Sunday, September 28, 2008

glass engraving

We love personalized gifts. So when we found the "Engrave It" at Target for about $6, we saw a golden opportunity for simple, affordable, personalized gifts.

We bought the vase and votive holder at WalMart. The votive was 57 cents and the vase came in a set of three for less than $2. Then we just engraved a word on the glass. Press medium-hard and keep moving for the best results. The votive holder says "friend" and the vase says "Thanks."

This bud vase is perfect for all the little flowers my boys bring me and want me to keep forever. I engraved "sweet" on it to remind me how sweet and tender those little gestures are.

It does take a little practice and a steady hand, but we figure imperfections are what make personalized gifts really personal!


  1. I was just stopping by your blog before I take off to target to pick up some funny that this would be from there. Your vases came out so great! I will definitely be looking to pick one up for myself =)

  2. Wat a neat little tool! I have done engraving in the past with paste and it was a mess! Now I head off to Target to go get my new little gadget! :)

  3. What a great way to personalize and decorate simple, everyday items! I hope my Target has them in stock! Great blog, btw- found you thru Crafty Homemaker (congrats for being a Friday's Crafty Link!)

  4. Great idea. Now only if I could 'engrave' so nicely, seeing as my writing generally is awful
