Friday, January 8, 2010

It's in the Bag Giveaway

Kira from It's in the Bag has been generous enough to sponsor a great giveaway for our readers and we are thrilled! She makes all sorts of handmade purses, bags and accessories. What a talented lady. My favorite are the diaper wallets. How am I on my third kid and have still never had one of these? They are such a better option than "the wadded up diaper, filled with gold fish that you pull from the bottom of the diaper bag" as Kira so aptly puts it. Maybe someday I will finally attempt to make one for myself....or just buy one from It's in the Bag.

Look at all these great wallets she has to offer. I love the stars one, being that I have three boys.

Lucky for you readers, Kira is offering a diaper wallet to two of you! You even get to pick which pattern you want. All you have to do is head over to It's in the Bag and find your favorite item. Then come back here and let us know what it is and also why you need a new diaper wallet. Simple, right? Then get to it! This giveaway will close Thursday, January 14th at 11:59 pm PST. Good luck!


  1. Right now my favorite item of hers is the diaper wallet because I am pregnant. And that's why I need it! Please.

  2. I love the pleated tote, totally my style and cute fabrics!

  3. Love teh dotted star diaper wallet! Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. I love the Paisley Star pattern - the reason I'd need one is that I'm due in March with our first!! Perfect timing I'd say! :)

  5. I need a diaper wallet because I'm always afraid to put the diaper on my baby after I pull it from the bottom of the abyss of my purse! I love the dotted star one!

  6. I absolutely LOVE the Paisley Star-Boy Diaper Wallet! What a wonderful idea! One of my dearest friends is pregnant and I have been searching for adorable gifts for her. I would love to win this item for her! :)

  7. I like the dotted star boy and need a new diaper wallet b/c I don't need a full diaper bag anymore, but still need diapers and wipes to throw in my purse!!

  8. I have two new granddaughters I this would be so great for my daughter and daughter-in-law. I think they would like Yellow Floral Baby.

  9. Hmm I like all her stuff but my favorite would be the totes. :)

  10. i need one of these!!! I love the "I LOVE PARIS"

  11. There are so many cute things to pick from at "It's in the bag!" but my favorite one is the Pretty in Pleats purse. Personally I don't need a diaper wallet (my kids are out of the diaper stage) but my sister is pregnant with her first child and this would make a great gift for her!

  12. Love this idea! I'd have to choose the Paisley Star pattern. I need this because they didn't have neat things like this when I had my babies. Now my oldest baby is married and expecting her first baby in June. This would be wonderful for her...or me!

  13. My favorite would have to be the quilted tote. I love lots of pockets. As for the reason for why I would need a diaper wallet- I also have small children and it would be nice to reach into the church bag and not grab a diaper that has crushed food on it. This year I want to be more organized. and I think this would be perfect. Also I think it's really cute and a great idea. I also love the one with stars.

  14. I love either of the girls diaper wallets...seeing as I have 3 girls. It would be perfect for the transition back to a purse, which I would like to do soon!

  15. I love Paris-Girl one is super cute! I'm thinking and hoping for a second baby this year this would be great!

  16. So stinkin cute! I two have 3 kids (and the oldest is 4!). My two youngest are boys and both in diapers. I NEED this! NEED it! I love the dotted star diaper wallet. Perfect for slipping in the purse. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. They are all adorable but my favorite is the dotted star. After having a kid I've decided diaper bags are annoying when you don't really need them anymore. I would much rather just carry around this cute little wallet with the essentials.

  18. I love the key keepers, but my favorite diaper wallet is the yellow floral! I definately need one...I am always digging the diapers out of the bottom of my purse!! Then, I have to find the wipes!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  19. Paisley Star-Boy is my favorite. I have a toddler and still need to take diapers everywhere. This would make it so much easier -- and stylish.

  20. I would like the yellow floral girl diaper wallet. So adorable! I need it because I'm a very unorganized mother of an 8 month old!

  21. I love the paisley star boy diaper wallet-what a great idea! I've got you beat-I have 5 and have never had one of these but have had many, many diapers in the bottom of the bag with crumbs, etc. The key fobs are adorable too!

  22. I love the paisley star diaper wallet. I am due with boy #3 in March and would love to have this in my diaper bag. It is so hard to find cute boy things!

  23. I love the medium tote. Very cute. I could use the diaper wallet because I just had our second little girl and it would come in handy. I like the paisley star. (even thought it says it is for a boy.)
    Thank you!

  24. I sure could get a lot of use out of one of these. I don't like to bring a purse with me anywhere, so these seem stylish enough to just take along sans purse. I like the dot and stars...and I have a boy and a girl!

  25. I love the Paisley and Star diaper wallet. Very Cute!

  26. I love the diaper wallets, I have never seen one like them before and I like the I Love Paris-Girl fabric. I am throwing two of my best friends baby showers next month and this would be perfect for them to have!

  27. Definately the I Love Paris diaper wallet. With two girls my diaper bag is constantly filled to the brim with diaper ruining qualities! This wallet would save the day on many occasions.

  28. Oh, my nephew who is coming in May could really use one of those diaper wallets :) Right baby Eli?

  29. Diaper wallet is also my favorite item! Does being pregnant count as to why I would LOVE to win?! THANKS :)

  30. My favorite is the Love Me Knot Make-up Bag! Adorable! We just found out ny sister is having twins and I know she would love the diaper since soon that will be what she spends most of her time doing...changing diapers!

  31. My favorite is the City Gathers. I could use a new diaper wallet because I do daycare and we are always on the go. This would be easy to throw in my purse for our little trips.

    And I love her family picture at the end of her blog! Cool!

  32. I love the small tote! Very cute thanks!

  33. What a great wallet....definitely my fav....this would make great gifts for several friends.

  34. I like the I Love Paris pattern of the diaper wallet, it would be perfect because I'm due with a little girl in March!

  35. I love the diaper wallets and I couldn't choose a pattern yet because I am pregnant now but don't find out what I am having for another couple weeks, ;) they are so cute!

  36. LOVE the Paisley Star design! Hmmmm....why I need it....well, one can never have too many purses, even if they're for your baby. :)

  37. CUTE!! I really love the yellow-floral girl one. They are all adorable!

  38. "It's in the Bag", what a cute site! I love the Mildred Bag. I might need one. I DO know that I need a cute diaper wallet. My little girl is only three months old, but already I am tired of rumaging through the diaper bag for a diaper (which has been smooshed by everything else in there). Maybe I could just get a bigger purse (the Mildred bag) to put my newly won (fingers crossed) "I Love Paris" diaper wallet in!

  39. I love her small totes! I've been looking for something like that, but haven't found anything I love. I need a diaper wallet because I have two boys in diapers.

  40. my favorite item is the diaper wallet - the paisley star boy one - I'm expecting a boy soon and would love this! I'm using the same fabric for a blanket.

  41. Wow...thanks for showing us this site. I LOVE the Keisha Bow Tote. It's so pretty (and I'm not a bow person). I need a bag to haul all my stuff to work and back, and I'm thinking of going to some quilting classes...I need something pretty to take all my stuff in.

    The Diaper Wallet is awesome. I'm on kid #2 and planning on #3 next year sometime. I would love to have one so I don't have to lug that huge diaper bag into stores and restuarants when I don't need to. I'm constantly loosing things because the bag is so big and over flowing. It would be nice to just grab and go when I'm not going to be in anywhere for a long time!


  42. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the diaper wallet! We just came home with our daughter from Ethiopia. I waited so long for her that I had to get the frilliest girliest diaper bag and when out, my husband refuses to carry this giant pink hobo bag to change her. Oh how he'd love to just have a diaper wallet!

  43. i like the dotted star diaper wallet, and i need one cause i don't have one =) and would be great to just take the little wallet inside the store instead of the whole diaper bag

  44. I would LOVE to win the paisley star boy wallet for my cousin. She is about to have her fourth baby and she needs something special!

  45. I love the Dotted Star - for the boys :) So cute!!

  46. I love the swing bag!!! I also love the diaper wallet in stars because I am the mommy to a boy too and it's nice that it isn't all ribbons and bows. I need one of these...well...because I don't have one and want one badly!!

  47. These would be perfect for on the go! I like the dotted start! Thanks!

  48. I love the small tote, but my oldest daughter likes the dance tote. But, I could use the star boy diaper wallet.

  49. I would love the large pleated tote... my old diaper bag from our first child (my son, who is almost two) is so gross, I fear what might stick to my fingers when I reach inside and fish around for a diaper for my new 6 month baby girl!

    I have many friends who are in the same stage of life as me, and we all pass along tips about our favorite baby products. If I am selected to win the free tote, I'm sure it would drum up a fair amount of business from all of us here in the midwest!!

    Thanks for considering me!!

  50. You know, I'd have to say I really like everything up on her site right now because she picks such fabulous fabrics and pairs them together in such a pleasing way. I like the pleated bag...

    And I'd like to be considered for this giveaway because we are just about to start trying for baby number one. Feels like this would be a good omen for the months ahead :)

  51. I would love the dotted star. Right now I have wadded up diapers in the bottom of my purse. My poor baby boy!

  52. For myself, I would really love a key keeper as well as the Anything tote. The diaper wallet would be perfect for my stylish SIL, whom is pregnant with my first neice/nephew!

  53. I really like the City Gathers..I am a sucker for brown..LOVE IT ! Although I could also use the diaper wallet..I am down to the last one in diapers and really only need to carry 1 with me..that would be a perfect fit !

  54. I really need a key keeper. I need a diaper wallet for my sister who just had a baby. She would love it!

  55. Such a cute and inconspicuous way to carry the necessary items for a diaper change.

  56. All of the diaper wallet patterns are awesome...why haven't I heard of these before?? My fav has to be the Dotted Star-Boy because I am having a boy in March(baby #3!!). For some reason I can't give up my travel wipe container, even though it is held together with duct tape!! So...I think a nice new diaper wallet would cover it up quite nicely!!

  57. The dotted star diaper wallet is just adorable! I would love to win a diaper wallet because I am pregnant and when the baby comes I would like to avoid getting a huge traditional diaper bag. I could throw just the diaper wallet into the bag I already have and not worry about getting crumbs on my baby's bum! I think the dotted star design would be perfect because we are not going to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl and that design would be great for either. Thanks! I love your site!

  58. Im loving the star one as well.. I just had a baby boy!! It would be perfect to just throw in the purse for a quick run to the store.. :) Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  59. I am in true love with the Paisley Star-Boy diaper wallet. I need one of these so bad. I have probably wasted years of my life so far digging around in my 'Mary Poppins' of a diaper bag.

  60. Paisley Star. I would love to give this great product to my friend who just had a baby.

  61. Everything is super cute, I need one because my whole backpack/diaper bag got stolen while I was on vacation!

  62. I love the pleated tote. And of course the diaper wallet!!

  63. I love the teal and brown paisley small tote. So cute! I need a diaper wallet because my daughter is 18 months old and I still don't have one!

  64. I love the diaper wallet in the Dotted Star pattern. I'm expecting in 2 months and this would be perfect!

  65. I could really use the Dotted Star diaper wallet. I had to laugh at the wadded up diaper example. I laugh because it's so true.

  66. I love the quilted tote! Although all of them are completely adorable:) I could definitely use the diaper wallet b/c right now my purse is a bottomless pit full of wadded up diapers and ziplocs w/ wipes... Not the most organized thing you've seen!

  67. Besides a diaper wallet (why haven't I thought of that?), I definitely would need a key keeper!!! I am always having trouble finding them in the bottom of a bag or in my house! Having one of those would save me some time each day!

  68. My favorite is the paisley star. It wouldn't be for me, though! It would be for my sister-in-law, who is expecting her first baby!


  69. I love the yellow flower girl diaper wallet, and I need a new one because I don't have one in the first place:)

  70. this is the kind of stuff I probably won't realize how helpful it is until I need it. My husband I are currently getting certified for adoption and I'm hoping by the end of the year we will have our little baby

  71. The key keeper and the city gathers bag are my two favorites. I always seem to be loosing my keys.

  72. Yellow Flora girl diaper wallet! Awesome accessory for church!

  73. I like the paisley-dotted diaper wallet. I need one because I have a little girl who still isn't potty trained and I hope to have another child soon!

  74. Too cute! I would pick the paisley and star wallet. SO adorable.

  75. I love the dotted star it is so cute!! - Baby #1 one is on the way and so we don't have hardly anything yet - this would be a perfect addition to my small collection of baby gear!

  76. I love the diaper wallet in Paisley Star-Boy, and I even have a girl! But I love green!!

  77. I really like the Mildred bag, I'm a sucker for pockets. If I won the diaper wallet I'd either use it for myself or give it to a friend.

  78. All her items were so cute - but I especially liked the key keepers - such a great idea! And I need a diaper wallet because half the time I assume there's a diaper "somewhere" in my diaper bag when there really isn't!

  79. I love the star one as well and would be perfect as I have a brand new 2 week old boy!!!

  80. i love the paisley star diaper wallet, I don't have a son but maybe I will some day, it's so cute, i love the polka dots!

  81. I love the large pleated tote, it's so lovely. I need a diaper wallet because with two kids in diapers, sometimes the bag gets a little disorganized and full of diapers.

  82. I love the little Paris girl one, but I have a boy :) So I would have to go with the stars.

    I love Simplifying so this would be great just to throw in my purse and go. Thanks for sharing your beautiful talent :)

  83. I love the diaper wallet in dotted star. Love stars, love orange, it's the best!

  84. My friend's daughter is expecting her first child and I think she'll just LOVE that dotted star boy diaper clutch!!

    too cute!

  85. I love the diaper wallets. I've wanted one for a long time and have tried making one myself with no luck.

    I love the paisley one!

  86. I love dotted star - boy. Have a dear friend who is expecting and I'd love to be able to give it to her.

  87. I like the City Gathers bag. It's so beautiful.

    As for why I deserve a diaper wallet: I'm about 10 weeks away from baby #2 and would love to have one since my first baby is still in diapers as well... Pick me pick me!

  88. I like the small tote (in Gray Birdie with Flower) because it's CUTE... and I need a diaper wallet (yellow floral, plz) because I am having a little girl in March and we just sold all (and I do mean ALL) of our baby stuff last summer. Probably like two weeks before I got pregnant, sigh. :)

  89. I totally and completely LOVE the diaper wallets! Now that dd is almost 2, I hate carrying a diaper bag, but don't just want to throw everything in my purse. This is the perfect way to have everything together and easy to conceal being one of "those" moms who carry diapers and wipes everywhere they go!

  90. I would love to win the paisley star boy for my pregnant daughter-in-law--my first grandchild. I love the diaper wallet.

  91. I really think those diaper wallets are the best! Also, I could use one for my best friend who is pregnant with #2 and their first girl! I am so exicted for her, and this would make the perfect gift.

  92. I would love to win the paisley star diaper wallet as I have my first grandchild on the way.

  93. Everything Tote bag is awesome! it would be perfect to fit everything I need for 3 kids!

  94. I love the dotted star and the Paisley star wallet - but she has some really cute ideas all over her blog! I have a 4.5 month old little boy and one day all I will need to carry is a little diaper wallet for him but I don't have one - (sigh) and that is why I need to win one! (grin!)

  95. Pretty in pleats! But really all very cute!

  96. wow what a great site! I am now a follower!
    Its very hard to decide but i'd say the blue and green white and diaper case!

  97. I really like the yellow flower diaper wallet. My daughter is 18 months old and I don't need a diaper bag anymore and this would fit perfectly in my purse.

  98. I L.O.V.E. the large pleated tote. The blue and red floral print is beautiful. I would love a diaper purse because I now have a 2 year old and am so thoroughly enjoying that I do not have to carry around a huge big nappy bag and I would be able to show off my trendy diaper bag tucked into my own handbag.

  99. I love the everything bag! I have three boys in diapers so the dotted star diaper wallet would definitely come in handy! Everything is so cute.

  100. I would love the diaper wallet in dotted star boy!
    I need a diaper wallet because I have one baby in diapers and maybe one on the way...shhh don't tell!

  101. I love the Pretty in Pleats bag. It looks big enough to eliminate my need for a diaper bag and purse, all while being super cute!

  102. I gotta say that the diaper wallet is by the coolest thing!
    I love the city gathers bag!

  103. I love the dotted star one! I have a 2 year old and we're in that awkward stage where a diaper bag on most trips is over kill yet you still need the diapers and wipes. All I can manage to get together is a ziplock bag LOL!

  104. I love the Paisley! My friend is having her first baby and this would make a great gift for her! She is so chic to begin with, this is perfect for a fashionista! LOL

  105. OH how fun!!! I just favorited her blog! I love love love the "City Gathers" bag! I am ALWAYS finding myself in need of a bag to take along side my purse to carry all my other things!

    I also love the "Paisley Star" diaper wallet! Would be the PERFECT gift for my little sis for my little nephews arrival in March!

    And I can't go without mentioning the "#4" key keeper! LOve it! So chic!

    I know I broke the rules by mentioning too many but I am so in love with these items! (They are in order of love!) :)


  106. I LOVE yellow floral-girl! I have SO wanted one of these forever!!

  107. absolutely love the city gathers bag!! too cute! I also love the diaper wallets what an amazing idea! It would definitely eliminate the problem of having a lotion filled diaper at the bottom of my bag when my lotion lid broke (happened last week!!) I need one of those wallets!!

  108. I love them all and would be so excited to win one!!! These are such a brilliant idea!!!

  109. I love the dotted star boy diaper wallet!! My first baby will be here in about two weeks and I know he would love it too!!

  110. I love the Paisley Star design...and I could use a new diaper wallet because baby #5 is coming and most things she is getting have been used and abused by the last 4 kiddos!!

  111. Love the Paisley Star-Boy diaper wallet. Our next little boy is due in March!!! :)

  112. I love the Paisley Star Boy diaper wallet!! I'm due with my second baby in June and I used a ZIPLOC bag to hold diapers for my first baby! How ghetto is that?! I need some stylizing!! :)

  113. I love the diaper wallets but all the bags are great. Would love to win one! Thanks,

  114. The find the Paisley Star to be particularly adorable, and need one of these clever organizers because without it my husband will continue to deposit diapers in the hidden nooks and cranies of our diaper bag that are impossible to retrieve when most needed.

  115. The dotted star-boy wallet is my favorite. Grandma needs one (or maybe two as we have twin granddaughters! :) Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! ~~Rhonda
    reacoulter at gmail dot com

  116. Paisley Star pattern, anything pink, especially anything pink and brown!

  117. I love the paisley! I am making my son with the same fabric for his new room. I would love the wallet as I have a new little one arriving in March. Looks great to hold 2 sets of diapers. Thanks so much!

  118. love the paris diaper wallet. yay no more goldfish where they dont belong

  119. I love the paisley star diaper wallet! It would go perfect in my new diaper bag and it would help in June when our second baby arrives to keep the diaper sizes separate!!

  120. Love the diaper wallets! I think my favorite is the stars. Having two boys...I think that is enough of a reason to need something so cute:) Love your blog and especially all your wonderful ideas!!! I am sooo glad I found you! Thanks again

  121. The I love paris wallet would be perfect for my baby girl! It is so cute and would be so convenient :)

  122. I like the medium tote. But I really like the dotted star and paisley star diaper wallets. those are too cute. I have a baby girl, but I really like to get stuff that would work for a baby boy too. We have a lot of brown and green, but i would like to incorporate more orange.

  123. Mildred or City Gathers would be my choice.
    I would love to win bc I have quite a few expecting friends that I need gifts for!!! :)

  124. The city gathers tote is absolutely adorable! However, I'm in huge need of a diaper wallet, so hopefully get picked! What a great idea! Love it!

  125. wow, I really like her love me knot bags! cute!


  126. WoW! Another amazing give-away! What an awesome website, too! So much fun stuff to look at! I LOVE the key keepers - such a great idea and such beautiful colors! The diaper wallet is a terrific idea and although I'm done with the babies now, I have a very good friend who is having a baby shower in Feb and this would be PERFECT for her new little boy! Thanks so much for the chance to win, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

  127. I ADORE the Paisley Star - Boy pattern. And I need a new Diaper Wallet because, well...I don't have an old one to begin with! ;)

    My husband and I welcomed our first baby (a boy named Silas!)to our family in September. We're just now getting to the point where we're more confident leaving the house. My current diaper bag could probably hold the baby and half his nursery, which makes balancing it and Silas quite a spectacle. Anything that can help minimize the back pain of this new transition for us is greatly appreciated! :)

    Thank you for this chance...and sorry for rambling!!

  128. Oh, diaper wallets are so great! I just had a little guy, so I'd love any boy pattern!

  129. yellow floral girl! Love it and so would my 6 month old baby, still plenty of time to use it!!!

  130. i think the small tote in gray is too cute...however being practical i would really use the diaper wallet all the time. i have two in diapers and it would be great to know where the right diaper for the kids are! THANKS

  131. I really like the City gather's tote. I have two kids (one still in diapers) but I think if I won I'd gift the diaper wallet to my cousin who is expecting a boy soon.


  132. I love the Paisley Star Boy wallet. I need a diaper wallet, because I'm prego with our second & am bound to have way more thing in my purse than ever before :) Thanks.

  133. i would love to have the dotted star...stars are my favorite! thanks for hosting such a GREAT giveaway.

  134. I Love the Star diaper wallet! So cute-I love those fabrics! I have been wanting to come up with something like this for a long time, this would be perfect! I have had too many diapers shredded and pummeled in the bottom of my bag!

  135. I love the I Love Paris one. Personally I don't need a diaper wallet, but my best friend is having a baby girl in April and I'm pretty sure she doesn't even own one!

    She's great and I would love to win one for her :)

  136. super cute and creative idea! i like the dotted star one!

  137. dotted star! I love stars and it can go for either a boy or girl! and since I have both, it works! I love the bags!

  138. Just found out we're having our second. I would love to have that Paris girl diaper wallet :)

  139. I like the city gathers bag. So cute!

    As for the diaper wallet--I like the paisley star.

  140. The quilted tote is adorable, but as I'm having a baby in a few weeks, I'm really liking those diaper wallets. I'd get the I Love Paris for me, but as I'm having a boy, I think the Paisley Star would be more appropriate. Though really, what's he going to say about it?

  141. i NEED a key keeper!! ooh, and a small tote. oh, and maybe one of their make-up bags (make-up is ALWAYS done on the go.)
    winning the diaper wallet, however, would be perfect timing. i'm due to have baby #4... well... i was due last week. i made my own diaper wallet after baby #3, and it was awful!! i'm a terrible seamstress. i put on velcro, it didn't hold. so, i pinned on a ribbon and just left it that way. it's now falling apart and is so, so sad-looking. =( a new one would be AWESOME!!!
    kyrie24 at gmail dot com

  142. This is a great idea! I love the dotted star boy.

  143. I love the Paisley Star Boy pattern to whip out when needed. Because you never know when your newborn will surprise a wedding, during church, or in a girlfriend's arms!

  144. I love Paris diaper wallet is so cute! I would love to win one of those diaper wallets. I have 3 boys and I am finally having my first girl in 3 weeks! I'm in need of some cute girly items!!!!

  145. I love the City Gathers bag and the Paisley Star Boy Diaper Wallet. She has some amazing stuff!

  146. The diaper wallet is my favorite, too, although the medium tote is super cute. I am with you on the goldfish in the diaper thing. And the diaper wipes case is usually broken from swimming in the bad, thus dry wipes when I need them the most. What a cute and fun life saver!

  147. The diaper wallets are brillant. I love all the girly ones! Now I just have to figure out how to have a baby girl!

  148. I love all her stuff!!!! Especially the diaper wallet, you can take it wherever you go, and it fits in a purse, diaper bag, whatever your toting around for the day!

  149. I am in LOVE with the Paisley Star one. So adorable! And I am loving this idea. I can never keep my diaper bag organized and this would be super helpful!

  150. I love the dotted star boy diaper wallet - it's awesome. My son's getting older now, and this would make it easier to just throw in a purse instead of an entire diaper bag!

  151. I love the rust deer valley medium tote, but I could really use a diaper wallet as my first baby is due any day now!

  152. I love the dotted star for boys...I'm having a boy in 2 months and could definitely use one of these!!

  153. I love Kira and I adore all of her bags, but I am digging her everything Tote and the Pleated Tote!! I love the star diaper wallet,too!

  154. I love the yellow floral diaper wallet! I have a 6 month old baby girl and would love to have one for her needs!

  155. My favorite is the pretty in pleats bag. There are so many ones to pick from it's a hard choice.

  156. I love it all, definitely love the diaper wallets, and I love all the bags--esp the swing bag! so cute!

  157. The paisley star diaper wallet is adorable. We could use one of these because we are definitely a 'wadded up diaper with cherios and Gerber puffs inside' kind of family. :)

  158. My favorite is the city gathers bag. I love the diaper wallets, too. My favorite styles are actually the boy wallets, but I would choose the yellow flower for my sweet little girl.

    She is the youngest of 5 and rarely gets anything that hasn't been passed down from siblings, especially baby gear.

  159. I love the paisley star diaper wallet! I am pregnant with baby number two and will need my diaper bag to be as clutter free as possible with two kids :)

  160. Dotted star boy is the cutest thing ever. I love it.

  161. I like the dotted star diaper wallet. TOO cute!

  162. I love everything! So cute, i love the diaper wallet because i'm pregnant with my first baby! I also love the everything tote, i could use it for my trip to the hospital or for the diaper bag.

  163. I love the large pleated tote :) I need a diaper wallet because my diapers are everywhere in my diaper bag--it's a mess!! I use cloth diapers and wipes and the wipes I made would fit very nicely into the plastic case with my cloth on the other side...perfect!:)

  164. I love their bags, my favorite is the city gathers. The diaper wallets are so clever!

  165. The dotted star is perfect since I have a 2 month old that we waited 3 years for. We hope to have another child and this would be perfect to stay organized.

  166. I'm all about anything paris!! So cute!!

  167. I adore the "Love Me Knot" makeup bag. That might inspire me to actually start putting makeup on! lol

    :) Great giveaway!

  168. These are sooooo beautiful. I have been wanting one of these especially because I have two babies in diapers and the diaper bag is overwhelmed with diapers.

  169. I love the Paisley Star-Boy wallet as well as the key keeper!! So cute!

  170. Love her stuff! I am in much need of the everything tote! It is so cute! I love the diaper wallet! I too am sick of finding diapers full of crackers at the bottom of my purse!

  171. I love the diaper wallet. Having a diaper wallet would simplify what I give to my son's teacher at church. Plus it would just look hip and cool. I like that, too! I think the paisley star-boy is the pattern I like best. ;D

  172. I love the diaper wallets and I need one because I've never had one!

  173. Totally love the Paisley Star Boy...and this is all I've been taking in my purse. I hate the diaper bag!!

  174. I love the dotted star boy pattern. My son is still being potty trained so this would be an awesome way to hold everything!

  175. The diaper wallets are definately my favorite and so functional. My favorites would have to be both of the boy ones. Why do I need it. I am currently pregnant with my second child and didn't have this handy item with my first.

  176. I love the paisley star boy diaper wallet. One of my best friends is having her first baby in May, and I would be giving the best gift of the shower with this!

  177. Favorite item is the dotted star diaper wallet. I love the fabric and the idea of not digging through my diaper bag looking for the crumbled diaper then carrying it through the restaurant announcing to everyone, "my child just pooped!" I change bags often too, and would like to easily switch the items from one to another.

  178. I love the diaper wallet. Yellow floral would be perfect! I have a 3 month old and would love to have organization for the diapers and wipes!

  179. My friend, Chelsey, found out she was pregnant on their 2 month wedding anniversary! They are 23 and expecting their first baby! She is due really soon with a boy. I would want to win the Paisley Star-boy Diaper Wallet because they are an amazing couple that are truly trusting God right now! I know they are going to be great parents, but this would make them truly awesome! AND Chelsey loves to be organized!!

  180. I love the idea of the diaper wallet!The one I love is the one with the stars. It would be perfect for my little boy and how nice it would be to have the diaper and wipes in the same place all the time! Thanks for the opportunity to win one! It's a fabulous idea! Great Job Kira! :)

  181. So cute. I love all of them. If I win it will be hard to choose which one to get.

  182. I love the medium tote. I love cute bags and it would hold the perfect amount of stuff without being too big and bulk. I am a new mom who has learned that holding the diaper bag, changing a dirty diaper while trying to keep a child clean is nearly impossible. The diaper wallet is a fabulous idea and I love the stars!!

  183. Oh wow that is awesome. She is very talented. Great use of fabric.

  184. Love city gathers! Very pretty. I'd love to win the diaper wallet bc I have a little one still in diapers and sometimes you just don't want to carry around a big diaper bag. Plus they are just so cute!

  185. I like the dotted star and the I love paris diaper wallet! they are both so cute, it's hard to chose one!

  186. I LOVe the diaper wallet. What a great idea, it would make a great gift for my pregnant friend :D

  187. ooo i like the swing bag but I desperately need a new diaper wallet. i'm always so lazy and stuff a nappy in my handbag and they always come out all crunched up and pathetic looking. Help me please!

  188. I love the Dotted Star-Boy diaper wallet, my sister has just been selected for placement with LDS family services and her darling baby boy will be arriving sometime in the middle of the month. This would be a great gift for her.

  189. I love the Pretty in Pleats bag! So cute! :)

  190. I love the Yellow Floral Girl Diaper wallet! It's darling. And while I need a diaper wallet desperately, I really think my sweet neighbor could really get some use out of it - she just had twin girls! Anyone needing to tote around enough diapers for 2 bums needs one more than me! :)

  191. The dotted star diaper wallet is so me! I don't look like it...I just mean it fits me!!! We're working on baby #2 and my son's infant stuff is broken down and INOR. In need of repair!

  192. I really love the swing bag. This girl is talented! :)

  193. My fav is the dotted star diaper wallet. could really use one of these!

  194. I adore the Paisley Star one! We are going to adopt and I think that is a super cute and convenient way to carry some diapers and wipes!

  195. I think my favorite is the diaper wallet. I am usually pulling out crumpled up diapers from the bottom of the bag, like you said. I'd love to have one for my baby boy!

  196. I am loving the idea of a diaper wallet. I am expecting my second boy next month and this would come in handy!! Two boys in diapers means lots of diapers, limited space, so a diaper wallet would be perfect! I love the dotted star wallet, I am a sucker for stars!!
    Thanks for this opportunity, you guys rock!

  197. I am liking the Dotted Star boy- too cute!

  198. I love the paisley one with a star on it! My little sister is due with twins and I have been looking for something like this to make things a tiny bit easier on her!
