You're gonna say "Wow!" when you see this tutorial! My new friend Tausha of Sassy Style Redesign shows how to make the cutest Easter wreath using Sham Wow towels, and we're super excited to share it with you. If you don't know this sassy girl, please set aside a couple of hours and go visit her site. (My favorite ever is her kitchen makeover--it will blow you away). I used to blog-stalk Tausha (and watch her crafting segments on Studio 5), but after she made a pillow using a sheet inspired by this flower wreath by Shelley, we became fast friends. So happy to introduce her to all of you! 
Hi everyone! I'm Tausha from Sassy Style Blog. I am honored to be guest posting on this blog! I am so excited to be visiting and sharing a bit of creative craziness. I have the blog
I love to create, thrift shop and use my glue gun. I also have an obsession with Diet Coke and all things gooey and sweet! I am a mom to 3 chickadees and a wife to man who makes me happier that I sometimes deserve! I have a business Sassy Style Redesign. I get to work with my mom and do something that I love. Decorate! It’s fabulous!
I am also so blessed to be on a local Ut TV show, Studio 5. I love this and I love the fact that my kids like to use my segments as Show and Tell. Not my 11 year old though, she is way too cool for this! Good thing my 9&6 still like me. Yes-I refer to my children as numbers. :)
Hope you will come and visit Sassy Style. Bring your Diet coke and relish in the crazy, craftiness going on! Please, feel free to stay awhile! The laundry can wait
Sham Wow’s!
Yep! Those crazy, orange, infomercial rags.
This is the guy that tries to sell them to you.
You know what I’m talking about now..right?
Well, I headed to the dollar store last night trying to find orange colored stuff.
An orange noodle?
Tried and failed!
Sham wow’s-worked like a gem!
What for?
What? You never thought to use sham wow’s to make carrots?
With a little help from some of this stuff,
I should have taken a picture of HOW I did it, but that would have been way too easy!!
So, I get to just tell you.
I promise, it’s sooo easy!
I cut the sham wow’s into4 squares per wow.
At least I guess that is what you would call a single sham wow..
After I cut the squares, I hot glued them into cones.
Then I shoved them as full as I could get them with good old, polyfil!
Because, really, heaven forbid I leave them alone.
It’s me!
Remember, I have a problem with leaving well enough alone.
So, they went from these…
to these…
which eventually turned into this…
When life gives you sham wow’s from the dollar store, you turn them into carrots and then make them into a wreath. Of course!
This is how I did it.
I bought some of these lovely green, grassy things from the dollar store.
Then I added some to a stick wreath that my dead moose that hangs in the garage, was holding for me.
(really, I use my husbands prized moose head to hold off to the extra lampshades and wreaths.)
Genius, right? I totally think so!
Added some green stuff, like this..
Simple, right?
Told you!
Then I picked my favorite carrots from the bunch..
Ha! And hot glued them to the wreath
oh, and may have taken the pic at night because…
Lame..I know..sorry!
I will take a better pic,in the day, another day.
Cause I love you all!!
Make these! They will make you happy!
Plus-they will cost you a Dollar!!
Even your husband will love this idea!
8 Responses to “sham wow carrots {easter wreath tutorial}”
Love the carrots!
GENIUS!!! I love them! All I can say is "WOW"! ;)
Love your blog! I'm passing along a Stylish Blogger Award to you to let you know that we love following you & your creativity!
Grab the award image here:
One of The Ettes
So cool! I totally got sucked into the Sham Wows during the State Fair demonstration a couple of summers ago. Maybe it's time I put them to use!
2 thumbs up! Those are the cutest!
That's hilarious and came out SUPER cute! Thanks for the how-to, I'll be linking to this... and saying Sham WOW for the rest of the day. =)
GENIUS! I love them! All I can say is "WOW"!Shamwow
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