Thursday, October 28, 2010

binkie clip meets rosette clip, and the rest is history. . .

I love when I can take two fun projects and introduce them to each other. Binkie clip, meet rosette clip. I knew they'd be fast friends.

Maybe you've met our friend binkie clip in this past tutorial? I replaced the Velcro with pearl snaps for this one to up the cute factor. It was just as easy as the original.

Then rosette clip joined in the fun by clipping onto the mitten clip.

Now you could potentially have a binkie clip to match every outfit. Just choose a ribbon that will match multiple colors (a neutral or a fun green like I used work well).

Ooh, I need to introduce you two to another friend of mine--stretchy baby headband! Rosette can also hang out with this sweet headband when she's not hanging with binky clip. Now your little rosettes are twice as valuable!

Here are a couple of examples of the versatility these friends offer.

Here's to friends and cute babies!


  1. That's the cutest binkie clip...ev-er!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. so many cute ideas. thank you for sharing your creativity with us!

    still waiting for a tutorial on the rosette corsage necklace!

  3. Now why can't I think of ideas like this? Very cute!

  4. A girly binki clip for a girly baby! Perfect! It is now required to have one as I keep losing my baby's all the time. Thanks!!

  5. I am a new follower to your wonderful blog. I just love every post. I was wondering if I could link to a few of your baby posts with some pictures. I am having a virtual baby shower for one of my followers. People from all over the world have signed up to make something for her and then they will all send it to her after the baby is born in January. I wanted to share some baby project links over the next few months and you have so many wonderful ideas.
    There is a link to the baby shower on my right side bar if you'd like to read about it further.
    Thanks so much,

  6. Karen,

    Yes! Please feel free to link to us and use our pictures. We are always happy to have people share what they've found here, as long as they remember to link back to us! ;) Thanks! And what a great idea! We'll have to check it out!


  7. i love your binkie clip! where you do buy your rosette/mitten clips/snaps at?

