Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Reading Month with LeapFrog {& a giveaway!}

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As parents, we know that reading with and to our children is extremely important. I have always known that reading was important- in my own life and in the lives of my children- but now that my boys are in school, I see what a push there is from the teachers to read to them every day! I think it is an integral part of any good curriculum plan. Reading is not important only as its own subject, but it really helps in all other aspects of education as well! There is no way I could have succeeded in my college courses if I had not been a strong reader.

Studies show that the more children read, the better readers they become. In one study, children who read 20 or more minutes per day scored in or above the 90th percentile; those who read less than 10 minutes scored below the 75th percentile. I am so grateful that the school my children attend, pay such attention to this. They have a program each year where the kids get a chart and if they read 20 minutes per day at the end of the month they get a prize. It has really helped to draw my attention to how much reading we do.

In honor of Reading Month, LeapFrog is donating $2 million of books to America’s schools, and you can help! Go to Facebook and share the “Read 20 Minutes a Day”pledge, and LeapFrog will donate 5 books for every pledge! Also be sure to visit LeapFrog's Reading Month page where you can get all sorts of tips, videos, activities, and printables to help your own children get engaged in reading! It is such an important part of our children's learning and we all need to get involved and get kids reading each day.

LeapFrog is offering special deals on reading products all through March, in honor of Reading Month, including $3 off of Tag and Tag Junior books. Here’s the link to print/redeem this offer.

I love the Tag products. My son loves using them and I love that he can just tap the pen onto a word and he can learn what it is! It really helps him learn new words and helps him become a stronger reader.

LeapFrog is offering a giveaway of one Leapfrog prize pack ($50 approximate value) to one of our U.S. readers! Leave a comment on this post letting us know what you do to incorporate reading into your children's day/routine. For a second entry, you can share this giveaway on Twitter or Facebook (leave us a link!). This giveaway will end on March 21st, at 11:59pm PT.

I was selected for this opportunity by Clever Girls Collective but content and opinions expressed here are my own. To take the LeapFrog Reading Month pledge, please visit their Facebook page.


  1. We love books. We read before nap and bedtime everyday. My son also brings us books to read throughout the day. A tradition we have is to get a new book every holiday.

  2. I read to my son every day. I remember my mom reading to me and hope he remembers it as well.

  3. Love the LeapFrog books, especially reading before bedtime. -- Karen

  4. We make reading a habit by reading every night before bed and going to the library several times a week

  5. My son is 5, and just learning to read sight words. He likes to read his BOB books by himself and every night before bed we read books. He can be a very active little boy, but when books come out, he has the best focus ever!

  6. We read stories on my daughter's tablet after dinner and we read books at bedtime.

  7. For my older kids we try to make them read for 15-20 minutes daily. For our two younger kids, it is a book before bedtime.

  8. We love our LeapFrog Tags! I have a little boy who is starting kindergarten in the fall and I love that this system gives him the chance to try and ready by himself and still get help if he needs it.

  9. My girls are still little, but we have books all over our house and pick them up to read constantly. I also model reading every single day, and we read lots of books at bedtime. I would love to try out the Leap Frog stuff!

  10. This is great! My little boy who is 6 just loves to read so incorporating it has always been easy. We make weekly visits to the library so he always has new books to read!

  11. My little boy loves to read so it has been easy to incorporate into our daily routine. We read throughout the day, and of course we read stories at night before bed. We also make weekly visits to the library so we always have new stories to explore.

  12. we usually read before bed! but my daughter likes to read a lot so we read throughout the day randomly too. :)

  13. I buy way too many Scholastic books from school. I can pass up a great book deal and support my child's classroom!

  14. I leave collections of books all over the house within reach of my 4 and 2 yr olds. Makes for great impromptu reading moments! Would love to win this prize!

  15. We use flash cards to help my oldest learn new words and read stories to both kids every night.

  16. I have an 18 month old and he doesn't have a very long attention span for reading books so I find it a little hard to get in the 20 minutes a day. But I know if I keep trying he'll get more and more interested. I work full time so it's hard to get that time in because of that as well, so what I do is try to read to him when I come home for lunch, that way I don't have to cram it into the evening when I'm worried about getting dinner ready or catching up with my husband at the end of the day.

  17. I sewed a "reading castle" out of bed sheets and a hula hoop that hangs in the corner of the play room. Inside of it is a big, soft dog pillow for us to sit on. I also put kid-friendly book shelves on the wall so books are close by. I sit under there while my 3-year-old and my 15-month-old fight over lap space and which book is read next. :) We love it!

  18. We read all day long!! We look for letters on signs on our drive to the YMCA.. take "book breaks" a few times a day when things are getting too busy.. and head to the library once or twice a week for storytime!

  19. We have set reading times, read signs, ingredient labels, whatever we see around us!

  20. my children love reading so we are reading numerous books a day to them.

  21. We read before bed every night and my daughter loves to sit and read all day!

  22. After dinner I read my son a story or stories depending on his mood before he gets ready for bed. We also watch Leapfrog vidoes.

  23. We have reading time when our 9yr old reads to her 4 yr old well as private reading time on her own.

  24. We have our 9 yr old read to her 4 yr old sister as well as have her own private reading time.

  25. We have our 9 yr old read to her 4 yr old sister as well as having her own private reading time

  26. Our kids are avid readers! We read 1/2 hour before naptime, 1/2 hour before bedtime, and often throughout the day. We have book shelves loaded with books, and it is not a rare thing to find them in their rooms going through a stack of books. And the TAG is GREAT! We LOVE it!

  27. We always read books before nap time and bedtime. I also love taking my son to the book store to browse and pick out new books of his choosing.

  28. I read to my son everyday before nap time and bedtime. I also like to take him to the bookstore to brows and pick out his own books.

  29. Books are pretty important in our family so we take every moment we can to sit and read a book. My 4-yr-old son has his very own library and a nice collection of book/CD combos. He loves to go in his room, pop in a book on CD and read along with it. The perfect way to unwind.

  30. We read before the kids leave for school in the morning. That way it's all taken care of first thing.

  31. I always read a few books each night to my daughters at bed time and my six-year-old has been reading for the past few years, so she reads at least one book along with me. I like to make up games with post-it notes on items around the house to have my oldest learn to read new words and we are helping our three-year-old recognize her letters and words. I have always read to my girls from the time they were infants, so they would appreciate reading and have that as part of their world.

  32. I read to my girls each night - at least two books and I also get help from my six-year-old who has been reading the past few years. I have always read to my girls from the time they were infants, because I wanted them to have that exposure to reading and the creative world.

  33. We LOVE to read and try to do it at the same times each day- the children like routine and it holds me accountable.


  34. I have a second grader and two younger than school age. My son has a reading log to fill by the end of the month for a prize! He spend his reading time reading to his younger siblings. They've found a joy in books by listening to their brother read. We also read books together in the evenings and some mornings! This is a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

  35. We keep books all around the house and read at various times. And, of course, always before bed.

  36. Wow! I'm so glad to hear Leapfrog is promoting reading. I teach kindergarten, and it is crucial for our kids to spend time interacting with books before they reach school age (and beyond)! I have a 2 year old who LOVES her LeapFrog Fridge Phonics set and her Violet the dog. Additionally, we read books for fun throughout our day together and always a few favorites at bedtime. Fostering a love of books will benefit your kids, and their teachers will really appreciate it, too.

  37. Shared on Fb!

  38. I read to my 4 year old son every night. Right now we have read Blueberries for Sal at least every night for 2 weeks because that is his favorite book and he gets to pick what book we will read. Also we have a reading half hour worked into our day right after our lunch. He has the TAG reading pin and loves it. I would love to expand his library with TAG books and learning guides.

  39. we read every night before bed!

  40. I ask children to read signs and posters. This lets me know whether they are blue to understand the world around them and practices reading and comprehension skills.

  41. I ask children to read signs and posters. This lets me know whether they are blue to understand the world around them and practices reading and comprehension skills.

  42. I tweeted about this giveaway.

  43. My kids are almost 4 and 1 1/2, not old enough to read but they love for me to read to them so we take time out each afternoon and evening to read a couple books! We also visit the library often!

  44. I search for school which had reading program, so every school day, my daughter always bring books to read.
    I usually buy her books for gift, for rewarding something that she achieved. And every weekend, I usually take her to book stall or book store, so she can enjoy the environment :)
    need more creativity I guess, but it turned out quite good to make my daughter read books. :)

  45. Our girls love reading and love their Tag reader ("Magic Pen"). The dinosaur book in your picture is currently one of their favorites.

  46. My daughters are 3 and 1 and we read to them every day! Books are so integrated into our lives - we are reading morning, afternoon, and at bed time. The girls love to snuggle up in my lap and read a book before bed time. We also have the Tag reader, which my daughter loves to use while we are driving or when she needs some quiet time on her own.

  47. I read to my daughter every night at bedtime. My son is in kindergarten and learning to read so we take turns reading to each other.

  48. We read every night before bedtime.

    Jennifer Marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  49. FB share!/jennifer.m.moyer.3/posts/137668009738292

    jennifer marie

    lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

  50. I home educate my kids so reading is a HUGE deal for us in our routine I have 1 hour of quiet time a day for just reading for my older kids while I help the younger ones and then I try and spend at least a hour with each child during the week, them reading to me or me reading to them. With 5 this is the hardest. But we always have a night time story

  51. I tweeted here is the link

  52. I encourage my older son (aged four) to read by sitting with him and looking at books along with reading him a story every night before bed

    (mummytotwoboys at yahoo dot com)

  53. Tweeted

  54. we read before nap time and again at bedtime debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com


    debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  56. We read books before bad every night.

    carolinebock1 at yahoo dot com

  57. My son loves reading. Throughout the day he will pick up a book or two and read it to himself/look at pictures. Before bedtime we always pick a book out together to read. We also really enjoy going to the local library!

    rufful at gmail dot com

  58. tweeted
    rufful at gmail dot com

  59. We have bedtime stories every night and I usually grab a book whenever my daughter seems like she is ready for a little bit of quiet time
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  60. tweet
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  61. Our little girl is 16 months old, so we encourage her by leaving board books within her reach. Whenever she looks mellow, I cuddle with her on my lap and we read one.
    kirbycolby at gmail dot com

  62. i love reading and i am so glad that my kids do too! my oldest reads to his younger siblings and it's so cute to watch.


    shared -yes.4eva.r(atgmaildotcom)
