Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Monster Madness-Here's a Sneak Peek

Ever walk past fabric and have it jump out, knock you down and insist you take it home? Yea, it happens to me all the time. Especially this super cute, er, I mean scary flannel fabric. These little guys on the fabric demanded that they come home and be made into a cozy t.v. blanket. I just couldn't say no. You should have seen the looks on their faces! So, now the fabric is home and I am working away on an applique quilt inspired by this fabric. Here's a sneak peek of what is done so far. This round little man is Earl.

This is Victor. He's a little sassy, but I have to admit he's my favorite.

Wally is a sweetie. A little clingy at times but an overall good guy.

Last, but not least we have legs. He's the dancer in the family.

I am pretty excited with how this quilt is turning out. The appliques were a lot of work so I think I am going to keep the rest of the quilt super simple. I can't wait to show you all the finished product.


  1. I totally love this. have a little boy who would love this! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Adorable! I can't wait to see it! That fabric is so cute!

  3. so cute! Can't wait to see the end product!

  4. oh my so super cute!!! can't wait to see it done!!

  5. Love, love, love the fabric. I can't wait to see how the quilt turns out - it looks like it is going to make someone VERY happy.

  6. I love that flannel (and your appliques). Would you mind telling me where you pruchased the flannel? Thanks!

  7. Ohhh my goodness that is so cute!

  8. oh my gravy!!! how cute are those!
    reminds me of the movie.. Monsters, Inc.
    (Mike and Sully)

  9. Wow, those appliques look great! Can't wait to see it all put together! Where did you get that fun fabric?

  10. This fabric is awesome. Will you share where you found it or is it a "little birdie secret?" : )

  11. Those look really awesome!

  12. We love to share as much as possible so I will let you in on the scoop. I actually found this at Joann Fabrics.

  13. These appliques looks super cute. I love them.

  14. WOW! beautiful work!! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  15. Love it!!!! :) Can't wait to see it all.

  16. eee, too cute!
    There is this one flanellette that keeps calling me, it's either a soft blue or a soft green (comes in both colors) with the cutey cute cute CUTEST little robots on it. I have no boys so I keep ignoring the call. Next time I will listen, though! lol. Clearly cuteness trumps gender, your fabric would say 'boy' to me in the store but with what you're doing it just says 'adorable!' with no gender tags.
    Last time I went fabric shopping I found a cute and GIRLY airplanes and rocketships flannelette! Light green and there are hearts on the cartoony helicopters, airplanes, and rocketships. I whipped up a pair of pj pants and just have to do some appliquing on a plain white shirt I picked up. In fact, I think I will finish that today!

  17. I love it can't wait to see the finished product.

  18. I LOVE it! I wish I had a little boy so I'd have a use for it! Oh wow, that's fabulous... you have totally inspired me. I love applique and I'm sure I could find something equally cute for my girly girls! Can't wait to see the whole thing!

  19. I saw this fabric too. Had it with me at the cutting table ans just didn't know what to do with it so I put it back. I my have to get some when I'm back at the store. You have inspired me.

  20. That Is super cute fabric and I love the appliques you are working on!

  21. Wow, that is super cute! Any chance you could share your monster applique patterns? I am heading to JoAnns asap to get some for my baby boy due in early March!
    Thanks for the fun idea!

  22. It looks awesome. I'm excited to see the rest.

  23. Hi GSGC Strong Family!

    I just sketched them out. I didn't save the patterns. Drat! Looking back I realize I should have. Sorry I am no help here. Stacy

  24. I can't wait to see the finished product. That monster fabric is really cute.

  25. Is that a kit or did you make those aliens yourself? They're so darling!!

  26. i saw that fabric too and thought the same thing! so of course, i got it, lol.

  27. So love this! I think it would look adorable on a bed or a wall.

  28. So cute!! These are going to be loved by someone!!

  29. Love Love love!! Im a fan of the monsters! I might borrow this idea as well!

  30. Wow! That is so stinkin' cute! You did SUCH a great job on the appliques! Inspiring:). Where did you get the flannel?
    Thanks for sharing!

  31. OK, sorry, I just read it was from Joanne's:).

  32. I think I might have found it at JoAnn's online:

    Makes me want to start sewing!

  33. Here's a better link

  34. What cute little monsters! That seems like a great way to get a kid to overcome a fear of them, they look like such friends.

  35. That is adorable! How do you sew the zig-zag stitch on the round shapes so perfectly? That os what has always kept me away from a project like this. You are amazing!

  36. I love the monsters so much that I decided to make my own version for my nephew's birthday onsie ! He is turning 1 in 2 weeks so I am appliquing a cute little monster on for him. Thanks for the inspiration !

  37. This is not a kit. I just bought the fabric and hand drew the monster appliques using the fabric as my inspiration.

  38. I picked this up for our son and made jammie bottoms. I LOVE the quilt idea! Can't wait to see it!

  39. Awesome job on the hand drawn appliques....I'm anxiously waiting for hubby to get home from work so that I can run out and hope my Joann's has this adorable fabric!

  40. A lil tip that I just found out being that I'm new to all of this...I just called my local Joann's to see if they had it, and they put the whole bolt on hold for me for 24 hours! Woo hoo!!!

  41. Fabric is always jumping off the shelves and into my shopping cart without having a specific purpose in mind :) VERY cute.

  42. I have been wanting to do monster applique on my son's shirts but am not creative enough to make-up a monster on my own. These monsters are adorable!

  43. Been Love Love Loving your Blog! The monster's are great! They make me want my boys to be younger again. Well almost makes me want that!

  44. I love this -- and so does my son! He said that your first monster looked like Plankton - you know from Spongebob!! :) Who makes this fabric???

  45. I can't wait to see how your project turns out. That very same fabric jumped in my cart last month and is waiting for inspiration!

  46. AHHHHHHHHHHHh I love the monsters!! I am about to have my 4th son and we are doing his room in skulls and monsters and what not, just quirky stuff and I am in LOVE with that material!! You are too crafty ma'am!

  47. So cute!! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  48. Oh I had to have the scary monster flannel, too! I made my boys little car art kits out of it. You can see them on my blog. I can't wait to see your quilt!

  49. I keep coming back to this post over and over. I would love to make something like this but have never appliqued. I have a machine but have only used it a couple of times. Would this be too ambitious for a beginner?

  50. Those monsters are TOO CUTE!!! :D

  51. Those ARE cute and yes, I have had fabric jump out and demand to come home with me. That happens a lot actually. I bet the quilt you're working on is super cute!


  52. OH MY GOSH THAT IS TOOOOOOO FUNNY!!! I swear I just bought a 1/4 yard of that exact monster fabric to use as inspiration for a quilt by recreating the monsters!! I hadn't posted anything about it because it's on the back burner until I finish a few other things...I'm sure ours will be different so no one thinks I copied you! hehe

    Anyway it's looking SO cute! I am excited to see your finished product!

  53. Cuteness! I love it. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  54. I bought the same fabric. :) I haven't done anything with it yet though. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
