Wednesday, April 22, 2009

doctrines and diapers baby sling giveaway

Giveaway #6

Jennifer Woodward of Doctrines and Diapers makes the prettiest baby slings, and she's going to give one lucky winner a custom sling of their choice! She sells them for $75 each, so this is a fabulous giveaway. Even if you don't have a baby to wear on your hip, you've got to have a baby shower in your near future, right? What a fabulous gift!

Her slings are all made from two layers of designer fabric so they're really durable. We love her little details, too, like ruffles and ribbons. And the slings are adjustable to accommodate babies from newborn to toddler.

Jennifer lets you pick your own fabric from a site she has listed on her blog sidebar. Check out her blog then leave us a comment to be entered to win a custom baby sling! Comments must be left by Wednesday, April 29 to be eligible. Good luck!

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376 Responses to “doctrines and diapers baby sling giveaway”

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Jaclyn and Dominick said...

I love her slings! They are so pretty! I would love to use one with my daughter.

Francais Frit said...

Beautiful family, beautiful slings!

Cori said...

What adorable slings! I'd love to get one for one of my mommy-to-be friends!

Shawna said...

I have always wanted one of these! So cute!

710 East Myrtle Avenue said...

Jennifer's slings are as lovely as her blog. Thank you for this wonderful give-away.

McKenzie said...

These slings are absolutely beautiful!! I would love to win one for my new little girl due in June!

roseylittlethings said...

OOOH, they are so pretty, my baby is due in AUGUst, I will keep my fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

The fabric choice for the boy sling wrap on the website, is cute and a must have.

love bug momma said...

Those are beautiful! Perfect to still carry my little boy while getting things done!

Laura said...


Linda said...

these are adorable!

Emily said...

I have always wanted to have a sling, and what BEAUTIFUL fabric. Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

Julie @ sew girly studio said...

Wow! These are the most beautiful slings I have seen (and since I am currently "shopping slings" I have seen a LOT)!. I would love to win one to use with my two month old!

Kristin said...

Oh my goodness! Those slings are gorgeous!

Ky said...

oh i just love the blue striped one!!!!

Aimee said...

So pretty...would love to have a new one for my son for the fall!

Rachael said...

Those are beautiful! I just found I am having a girl and this would be perfect!

Sarah Barton said...

I love the dark green baby jack baby sack one....It'd look adorable with my redhead in it! ROFL.

Sue said...

Thanks for helping me to discover this great site! Her work is beautiful and with two grandbabies on the way, I would love to win a sling!

Lindsay said...

Those slings are so beautiful!

Amy said...

cute!!!! love them

mflott said...

Thanks for the chance to win. They are beautiful!

Anne said...

I love her slings! I'm thinking a girl one!

Keeping Up with the Benson's said...

I have tons of baby showers this spring, this would be an awesome gift!!!

Lindsey said...

The fabric that she uses is SO cute! I am due with my 2nd baby anyday and would LOVE a sling to tote him around in!!

B said...

This would be wonderful to save my aching arms!

Amanda said...

WOW!!! I can't believe how beautiful these slings are. Her selection of material is really special. She does fabulous work! I'd SO love to have one to put my little one in.

Christina said...

Such beautiful slings! I would love to win one for my baby due in Oct.

Kelly A. said...

Pick me! ;)

Kameron said...

With a little one cookin in my oven, a sling would come in handy! I love the brown one you have pictured and the blue retro looking fabric. I like how she adds the details and makes them pretty.

TheMoncurs said...

Gorgeous! I had a non-adjustable sling with my first and I think I'd like to go the adjustable route the second time around. These would do the trick!

beckaboots said...

These slings are so adorable! I have never seen slings that are so cute! Thanks for this amazing opportunity!

April said...

I love the Sorbey Paisley inlime, adorable!!! With #4 on the way I could DEFINITELY use one!!

Beth said...

They are fantastic. I would love one for my little man.

Megan said...

such talant! I LOVE THEM .... WOULD LOVE WIN ONE

Autumn said...

darling....I would love to give one as a gift. Thank for the giveaway.

Rebecca said...

Those slings are lovely! I used a very bland beige sling for baby #1 and would love a more elegant one for baby #2.

Jen T said...

Such a great idea! I love the fabrics.

Heather said...

Very unique and sassy baby slings. Love them!


Corals said...

I would LOVE one of these slings for my daughter! How adorable--and chic! :)

Kevin and Tara said...

Love these - especially the details which you don't find on "traditional" slings

casey aubut said...

I could use one of these for my daughter still!

Emily and Frank said...

Great fabric choices! Thank you for the giveaway!

April said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I hope I win!

Crystal said...

Oh, I want one! :-) I have a moby wrap and love it. A sling would be great for quick short outings.

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Oh my word...these are AWESOME!! I need one. I babysit a 6 month old and I've crafted a sling out of an old sheet...what a pain and the knot is huge because I've simply tied it. I would so love to win one because I also have a new grandbaby!!!

Rudy said...

Her slings are beautiful. Would be a wonderful gift for my niece.

ShellyLynn said...

Those slings are gorgeous! I would love to have one for my daughter!

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

love the "boy" sling. that fabric is adorable!!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Oh these are absolutely wonderful! I know just the person I could give it to!!!! :)

Cara said...

What beautiful slings! I'd love to have one for a baby shower coming up...or even to hold on to for the future.

jamie said...

Her slings are beautiful! I love the details she adds.

Heather R-R said...

I love slings! They are the ultimate convenience in baby carrying, AND ring slings are so fabulous b/c they adjust! These are too adorable, and I crave one for myself.

nap time journal said...

What beautiful work she does!

Spacy_Lacey said...

What cute slings! I love the spring patterns.

Annette said...

So cute. I'm having some trouble with my sling, so I'd love to upgrade!

Aubrey said...

Very crafty! (especially since it seems she does a lot of things without a pattern!) Great colors too.

Vanessa said...

Her slings are beautiful!

Kelly said...

ooo-these are gorgeous! I occasionally make baby slings for myself or baby showers, but I'd much rather have one of hers!

ShareandRemember said...

Very nicely made, love the fabrics. I'd love to use one with my day care babies. Too bad they weren't popular when my baby was tiny. :(

Leisel said...

Love them! I need one for my little one. . . she is getting heavy!

Melanie said...

Absolutely gorgeous slings! I am due in June..what a great addition this would be too!

sunflowerlin said...

So beautiful! I love all the different patterns!

Crystal said...

These are beautiful. I love the pink with white polka dots and flower ruffle!

McKenzie said...

I've always wanted one of these. I love the fabric she uses. such an eye!

Widiger Family said...

Love the slings. It's a great timing for the giveaway, I'm due in October and would love to use one of those.

Susie Chadwick said...

Those are beautiful slings! What a great giveaway.

Skye said...

SO CUTE!!!! *fingers crossed*

Erin said...

These slings are absolutely beautiful!

Jessica said...

What lovely slings! Jennifer is so talented, and one strong mama...I might just have to start blog-following...

Jaime said...

I want, I want....I need, I need!!!
Please pick me!!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

I need a new sling for baby #2 coming in July! It would be awesome to win.

Queen Bee said...

Wow, those slings are very fashionable! Definitely a nice flair with the extra fabric enhancements! said...

I would love a pink one to use with my baby girl!

kristal said...

would love love a sling like this!! who needs a baby? wearing this is fashionable all by itself:)

laska said...

What beautiful slings! I also love the frills and details. So cute!!

Paige said...

Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer's designs/fabrics are incredible; however, coupled with her Christian values makes her her talent even more appealing!

Care said...

fabulous giveaway -- i would love a sling for my brand new baby girl!!

barbaraence said...

Wow, they are so adorable!

Kathryn said...

wow her slings are GREAT!! my son is 3 months old and i must have one! *wishin and hopin*

Pink Princess said...

What a great give away!! My best friends sister is having a "surprise" baby. Her youngest is now 11 so a real surprise. Wouldn't is be great to give her one of those!!

Muir Family said...

I've got friends that can't live without their slings, I'd love to give them a try. Cute fabrics.

Leanna said...

I do in fact have a baby shower coming up. This would be a great gift.

Jodi said...

I love that teal and black fabric. What a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Ok, those are the cuties I've seen. I'm pregnant with my fourth and never had a sling. So I'm finally looking into getting one. Would LOVE to have one made by her! Super cute!

Melynie said...

I'd love one! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Becky said...

I'm expecting a baby in December and would love a sling! They look beautiful!

The Allen Family said...

I'm having a boy in June and would love to win this! (Just like everyone else :)

Alena Jo said...

Beautiful! I wish I could make these. I've looked for the rings, but not had luck finding them. Much easier to have someone else make them for us anyway!

Wamhoffs said...

Great giveaway! It would be great to use with my 5 month old and future kids!

Rachel@MyPinkFlipFlops said...

I would love a sling for Baby Boots!

Ally said...

This would be perfect for my sister-in-laws birthday in August!

The Foster Bunch said...

These are so cute, and so handy. I would love to get my hands on one!

Miranda @ Someday Crafts said...

What awesome, adorable slings! I could definitely use one with my 8 month old son to give my arms a rest. He never wants to be put down, so atleast this way I could still use my hands! Thanks for the giveaway!

Chrissy said...

Looks like a great sling! Very cute!!!

Joni said...

OMGoodness!! I have GOT to have one!! It would make my days out a BREEZE!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!

Angella said...

LOVE those slings!

Monaca said...

These are fantastic... I love the designer look and all the pretty fabrics! Taking my baby girl out would be MUCH easier with one of these :D

isaacandruth said...

What cute fabrics and what a great sling! Perfect for me and my 3mth old who loves to be snuggled, so I can still do house chores and play with my other two little girls!
My fav fabric would be either the "Patisserie - Filigree - Sugar Baby", or "Cotton Blossoms - Scrollwork - Pear"

Maria said...

I'm due in November! This would be fantastic to have!

jules said...

Her slings are great and also a great site. Thanks

jules0910 at gmail dot com

Kailey said...

These are so cute! Would love to win one!

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Those are beautiful! I think my daughter needs one!

Amanda said...

Oh wow those are some seriously gorgeous slings! I would love one for my next baby!

Paula said...

Oh, I love 'em! What a great idea...wish I'd had one with my first baby! : )

Kayleen said...

Ohhh I would love to have one of these for my baby, due any day now!

Trisha B said...

The slings are all so adorable! I would love to use one with my twin boys.

Nikki said...

so cute! I am in love.

Megan J said...

I could totally use this! They are soo cute!

Shannon said...

These are great and I can think of so many ways to use them/give them away!

Angel said...

I really love teh brown floral and pink dots!

Amanda B. said...

I could totally use this...and I know 50 other people who would love it too! Pick me!

Taylors said...

what wonderful pieces of art. they are beautiful

Greg~Chels~Livi~Gracie said...

These slings are adorable!! I have wanted one of these! So cute!

The Lord Family said...

Beautiful slings!

Julie said...

I would love one of these!

Melissa said...

OOooohhh, those are so pretty! I would love to win one to use with my baby boy coming next month! :)

Anna & Miri's Mom said...

I love the fabrics she uses! Gorgeous.

Tonya said...

She seems like such a wonderful, christian woman. She does a fantastic job! I would love one for my future baby. Thank you for the chance to win.

Alisha said...

I love slings in general! These are so cute!

sandals said...

I would LOVE to have one of these. I'm expecting my 4th daughter and never had a sling. I think I will need one. They are just beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity!

Tiffany said...

Those are really cute! She is very talented!

Jess said...

I love the details she adds to the slings and the fabrics are great!

Nicole said...

I would love one! All are so cute!

The Titmi said...

I just had a baby 12 days ago so one of these would be great!!

Lisa McNabb said...

I love her slings--the fabrics are so nice. I'd love to have one for my soon to be baby.

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I enjoyed the Lava Flower fabric, I think that is what it was called on the second pix on your blog. Beautiful children to take pictures of, how lucky!!! Thank you for including your carriers in this giveaway!!
Kelly Jackson

MFamily said...

love them all and I have no clue which fabric i would choose there are soo many!

tilda said...

the slings are absolutely adorable. i would love to own one.

Unknown said...

I love her slings! I can't wait to check out the fabric she has listed on her blog...and her family is so beautiful!

shaka said...

So cute I LOVE these!

christi said...

My 5 month old always wants to be held. This would be so helpful!

Allie said...

I would love one! They are all beautiful!

Jenni said...

These are so cute! I would love one!

Unknown said...

Her slings are so cute! I would love to win one for my two month old. It would definitely make life easier since she wants to be held all the time (I don't mind). I love their Family Foundations! Please let her know that I am praying for her and her loss. I can't imagine what that is like.

Crissy said...

Slings are essential mama gear! I'd love to have one for my next little one.

Kelly said...

Gorgeous slings! Makes me want another baby.

Nana Laurie said...

Very pretty. I loved the story about trying to please the woman who wanted the no frills pillow.

Nicole said...

LOVE these slings...having a boy and would definitely come in handy!

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please! There are several new babies in the family and it's hard to get just the right gift isn't it?

Charity said...

How great that she lets you choose your own fabric?! What a great blog and story of her family. Wonderful of you to give away a piece of your hard working talent.

Becky said...

thanks for the chance to win. these slings are so practical (not to mention beautiful!) and i would love to have one for my little girl.

Stacey said...

I love carrying my babies! count me in!

Natalie said...

Beautiful work! I would love to be able to give one to my sister for her baby shower.

Little Miss Alaska said...

She's so talented! I love her slings, such a treat for baby and mamma!

Thanks for this opportunity.

kristib said...

The slings are beautiful, but I was equally impressed by the faith and strength shown in the blog. This woman has it together!

The Giggles Family said...

What gorgeous fabrics... I'll have a hard time choosing, that's for sure!
I am pregnant with my fourth after two second trimester miscarriages last year. I am hesitant to buy and baby things too early but maybe winning something will bring me good luck.

Thanks so much!

Rachel said...

What beautiful and unique looking Slings. This little bundle growing in my belly would be tickled to be carted around in one as I chase his big bro.

Lynn Osborne said...

Would you believe I have three baby showers coming up?!! Would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

About the Thompsons: said...

I love slings and wish I actually had one about now! They are really cute.

TexasTwinsTwice said...

LOVE the fabrics--count me in!

Cathy said...

These slings are fabulous!! My daughter has been looking for one and I would SOOOO love to win one for her!! :)

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Those are great! I would love to try a sling, I currently have a wrap.

Emily said...

What beautiful slings. I have a plain one and would love one with such cute fabric. :)

Mary-Catherine said...

Oh wow...those are just divine! My best fried is having a baby in July...I would love win of these for her!

D said...

Love her slings! I have one that I used for my second son that I love (made of solarveil fabric perfect for the beach and pool) and I would love a softer fabric one for the next baby.

Elizabeth said...

Ohhhhhh! I LOVE those slings and am in definite need of one!

Teresa Abajo said...

What a brilliant idea! I'd love one of these for a good friend of mine - she would be thrilled.

Megan said...

These are the cutest slings that I have seen! I have always wanted a sling

Rach Williams said...

These make me want to have another little baby right now to use this for. I am in love with these!

Unknown said...

I love her slings. I have an 8 month old and have been using the native sling and she is starting to get to big for this one. This would be nice because it adjusts!
Pick Me! Pick Me!

Annie. said...

Oh boy! I am excited since there's a little one in my near future. :)

kristin said...

Wow! These fabrics are so fun! I've considered trying to make one myself, but it'd be even better to win one! After loosing our son in 2006 hours after birth, we are excited about our new baby coming this fall. We are praying for a healthy baby and since I've got two other boys (6 and 4) I'm praying for a girl too. A sling like this would be great either way though!

Sara said...

Mmmm.... How beautiful!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Sara :)

kristin said...

Wow! What fun fabric! I would love a sling like this. After loosing our son just hours after he was born in 2006, we are finally expecting again in the fall. We are praying for a healthy baby this go around, and I admit I'm also praying for a girl. (We have two other boys 6 & 4.) But a sling like this would be great either way :)

zachsmama said...

I just love slings, and these are gorgeous!!

Brittany said...

How precious!! Love them!

Destiny said...

I'd love one of these.

Amanda Lou said...

So pretty! I use a sling all the time for my 7 month old.

Jessica Jane said...

I love the stripes!

Lindsey said...

Cute slings! I'd love, love, love to have one!

Somer said...

I love slings. They are so great for mom and baby.

Emily said...

So adorable. Would love to win one.

Carrie said...

I would love, love, love one of these for my little girl due in 6 weeks.

Alice said...

They are beautiful. I love them.

WonderKitty said...

I will admit that I do not have babies yet, but I have wanted one of these type slings for years now. And she usues such stylish and modern fabrics. Awesome.

Karen said...

One of my best friends just let us know she's pregnant with her about timing! :> These are really adorable and that dress she made her daughter is so sweet! :>

Michelle said...

Pick me :)

(Nicole) The Very Hungry Caterpillar said...

oh she does great work. I want one!

Layla said...

I love her slings! I don't have any babies but I have a few baby showers I will be attending to!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Oh my heck! Those are some beautiful slings! I want one. Any of them will do for me. I would actually love one that is very neutral for a boy or girl!

Becky said...

So cute!

Jenni said...

Those would be perfect for my upcoming baby!!! Super cute!

lil misses' mama said...

I admired Jennie's slings at first glance and then visited her blog, where I read the heartbreaking story of her recent loss. May God bring blessings to them out of this hardship!

Katie said...

These slings are darling! I just found out my sister's pregnant, but I might just keep it for myself!

Unknown said...

I love the "A girl sling for Baby Sightings" fabric its so bright and pretty! Thanks for the chance.

Amy said...

These slings are adorable. I am a first time mommy to be and I find out Monday if I am having a boy or a girl. What a wonderful giveaway!

Martha O said...

My daughter-in-law will look great carrying her new baby boy in one of these fabulous slings!

finishtherace said...

The designs are just darling. I love it!!

Nicki said...

She is so talented! I would love to win one of these awesome slings for my baby girl.

Unknown said...

Those are beautiful! My 4 month old would be in heaven!

Anonymous said...

I love these slings. I am currently shopping slings to try to accommodate my 6 month old while enjoying the spring with my 3 and 5 year olds also. Thanks for the chance to win one!

Hilda said...

wow these are beautiful! I love slings and would love to try one of hers out!

Our Bitter Sweet Life with T1D said...

Those slings are beautiful. I would love something like that for my new little one

Robyn said...

Wow! Those are gorgeous!! I'd love to have one of those beauties!

Wehaf said...

I love what she does with the leftover fabric scraps!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Felicia said...

I love the accent fabrics on these slings. So cute!

call me Laura said...

I think her fabric combo's are inspired. I would love one to carry my little chunk around!

Ariane said...

Wow! I love the slings. Such great colors. I would love to have one. It would make such a great gift for my sister-in-law who is having her first baby!!

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