This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Kleenex but all my opinions are my own. #KleenexAllergy #pmedia
I have a home filled with people suffering with allergies--big and small. My son suffers from asthma and last year we decided to have him allergy tested so we could know exactly which pollens trigger his asthma. Well...the poor guy was allergic to EVERY single weed and grass he was tested for. Man, that's the pits! My husband also suffers from allergies but not as severely as my son, at least not now that he is an adult.
I have learned over the years to put up a good defense against these allergens because I just don't want my poor family suffering more than they have to! I have allergy medicine constantly stocked in my cabinet and I make sure to keep my son away from freshly mowed grass and other weeds when they are really circulating outside. But one of my biggest defenses...Kleenex. The truth of the matter is that you just can't avoid allergens all the time. Especially with kids who love to run and play and be outdoors! I don't want to miss out on fun family memories at such fun times of the year because I am worried about allergies. So I keep my Kleenex close at hand and we don't have to!

I have Kleenex all over my house. Let's be honest. When you feel a sneeze coming on, you need
some Kleenex very nearby, otherwise all that junk is ending up in your sleeve or on your hand. Kleenex has such nice patterned boxes that I don't feel bad keeping it around my home and it is so gentle on those little runny noses.
The Kleenex pocket packs are my best friend. I carry them everywhere I go. Seriously. Ok, I will prove it. Look inside my purse.
I didn't just put those in there for your benefit. I actually caught a friend peaking in my purse one time and when I asked her what she was looking for she said, "I just wanted to see just how many Kleenex packages you had in there!" After several kids sneezing, having runny noses, and watery eyes, I just learned it is best to keep these in my purse all the time. They are a real lifesaver. The adorable patterns don't hurt anything either.