Sunday, March 10, 2013

spring decor idea {easter wreaths}

I finally got a little hope this weekend that Spring might actually be coming! I ran 6 miles on the trail (instead of on the treadmill) and it was glorious. I am so ready to get outside again!

I told you at Valentine's that my chairs looked naked after the Christmas wreaths were off the backs of my bar stools, so when I bought my Valentine's wreaths I also picked up these spring wreaths to use for the Easter season. (Please try not to notice the piles of mail, etc. on the counter--I was too lazy to clean it up!) They make my kitchen feel so much sunnier!

I was determined to use a ribbon I had on hand (I have a bit of a ribbon hoarding problem), so I picked this green and white gingham. I wanted pink, but it just didn't feel right with my other decor. The green is a nice pop of spring, I think.

Adding a wreath to the backs of dining chairs or bar stools is such a quick and easy way to decorate for the seasons. These make me smile every time I walk into the kitchen!


  1. I have never thought of decorating the backs of my bar stools, but I love it!!

  2. Your kitchen is beautiful!! Love this idea and may have to try it out.
