My kids are constantly creating art (mostly monsters at the moment), and I'm running out of real estate on my refrigerator. So this kids art board was a perfect solution.Cut and rout a piece of plywood to whatever size you like. Sand then paint or stain (I painted black over red paint, then sanded so the red showed through, and stained any bare wood showing under that).
Then glue large magnetic clips (we found these at Staples in a package of three) evenly across the board. Attach hardware to the back to hang it on the wall and you're done!
I hung mine at the kids' eye level so they could hang the art themselves.
If you have a Cricut or other vinyl cutting machine, try using a larger board and cutting words for your board like "Adam's Artwork" or "Look What I Made!"
My boys went crazy over this board and changed the pictures a hundred times once it was hung. My four-year-old even told me we needed "about 100 more clips" so he could hang ALL his artwork. I guess it's a hit!
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3 Responses to “kids art board -- look what i made!”
For someone who doesn't have a saw or router, is it possible to buy unfinished boards at Joann's or something?
Yes, you can find them at craft stores. I know that both Ben Franklins in the Seattle area have them. I've also seen them in craft stores in other places. You should try the hardware store. It will be much cheaper that way. You can usually pick up a long board for a couple of bucks. Just ask them to cut it for you right there in the store. They will do that for their customers. You may have to pay a very small fee, but it is still cheaper than buying a precut board at a craft store. I hope this is helpful.
Hey, check out my blog and you can see how my kid's art boards turned out!
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