Monday, September 29, 2008

easy ribbon belts

So this is arguably the easiest sewing project we've ever posted. Eee! I'm so excited about how quick and fun these ribbon belts are! I especially love them for little girls. That's what the pink polka-dotted one is. But you can make them in any size you like!

Ribbon Belt Tutorial

What you'll need:

*Two pieces of ribbon long enough to go around your hips and leave a tail
*"D"-rings about the same width of your ribbon (if they're too big the belt won't stay on!)
*Sewing machine and matching thread

1. Take your two lengths of ribbon and match them up end-to-end.

2. With right sides together (if your ribbon has right/wrong sides--ours didn't), sew across one end with a 1/4" seam allowance.

3. Turn the ribbon wrong sides together so the seam is on the inside.

4. Match up the rest of the ribbon and pin.

5. Starting with the sewn edge, sew across the end, leaving a very small seam allowance (about 1/8").

6. Turn and go down the side of the ribbon, again using a very small seam allowance.

6. When you get close to the other end, stop and tuck the ends in so they look like the first side. Turn and sew across that end as well, then turn and go back down the other side of the ribbon. Backstitch and clip your threads.

7. Thread one end through your two D-rings.

8. Fold over twice. Pin if necessary.

9. Sew across end as close to the D-rings as possible.

10. Reinforce by sewing a second time across the end, this time near the edge of the folded piece.

11. Ta-da! You have a belt.


  1. FAB!! Thanks so much for this tutorial. My daughter is SO skinny and she is out of diapers now so her pants are even bigger. I've been searching for a belt, but they don't make them small enough. LOL! I have tons of ribbon so i'll make her one. Thank you!!

  2. A friend was just say how she couldn't find any small belts. Now I am going to make her one. I love your blog, thanks!

  3. so cute! I'm going to make a few of these, I have a hard time finding belts for my daughter too

  4. thats really great! how fun..i have so much ribbon, i even wrapped my pumpkin in it this year.

