Thursday, June 10, 2010

ginger blossoms giveaway

Time for another fabulous giveaway. Lucky you. Ginger Blossoms has adorable products for kids. I love all of the felt food. It looks tasty enough to eat!

Ginger Blossoms also has a program that I really admire. The owner started "Cookies for Cancer" after she lost two important people in her life to cancer. Now she gives 50% of every cookie purchase made on her site to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation. That's a purchase to feel good about!

Today Ginger Blossoms is giving away a vegi basket worth $30! Visit their site and find your favorite item and then come back and leave us a comment telling us what it is. For a second entry become one of our facebook fans and let us know. This giveaway will end Monday, June 14th at 11:59 pm PDT.

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298 Responses to “ginger blossoms giveaway”

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Dawn W said...

I can't believe what they make out of felt! Because I love cookies, the sugar cookies look yummy to me!

Kristina said...

I actually think that the veggie basket is my favorite! This gives kids a way to play with their "Food." Love it.

Yours Truly said...

I like the Tea Party Desserts!

onlyjustine at yahoo dot com

Liz said...

Those strawberry cream cupcakes look good enough to eat!

SavingMom said...

Love the meat lover's breakfast...totally looks like what my husband eats for Saturday breakfast and my son likes to snitch off of.

Barbara said...


emerzim said...

The tea party desserts are precious!

galbraithfam said...

I LOVE their heart shaped frosted cookies...they are so sweet!I have two girls who would LOVE the vegetable basket! What a cute site!

lar1203 said...

i like'd you on facebook!
lauren riley white

lar1203 said...

everything in the shop is cute, but i love the sugar cookies and corn on the cob!

Anonymous said...

I love the veggie basket! So cute!

Dana said...

The pretty in pink cupcakes look gorgeous, they are my favourite!

Anonymous said...

I'm already a fan on facebook!

Alena said...

my favorite item is the "Summer Vegi Set"

Audrey said...

I love the turkey sandwich set!

Katie said...

I really do love the veggie basket. I know my niece would love to play with these in her kitchen, and maybe 'play' gardening. So creative!

engk789 at gmail dot com

danalou said...

The turkey sandwich set is adorable!!

Audrey said...

I became a facebook fan!

Katy said...

I would have to have the cupcakes - - so mini and so completely adorable!

Lynsey said...

the tea party desserts are my favorite! super cute!

Holly Days Closet said...

I really like the tea party deserts I think they are just the cutest things.

Lynsey said...

I became a fb fan! :)

Katy said...

I'm a facebook fan now!

Sims Family said...

I like the tea party desserts! Those are so cute!

Amy M. said...

The corn on the cob is especially adorable!!! (I am a Facebook fan!)

Crafting by Candlelight

Holly Days Closet said...

I'm already a fan on your facebook page as well as a follower of your blog.

Julie said...

the tea party set is beyond adorable! My girls would love these

Unknown said...

I'm a FB fan of Little Birdie Secrets!

Crystal said...

Facebook Fan

Crystal said...

Oh, my! The eggs are adorable!

Unknown said...

Love the Sugar Chic cupcakes!

Jess@craftiness is not optional said...

I'm loving the veggie basket!

mama bear said...

You're makin' me hungry! Ooh, I love it all but I think my fave would have to be the Chocolate Strawberry Cream Cake.

I just became a fan on facebook too, at least I think I did!

Anonymous said...

I love the tea party desserts and that corn on the cob! It was hard to choose, but any would be delightful!

Oh Mandie said...

I'm a facebook stalker ... er ... I mean fan :P


Ry and Ally said...

LOVE the pretty in pink cupcakes!

Oh Mandie said...

oooh those pretty Strawberry Cream Cupcakes are most certainly my favorite!! Such an adorable and fun shop!


greetingarts said...

Oh, the Tea Party Set is too sweet (get it?!). My girls would have a blast with anything in her store, they're wonderful!

joylyn said...

I like the turkey sandwich set.

Lucrecer said...

these are insanely cute.

Karisty said...

I really like the turkey sandwich set and the veggie basket set.

Marty Wolsey said...

I love the Turkey Sandwich set. So cute and funny. I also think the cupcakes are very pretty. If only I could make real cupcakes that looked that nice.

Lauren said...

I really love the corn on the cob! So cute! My kids would love it.

Sara Bradbury said...

love, love, love the summer veggies!

Brianna said...

These are so cute! I think my favorite is the veggie basket! The corn on the cob is too cute too! :)

Unknown said...

My favorite item on Ginger Blossoms site is their tea party desserts.They are so dainty looking.

Sara Bradbury said...

love, love, love the summer veggie basket... especially the head of lettuce!

Knoell Family said...

I think the vegie basket is just adorable!

Kelly, Carrie, Kylie and Zachary said...

I love the turkey sandwich set.

Kim said...

Love it all, but the corn on the cob is my favorite!

southernsara said...

Love the corn on the cob!

Jessica F said...

Ohh! I love these! The veggie ones are my fav. What a great fun thing for kids to play with and to teach with :)

Salisbury Family said...

I think the corn on the cob is too funny! Yea for cute felt!

joeys4me said...

Cute and wonderful that it's connected to a cause. I liked the veggi basket.

Unknown said...

well the cupcakes are just the cutest! and the corn that comes out of the husk is so fun!

Amanda said...



Anonymous said...

I think the Tea Party Desserts are adorable.

Unknown said...

I like the Turkey Sandwich set - a nice little variety of foods to play with. My daughters and I have just discovered felted foods - so cute! I'm already a fan so I hope that counts too. Thanks for the chance!

Lisa Merkley said...

Love the veggie basket!!

Lisa Merkley said...

Love the veggie basket. Maybe then my kids would eat more??

And I just became a fan on fb, too. Love your blog!

Amanda said...

The veggie set is adorable but I think the turkey sandwich set would be a big hit at our house too!

Amanda said...

My favorite is definitely that veggie basket!! My son likes to go out and play in our backyard garden and it would be so perfect in his little grocery cart that he wheels around :) though that turkey sandwich is adorable too!

Unknown said...

I love them all! But my fav is the veggie basket...sure I hope I win!! Thanks! :)

Amy said...

The veggie basket and strawberry cupcakes are so cute. It's actually all so cute!

Unknown said...

I'm now a FB fan!

Cherry Blossoms said...

My THREE year old would die to have any of this felt food. My favorite item from Ginger Blossoms is definitely the TEA PARTY DESSERTS! SO CUTE!

CherryBlossomsDesign AT hotmail

Cherry Blossoms said...

I 'like' you on Facebook! Rob n' Ki Smith

CherryBlossomsDesign AT hotmail

Paparazzimommy_Dayna said...

oh my gosh-i love the veggie set!! I am getting ready to attempt to make this so hopefully my one picky eater will love his toys so much, that he will eat the real thing! lol but man, those sugar cookies are super cute with the sparkly sugar!

Kelly said...

Love the veggie basket and turkey sandwich kit... Sweet!


Kelly said...

Facebook Fan addition!


Joyce said...

Love that veggie basket! Everything is so darned cute!

Noelle said...

I loooove those sweet sugar cookies! They look so soft and yummy!

Amy said...

tea party so so cute
ps how funny is it my word verification word is bakers?! Is that a sign!

Heather McCurley said...

I love the Turkey Sandwich Set! How cute!


JunqueMagnet said...

Difficult decision but I'm going with the tea party desserts.

Patrick, Ashley, Audrey and Tessa said...

Oh I love the felt veggies!!!! They are precious!

dannyscotland said...

Oh, I love the fruity breakfast because it has a banana, which is my daughter's all-time favorite fruit!

All Things Fee said...

I am loving the felt food, especially the veggies!!

Lindsey said...

The fried eggs crack me up, how cute are those!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

dannyscotland said...

I became their fan on facebook.

Emily Marie said...

Definitely the veggie basket, but all the cookies and cupcakes are a close second.

Heather Gates said...

I love the vegetable basket! This would be perfect in my classroom! I also love the mini teacakes and meat lovers breakfast!

Christine aka The Stampin' Ninja said...

My favorite goody that Ginger Blossom makes? That's easy! Those mushrooms are SO cute! OMG (oh my gosh) - I really hope I win! My kids would love this darling felt food! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hugs, Christine aka The Stampin' Ninja

Anonymous said...

My daughter would go bananas for the Felt Tea Party Set! *squeal*

Sandi said...

everything is so darn cute!...i especially love the strawberry cupcakes...but love the cookies too and love that she donates half to cancer research! i am a breast cancer survivor!

Anonymous said...

I have become a FB fan! <3

Rachel D said...

I love the detail in her work. Though the sweets are cute, I don't think my boys would appreciate them like I do. We do, however, need play veggies around here. The corn on the cob that slides out makes me laugh, too.

Sandi said...

i absolutely love the cupcakes! but everything is so darling!

Katie said...

I think the tea party desserts are my favorite.

Katie said...

I'm already a fan on facebook.

Grace said...

Definitely the corn on the cob!! Too cool. I've not seen that before.

Grace said...

I am a FB fan of Little Birdie Secrets!

Its_Lily said...

Oh my gosh! The pink heart sugar cookies are just adorable. How can something so yummy looking not be edible??

Jacinta said...

WOW! these are amazing! I love the meat lover's breakfast, gotta be the bacon :)

Jacinta said...

I'm already a FB fan! :)

The Tucker's said...

My favorite is the cookies of course!!!! What a great cause.

Unknown said...

I love the meat lover's breakfast - that would fly in this house of boys ;-)


terraljones at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a FB fan


terraljones at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

pretty in pink cupcakes!

Trish said...

Love the pretty in pink cupcakes!

The Tucker's said...

Just became a FB fan.....did I mention just how much I LOVE the cookies!?

Jenny Bolech said...

My favorite is the turkey sandwich set! So cute!

jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

Jenny Bolech said...

I liked you on facebook as Jenny Bolech

jenny.maurer84 at gmail dot com

Jan G said...

The Pretty in Pink Cupcakes look good enough to eat!

Anonymous said...

Corn on the cob! by far, my favorite!! who doesn't love corn on the cob on a summer night??

deserae said...

My favorite is the veggie basket! How fun!

Angel said...

pretty in pink cupcakes!

Unknown said...

I like all of it, the desserts/cookies are really cute. My daughter would be in heaven with any of these cute foods. :)

Unknown said...

I'm a FB fan :)

Nina said...

I love the Tea Part Desserts! How adorable!!

A. Kerr said...

I love the veggie basket.

Nina said...

I'm a facebook fan! :)

SunnySusan said...

I just love the sugar cookies.

SunnySusan said...

I am your fan on FB

Brianne said...

Their tea party desserts look good enough to eat!

Brianne said...

I am a Facebook fan!

tricityty said...

Ooh so cute! Love the tea party desserts!

tricityty said...

I am now a facebook fan of yours!

Lyd-ee-ah said...

I love the pink heart sugar cookies, all of the felt food is super cute. I am also a facebook fan. :)

scrapplejack said...

I'm usually a real sweet-tooth but I have to say the 'Corn on the Cob' was my favourite - it even peels out of the husk! Love it!

Connie said...

My kiddos would love the veggie basket. They love playing in their kitchen so this would be right up there alley! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity.

Unknown said...

The tea party desserts are my favorite! Any little girl would love these!

Unknown said...

I'm now a facebook fan!

Jennifer said...

I really like the Pretty in Pink Cupcakes! So sweet.

Jennifer said...

Oh.. and I am already a fan on Face book! That's how I heard of this adorable give away!

Scented Sweetpeas said...

I must say I love the cheesecake - it made my tummy rumble!

Adams Family said...

Such fun felt food...makes me wish I was a little girl again! Love the tea party set...looks good enough to eat!!

Adams Family said...

I am a facebook fan!

Janiel said...

Her site is adorable! I thing the pink cookies look so yummy - makes me hungry!

The Nieboer News said...

The veggie basket is actually my favorite. I think if I had the cupcakes I'd be craving yummy cupcakes all the time.

The Nieboer News said...

I follow on facebook.

Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh the tea party is adorable. My little girl would LOVE that. Thank you!

cbryan said...

The felt fried eggs make me smile :)

The Tea Party Set is super cute too!

Jamison Foster Photography said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Jamison Foster Photography said...

My favorite was the tea party set.

Lucy said...

It's got to be the Pretty in Pink Sugar Cookies, sooo sweet and they look real!

Preppy Mama said...

so sweet! The pretty in pink sugar cookies are my fave! Adorable!!

Laura said...

I love the Pretty in Pink cupcakes

Lisa said...

Those veggies would be so fun for my little guy!

Unknown said...

I love them all! I would love to have the veggie set for my little ones and the corn on the cob is genius!

Rebecca McKinnon said...

I'm torn...I LOVE the veggies but the cupcakes are just adorable!

bamckinnon at gmail dot com

Audrey Yeager said...

I love the PB&J set. Hubby likes the meat lovers breakfast! :)

Kimberly Carpenter said...

and I am a facebook fan. :)

Kimberly Carpenter said...

I love the tea party desserts and vegi basket!

Unknown said...

I'm a fan on facebook

Heather said...

How cute is the corn on the cob


Jennifer said...

My favorite is the turkey sandwich set. I can imagine hours of sandwiches at my house! :)

Debbie said...

its hard to just pick one!! i love the pb and j sandwiches and the veggie basket!

Debbie said...

facebook fan

Debbie said...

facebook friend!

-Sydney- said...

Oh, and i'm already a facebook fan!

-Sydney- said...

I love the pretty in pink cupcakes--they're good enough to eat!

Stephanie said...

I'm a facebook fan too.

Cris A said...

Oh my gosh! How do I pick a favorite! I'm going to have to say that the Tea Party Desserts are my number one pick but the Veggie Basket is uber cute too!

Stephanie said...

I just love the PB & J sandwich set. These would be so cute for my daughter's second birthday.

Callicott Family said...

I think my daughter would try to eat those strawberry cream cupcakes. Cute!

Melonie said...

I love her pink heart sugar cookies! They look good enough to eat! meloniew a t g ma i l d o t c o m

Seaside Siblings said...

Love the tea party desserts

Gizala said...

Love the cookies. Especially the pink heart cookies.

Karen Bing said...

I just bookmarked the site because it is so awesome, I love the corn on the cob, how cute that it comes out of the cob and I also thought the turkey sandwich is pretty adorable!!

Karen Bing said...

I'm now a fan on facebook!!

Brie said...

The veggie basket is great and the corn on the cobb along with the cupcakes! Oh I would be happy with anything! So cute!

katie said...

How fun! I love the veggie basket!

Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness! Everything is so cute! I love the tea party set - it looks yummy :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Danielle B said...

I love the chocolate strawberry cream cake. These are adorable!!!

Marky said...

I love the veggie sets and the turkey sandwich.. so cute!!

Marky said...

I am a facebook fan!

Elizabeth said...

the pink heart sugar cookies are super cute!

Unknown said...

the veggie basket is super adorable.

Rika said...

I love the fried eggs and the corn on the cob.

Shirley said...

The veggie basket is actually my favorite!

The Fife's said...

I love the fruity breakfast!

Shirley said...

New Facebook fan :)

Jenna said...

I love the tea party set. It's super adorable!

Jeff and Sarah said...

I love the Turkey sandwich set, the corn on the cob, and the pb and j sandwich. so cute!

Stuart and Kimber said...

tea party desserts! Super cute!

alang said...

I like the meat lovers breakfast set and also the pb&j sandwich set. therichlangs at gmail dot com

Chelsea said...

facebook fan

Chelsea said...

I love the cute vegetable basket.. and the corn on the cob! They are all sooo cute.

Rachel said...

I love all the cute desserts! I also think the corn on the cob is hilarious! It's perfect. Who would have thought to make a sleeve to take it out of! So creative! Thanks for sharing this site with us!

Paige said...

Well, the veggie basket is my favorite, but the PB&J lunch set is also adorable! I've been wanting to get some felt food for my littles...they have dishes but no food yet!

Paige said...

I'm a "liker" on facebook :)

The Dorans said...

I love the chic sugar cookies!!!

Julie @ sew girly studio said...

I'm a Facebook fan!

Julie @ sew girly studio said...

Oh, they are all so cute! I love the tea party set!! My little girl hopes we win!

Matt and Kim Fairbanks said...

The Tea Party Desserts have to be my favorite. So they look so tasty!

Jasmine said...

I love all their cupcakes! They look so yummy!

Jasmine said...

I am a facebook fan!

Brett and Kimberly said...

I love the veggie basket-super super cute. I wish I had these growing up!

momto2munkeys said...

i'm a FB friend!!!!

momto2munkeys said...

Love the meat lover's breakfast...and the tea party desserts....and the corn on the cob....and,well, everything!!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

Choosing my favorite is easy. I love cupcakes and I love pink. The pretty in pink cupcakes win! These are going on my to get list for my daughters birthday!

Amanda said...

this is easy! I love pink and I love cupcakes. The pretty in pink cupcakes win.

Erika said...

I am a fan on Facebook!


Erika said...

I love the corn on the cob! So cute!


Run by Rugrats said...

I am already a Facebook fan!

Run by Rugrats said...

My favorite has to be the Vegi Basket. It is just so adorable and the basket makes it complete! My little ones would love playing with it!

Anonymous said...

Lots of great stuff! I think one of my favourites is the corn on the cob. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a Facebook Fan. :)

Rebecca said...

The chocolate strawberry cream cake looks good enough to eat!

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