Thursday, May 20, 2010

circle applique quilt

Baby G. finally got his quilt! Nevermind that he is six months old. Luckily summer doesn't officially start here until July, so he still has a little time to snuggle in it.

I love an easy quilt, and this one is just that. I had leftover Michael Miller fabric from this stroller quilt, but not enough for another patchwork. So I opted to cut a few circles of each (plus a few other coordinating fabrics) to create a similar look with way less fabric.

I ironed my fabric to an iron-on webbing, then cut the circles using a die cut machine, but you could easily trace a cup and hand-cut your circles. Then I measured and ironed them in place and used a zig-zag stitch to stitch them in place.

The quilting was the hardest part of this quilt! That's the reason it sat in my closet for months and months. I decided to quilt around each circle, and then outline the circle rows with another row of quilting. If I could do it again, I'd probably just do a stipple over the entire center panel, even over the circles. I love the look of stippling. But I still love the way this polka dot quilt turned out!

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17 Responses to “circle applique quilt”

erica e said...

great quilt! i love the circles and colors!

Jenni Renee said...

OMG! I love this quilt! It might have something to do with my obsession for polka dots but still. Its amazing!

Ashley Melina said...

you'r quite is adorable, you did a great job.
i love the dick & jane fabric, my son has a quilt with it if i could get my aunt to do his whole room i'd be a happy

Ben and Taryn said...

Is there a trick to sewing in circles? I made a flannel blanket for a nephew and cut out circles and sewed on but my circles were not sewed on very circular-ish. Cute cute quilt!

sallgood said...

Cute circle quilt! Using the die cuts is a great way to have perfect circles!!
(But if anyone wants a tutorial on a circle quilt, I have one on my blog. It uses a CD as a template.)

Staci J said...

That is adorable!!! I love it!!

Gina said...

The quilt is fantastic! I love it and they are so great to have with kids!

Ginger said...

Cute! Love it! But man, I would be way to timid to try this kind of a project...phew! There would be no way I could pull it off!


Piper said...

SO wonderful! I think a baby always needs a quilt, no matter what time of year!
When you make the butterfly quilt, I bought some heat n bond lite. WOW! So much fun! I recently made a dishtowel with a circle design.
Thanks for all the great ideas!

Anonymous said...

Love this quilt, so fresh and clean.

Denise said...

cute, cute, cute.

megan said...

How cute! I just made, and blogged about, my first quilt! Yours is super cute! Great job.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your quilt! I'm starting my very first quilt any day now - my MIL is going to tutor me through it. I am so excited. I hope it turns out as cute as yours!

Laurel said...

Love It! But I guess I love all of your quilts. You make sooo many. It amazes me. How do you quilt them?

Little Birdie Secrets said...

We machine quilt our quilts, but I've got a hand-quilting frame and I'm just itching to give it a try!

Little Birdie Secrets said...

The circles were a little tricky to sew. I actually just did half a circle at a time, then came back and did the other half. I also had to use a compass and fabric pen to mark my outline circles so they'd be even. When I sewed them they weren't 100% even, but it's not that noticeable. said...

Although this comment comes 5 years after your post, this is the first time I have seen your blog. The quilt is beautiful. What a great idea to make a quilt in a hurry. I had a lightbulb moment when I saw this: why not quit several, solid color baby or lap quilts, and set them aside for when you need a gift in a hurry. Adding the circles, to individualize the quilt to the person, and then An Instant Gift in a hurry. Love it. Thanks for the idea.

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