}

:: a book

:: scissors

:: mod podge & paint brush

STEP ONE: tear out pages


I take them from all over the book so that the page numbers and content varies.


STEP TWO: arrange the pages


make sure to overlap the page so that there is enough paper to cover the edge of the canvas


STEP THREE: fill in the little spaces




until the canvas is completely covered


STEP FOUR: glue them down


Gently lift the pages to get the glue under, then press down. This is the trickiest step because the pages are arranged in an overlapping fashion. Just keep lifting and gluing and don’t worry too much about the paper wrinkling or air bubbles – that’s what gives it charm {or at least that is what I tell myself}


STEP FIVE: seal the top of the pages with Mod Podge


STEP SIX: glue the edges


STEP SEVEN: fold over the corners



STEP EIGHT: trim the excess


STEP NINE: glue the pages to the back



Now on to embellishing {although it is perfectly lovely in it’s simple un-embellished state}

Here’s what you’ll need


:: a print out of an image {a bird, in my case}

:: pencil

:: glue

:: paint brush

:: glitter

STEP ONE: select your design, decide how big {or small} you want it and print


There are so many possibilities with this. I did a bird because I’m fully into the trend, but you could do a silhouette of a different animal, a chandelier, a chair, a lamp, etc. If you search in google images for “bird silhouette” or “umbrella silhouette” you should find an image.

STEP TWO: transfer the image to the canvas


scribble on the back of the print-out around the edges of the design


trim the edges


place in desired spot on the covered canvas and trace around the design


pull up the paper and your design will be transferred


STEP THREE: paint in the image with glue


STEP FOUR: glitter



STEP FIVE: brush off the excess


and here it is:


One thing I love about this project {besides the fact that I am crazy about anything using book pages} is that the possibilities are endless.

You can use pages from different books:


as seen in our bedroom:


or sheet music:


as seen over the piano:


silhouettes of your darlings:


paint a monogram:


or embellish with scrapbook paper flowers and ribbon.



How cute would it be to do it with pages of a vintage magazine? Or a favorite children’s book with the word ‘read’ painted on it? Or sewing patterns with a big silhouette of scissors? How about an assortment of maps? Or a cookbook? Now my mind is spinning …

I hope you are as inspired by this as I am!

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31 Responses to “book page canvas tutorial - guest post”

Kreateten said...

What a great idea! We have recently moved into our new home, and havn't put anything up on our walls yet...

Perhaps I should go to the next fleamarket, end collect some old books?

Anonymous said...

I love the litte bird..
and I love all time weathered book arts..
I have covered a whole bookcase with pages.. and made some art also.. but never thought of glitter..
and thank you for reminding that transfer method ..

lisbonlioness said...

LOVE it! Honestly, this is gorgeous. Now all I have to do is bring myself to taking apart a book... I have about 800 of them and they are my babies, it'll be hard to dismember one of them :)

Cynthia Schelzig said...

That was fun...thanks for the link too.....
Cynthia Schelzig...a.k.a. Cynnie

Lina Thomlinson said...

This is the second piece of art I've seen this week made using book pages and I love this one too! Looks perfect over your bed.

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

This is really lovely. Thanks for posting this.

emily said...

so fun! thanks for letting me hang out with you!

Anonymous said...

I LOVED this post. Now my head it spinning with ideas too! I can't wait to do something with this after I move, which is happening in three weeks. (AH!) Thank you for this super-cute idea. :)

Anonymous said...

I loveee this idea! So cute! I have been looking for a project to do with pages out of a book or sheet music! And now I definitely know what I'm going to do! Thank you so much!

Christina said...

Oh wow! I love this! I'm already imagining where I'll put this... off to the thrift store I go to get supplies! :o)


kati said...

I love the sheet music idea... now I have all these ideas for my mom.

Erin said...

I love this! I want to make one I just need to decide if I want to do vintage maps (which I collect) or a favorite book.


Alex said...

I love this idea. Certainly going to try it.

Fatticus Finch said...

That's so cool! Thanks for sharing! I just don't know if I'd ever have the heart to tear up a book! (Even in a language I can't read. Ha ha ha)

Sassy Sites! said...

Stopping by to say I LOVE your blog! Lots of sassy ideas! I would love it if you would add me to your blog list... you are already on mine! :)

...visiting from Sassy Sites!
(cause your blog is a sassy site!)

Tiffany said...

i luv a good monogram, luv this blog!

Teri said...

I absolutely love this! I've been looking for a frugal DIY art project large enough for my blank living room wall, and I think this might be it! Thank you so very much for this tutorial! :)

Amy said...

Love it! I have a pile of frames that my MIL has given me, this is just the thing :D

Nicole said...

*GASP* I love this! This is a must do project! I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

I love this, its a really great way you can highlight your favorite quotes or verses, or poems.

Anonymous said...

I love this, its a really great way you can highlight your favorite quotes or verses, or poems.

Rockstargirlz said...

I wonder if you could coffee or tea stain the paper slightly to make it look older? said...

Aww, I love Emily's projects! Thanks so much for this, I'll be linking.

Laura said...

This looks fabulous! Can you do this with magazines? Thanks for sharing ;)

Brandi said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Wouldn't this be cute with a silhouette over a child's report card and art work...

Andrea Ancich said...

oh my goodness...
this canvas idea is just too cute....
thanks for sharing!

Ali's Creations said...

check out my version of this book page canvas on

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I created my own work of art for my son's game room based off this idea.

Aue85 said...

Where can you find the old books like the one you used? Are these expensive?

BKH30 said...

I love yours and decided to try it myself! Thanks for the inspiration!

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