Monday, February 23, 2009

japanese time machine

Whenever I am in Jackson, Wyoming or Sedona, Arizona, I love to stop in and watch the old time photographers. You know the ones. They dress you up in vintage western wear and take your picture. Then a million dollars later you have a beautiful sepia toned picture of you and your loved ones that looks just like it was taken 100 years ago. Well, this past year I discovered a Japanese Time Machine that gives you the same results, but for free. No need to fly yourself to a popular tourist attraction. Take note all you scrappers and altered art artists out there. The Bakamatsu Koshashin Generator allows you to use your current digital photos and turn them into pictures that look 100 to 150 years old. (Don't forget to click on "English" in the top right corner if you can't read Japanese!)

I had to see for myself how the pictures turn out. I altered a picture of me and my kiddos in Seattle taken this last fall. Mandy’s son thought we were in ancient China when he saw the picture. Imagine what you can do with this. Get your little ones all dressed up in their cowboy costumes and take pictures. Run them through the Bakamatsu Koshashin Generator and voila! Your own vintage picture. Does your hubby have a car that he just loves and adores? Send a picture of his car through the generator. You can do so much with this site. If you do make some beautiful art with this, we would love to see it!

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15 Responses to “japanese time machine”

Felicia said...

I LOVE THIS! Thank you so much for sharing. I usually only glance at your blog posts kind of in passing, but this website is FABULOUS! Thank you!

Martha said...

this is really cool! I will have to try it! Thanks!

My Precious Peanut Designs said...

Thanks for the cool new link! I can't wait to try it out!

Anonymous said...

That is so fun! I will have to bookmark that site for later use!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!! And I have to say, I am so in love with your last picture!!!! What a doll!!!!

Sarah Bonn said...

If you're lucky enough to have Photoshop, but like me, are a novice at it, then you'll love this site:
Free actions to make vintage, sepia and even 70's style photos. Sure you could do it on your own with PS, but she makes it so easy!

Jon and Amy Duvall said...

I did it! Here is my blog if you want to check it out. this was AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

I love the look of old photographs! Thanks.

Amanda @ said...

I'm definitely going to try this! I've got oodles of pictures that would do nicely, and I'll let you know how it turns out!

xo, Amanda @ /

Laura said...

How fun! I think I will go play for a while. :)

Kerry said...

That is totally cool-thanks for finding this for us!

Lee Ann said...

Check out my blog I did a few pictures!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great tip! I had fun transforming a photo if my daughter holding a cowboy boot. I must say that I was a little nervous about going uploading a file through a completely foreign site, but I took the leap. Thanks for sharing yourself through your wonderful blog. I visit almost daily and will continue to do so.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this! Too fun! I made some pics of my girls you can see at

Michelle said...

Thank you so much for sharing this great website!
I am a big scrapbooker and I will definately be using this website for some of my photos. Keep up the great work!

Angie said...

So much fun...I actually discovered this a while ago, but I need to revisit with some other pics... Here is a link to my blog:

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