Tuesday, June 1, 2010

teacher gift project round-up

School in our area doesn't get out until the third week of June, so I am just now beginning to think about teacher gifts. I know many of you are nearing the end of school this week or next, so we thought we'd do a little teacher gift round up from some of our most pop-u-lar past tutorials. Hopefully one of these quick-and-easy projects will be just right to honor your child's wonderful teacher!

Cupcake Bath Bombs with a Bath Mitt

Tile Coasters

Washer necklaces

Stationery Box

Buttercup Bag (from Made By Rae)

(have your child help with this one!)

Custom Notepad

Schultute Gift Cone

Looking for more? Check out last year's round-up, or head on over to our friends at One Pretty Thing and Skip To My Lou for more great teacher appreciation gift ideas!


  1. Okay, here's MY little secret and my favorite teacher gift ever (as I was a teacher for 7 years before mommyhood): my daughter draws a picture of her and her teacher and writes her teacher's name. I scan them separately into the computer and download them to a site that creates custom notepads with cute designs that I can pick out. They arrive one week later. I package them up with a pretty pen and ribbon. Perfecto!!!

  2. I forgot about some of these. Great ideas!

    I was thinking about making "What I Did This Summer" mini books for my kiddos' teachers. You jut KNOW they're going to make the kids write about that when they come back in Sept... Fair's fair. :)

  3. Those are amazing ideas. Love them & I'm sure the kids' teachers appreciate them, too!

    Have a great day!

  4. So many wonderful gift items - so hard to choose!

  5. Brilliant gift ideas obviously these gonna be a perfect projects. Anyway, its good that you shared this keep up the good work.

    gifts Philippines
