Hellooooo! Yes, I'm still alive. And wow, what a journey. After 7 days, 2800 miles, 7 states, 4 national parks, 5 hotels, 100 hours of whining kids, and about $75,000 in gas, we finally made it to Iowa City! Woo hoo!
I am in love with this place already. It is so green, the sun is always shining, and the people are so friendly! We are just two houses from the elementary school, 2 blocks from the University hospital (where my husband works), and 2 miles from the mall and HOBBY LOBBY! Yippee!
I love our house and am almost finished setting up my craft room. Here's a peak at my shelves that hold most of the stuff I was able to bring.
I can't believe my whole craft room has been reduced to this lone shelf! It is forcing me to think outside the box and get pretty creative with what I have. |
Can you believe I selected only this much paper from a whole closet full of it? |
I love looking at all my fabric stacked up, ready for projects! | | |
I had to display this card next to my ribbon stash:
And it's true! The dear friend that came to help me pack up my craft room helped me go from four large hangers full of ribbon spools (like this) and two large ribbon boxes, to this:
About 1/64th of my total ribbon collection and two jars of buttons made the journey. |
I'm actually amazed at how much I was able to cram in there thanks to her!
And here's the view from my crafting table--inspiring, right?
Now that I'm back on a normal schedule and into my second trimester (no more exhaustion and crafting aversion!), I am back on the crafting saddle. Soon I'll find out if I'll be making girlie headbands or more pee-pee teepees!
Until then, I already have several projects in the works, including a sweet quilting pattern that I'm putting together for Riley Blake Designs using their new line Sew Cherry by Lori Holt:
And new bedspreads for my boys using Sarah Jane's new line Children At Play by Michael Miller Fabrics:
Not to mention some fun papercrafting and back-to-school projects:
Anyway, I promise some fun tutorials soon! Thanks again for your patience and all your kind words of encouragement. It was so fun to read the survey responses and know that so many of you out there are still rooting for us! We hope you'll like some of the changes you'll see in the near future.
Speaking of our survey, thank you for helping us celebrate our 3rd birthday by entering our survey giveaway! There were over 500 of you that responded, but we only have one lucky winner. That winner will receive a box stuffed full of goodies from my craft closet and from our sponsors, including some finished projects I just couldn't take with me to Iowa! Okay, I've strung you along long enough. The winner of the Little Birdie Secrets Birthday Bash Giveaway is. . .
Meghan Ross!
Congratulations!! We've already e-mailed you, Meghan, to let you know you're our winner, so reply asap and we'll get your prize on it's way!
Thanks for entering, everyone else!
8 Responses to “i'm baaaack {and our birthday bash giveaway winner!}”
Great to hear you are almost settled, nice place you moved to! crossing my fingers for a girl :)
I love yellow stone. Congrats on the pregnancy. Good for you on organizing. My craft stuff is uh well....
Congratulations on your new home (and baby on the way!!)
I'd love to see Mount Rushmore one day (we've never been to the US)....
S x
You are going to love Iowa City. It is such a fun place. It was that hospital that saved my life 23 years ago while I lived in Cedar Rapids. Love, love, love Iowa. Just returned from a family reunion from Des Moines. Embrace the green rolling hills. They are beautiful!
Welcome to Iowa hope you enjoy the humidity that has settled in for awhile. Northeast Iowa welcomes you and your family
Wow, you mean you got rid of crafting stuff for the move? That's brave. Seriously, I don't think I could.
Congrats on your bump too.
Wow! You sure did cut down your craft supplies. You're new house look so cute and your little baby bump too!! :)
Yeah for you. You house and craft shelves look cute!
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