Friday, July 11, 2014

Montagne Jeunesse Renew You Sleep Spa Masks {giveaway}

Does anyone else feel like your skin takes a real beating in summer? I sure do. I try to take good care of my skin by washing every morning and night and staying well hydrated. That can get even harder in the summer months because it is really hot and I am on the go so much. I also feel like with all the sweat and sun and applying so much sunscreen all day can really take a toll on my poor skin.

I had the opportunity to try out Montagne Jeunesse Renew You Sleep Spa Mask which is a 100% natural bamboo mask. I was really excited to try the sleep mask because face masks offer a deep-down action that helps nourish, cleanse, remove impurities, keep skin healthy and vibrant as well as adds essential nutrients to your skin. I really need that!! I tried the fruit enzyme mask which let me tell you...smells amazing! Depending on the mask you choose to use, it can help to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores so toning, hydrating and protecting products work more effectively.

First, I washed my face and got my pjs on and climbed in bed to prep for my mask. Then you just apply the mask to your face and lightly smooth it over the contours of your face. Then you just keep it on for 10 minutes. It was a relaxing 10 minutes, and like I said, I loved the smell of the mask and in summer the coolness of it was really refreshing! After 10 minutes you remove the mask and massage the leftover product into your skin. Massaging skin when removing a face mask can also help stimulate blood circulation leaving skin smoother and softer.

OK, so now I am going to show you my before and after pics. This is taking a lot of guts for me since I have NO makeup on in these pics and am showing all my imperfections! But, I really wanted to show you the difference.



Can you see how much brighter my skin looks? After a long day out with my boys I had some redness and unevenness on my skin at night, but the sleep mask really improved it! By morning it was a lot smoother and brighter. It was so easy to add to my bedtime beauty routine, I loved it!

Do you want to try the Montagne Jeunesse Renew You Sleep Spa Mask for yourself? Enter to win our giveaway for one Renew You Sleep Spa Mask treatment. To enter just leave a comment on this post telling us what is the biggest part of your beauty routine! The giveaway will end on July 20th at 11:59pm PT. 

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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15 Responses to “Montagne Jeunesse Renew You Sleep Spa Masks {giveaway}”

Felicia said...

Washing my face--gotta make sure the skin is clean!

Unknown said...

My biggest beauty routine is getting enough sleep and trying to stay hydrated.

Michelle said...

My Clarisonic- I use it morning and night when washing my face and it is amazing how much cleaner my skin gets by using it. Best birthday gift my hubby ever got me!

Lisa said...

Wow, this looks fantastic. I had a look at their site, I love that they don't do animal testing, or use ingredients that have been tested on animals. AND have products suitable for vegans. Yay!

My biggest facial care thing is cleansing. And exfoliating. And I need to kick my heiney to moisturize every day. I am not getting any younger. :)

Jenne said...

I try to drink a lot of water and eat loads of fruits and vegetables. And clean my face every morning and evening:)

Anonymous said...

My biggest beauty routine is oil pulling and dry skin brushing every day as well as drinking the water I need.

Tracy said...

Brush and floss my teeth!

Kristin said...

My biggest beauty routine is washing my face and moisturizing at night

Unknown said...

The biggest part of my routine is moisturizing

Amy Orvin said...

Not sure if this giveaway is open to the USA or not. My biggest beauty routine is washing my face.

Amy Orvin said...

The biggest part of my beauty routine is washing my face and applying anti wrinkle cream.

tellad said...

My tired face could surely use a pick-me-up! I would love to try - your results were great!

June L said...

I don't have enough of a beauty routine at all. I mostly just drink water and wash my face.

junerlisle at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have to cleanse and time. I can't leave the house if I feel like my skin is greasy.

folksmith said...

your boys have the greatest smiles. they are so cute.

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