Monday, January 11, 2010

sometimes we inspire ourselves. . .

Even though the Three Birdies often work together to come up with projects and posts for this blog, from time to time one of us will do something that totally inspires the other two! Case in point: the Ribbon Jar post. After Stacy came up with her darling jar, Jessica and I both went to work on our own stashes. I even made a storage jar for some buttons I was giving as a gift to a friend. So even though we already shared this idea, I couldn't help sharing the pics of what that post inspired. Think of it as Ribbon Jar: Part 2. Enjoy!

Jess took Stacy's post as a major challenge to clean up her ribbon box. Holy ribbon, Batman!

Look how cute her little clothespins look so far! Adorable.

I raided my canning jar collection and organized my ribbon by color, tying a sample on the outside of the jar (mostly for the cuteness factor). I also included a small jar for Christmas ribbons since I got a few from my Secret Santa this year (thank you very much!). Here are a few examples. . .

I am in looooove with this vintage Mason jar. I found it at an antique store--the friend I gave it to loves antiques and scrapbooking. Perfect combo, n'est pas? Someday when I have my own real craft room I want a whole shelf of these, each with a different color of buttons. Dreamy. . .

Need other ribbon storage ideas? Check out this post. Watch for more craft organization tips soon--we know you're all making the same resolutions we are!


  1. Those are SO CUTE! I have done something similar but with my seashells. I seem to use a lot of them when decorating for color and texture, and I store my leftovers in clear jars in my craft closet.

  2. What a wonderful way to keep your tapes, I love the idea, now just need much room to store so much better looking, my house is very small.
    But I keep in case I ever have my corner.

  3. OH yes that is a dream of mine too. A whole wall with bookcases with jars, filled with color. Buttons, ribbon and what nots, lol.

    Love this idea. We don't have those kind of clothes pins, thinking...thinking...nope not here hhhmmm.....

    Hugs and thanks for all the cute and great ideas.
    Marian from the Netherlands

  4. You can see our take on ribbon organization at: Thanks for sharing your mad organizational skills :)
    -Sarai (From Three Simple Girls)

  5. I'm so saving my jars now! I have a built-in shelf along my "craft area" and it is missing the pizzazz factor! I think color coded jars of ribbon would add just that! :)

  6. These look so pretty - great idea!

  7. that canning jar is fabulous! I've never seen one like it with a quilted design before!

  8. Don't forget those nice candle jars, too! Those are easy to recycle! I use mine for sewing notions...

  9. I was totally inspired....

    and then went to Micheal's to buy some clothespins.... and would you believe it? They didn't have any! boo! I might order some online, but darn it, I was hoping to do this project this week since it's such a simple one. :)

  10. WOW! I love the jar idea! I can't wait to move in 3 years and have my craft room back. I would love to do something like this!!!

  11. I love these ideas! And I have tons of jars so I'm totally doing this. I'm linking this post to my blog. Thanks so much!

  12. We've given you an award at

    I am truly inspired by your blog.


  13. Please tell me where you found the clothes pins, I have been looking everywhere but they are all sold out :(

  14. That's awesome! You three are the best team! Can't wait to meet you when I'm in Seattle next (this spring).

  15. I love the ribbon jar idea. I have ribbon in all sizes shapes and colors: some on rolls, some just pieces. That way you can see it easily and it is a cute storage idea to. I could see them lined up on a low shelf, within easy reach. Thanks.

  16. Great ideas! My ribbon is quite out of control too.

  17. just discovered your adorable and inspiring blog!!!


  18. I love, love, love the ribbon jar idea. Currently, I have a storage box (shoe size) of all my buttons mixed in together. I am wanting to sort them out and I am going to use this idea to do just that.

    About the clothes pins.... you might try Dollar Tree. I have seen some there before.

  19. Too cute! I've got a huge jar full of thread. But now I guess I *need* more ribbon!

  20. I love this jar! Very cute!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  21. Did you use a punch to get that shape for the label? Please share...please. :)

  22. I LOVE the ribbons in a jar. I just got some vintage jars from my MIL and a sweet reader sent me some wooden spools to put in 2 of them. Next up might have to be ribbon. I love the idea of buttons too!

    You can see my jars here...

  23. I'm in the gearing up, thinking stage (a loooong stage for me) for a turn-the-unbelievably cluttered-downright disgusting-laundry-room-into-a-beautiful-craft-space project and am very inspired by your ideas! Thanks!

  24. As the VERY Lucky gal that rec'd. that lovely quilted button jar, I must say, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Your thoughtful gifts were truly a blessing to me over the holidays. I'm so inspired to make more & also share your wonderful gift ideas with others! Thanks lady!! Wish our hours at work over-lapped more!! :) Marilyn

  25. Now I'm inspired! And such a nice way to use all those old Mason jars.

  26. i love love LOVE those clothespins! where can i get some?

  27. These are really cute! I love the idea of grouping ribbons and embellishments all together in jars by color. I hope it's okay, I have featured your cute jar's on my blog here:

    Thank you for sharing this!
