Sunday, December 6, 2009

quick and easy neighbor gifts

19 days 'til Christmas! Yes, I am counting down the days in my house. We can't avoid it with 2 little boys who are as anxious as can be. 19 days sure isn't a lot of time, so you better get thinking about neighbor gifts. Luckily you have us to share some easy ideas with you. I have been preparing a few of mine tonight! I must apologize to all of my (Jessica's) friends who are now going to have the surprise of their gift spoiled for them since I am posting it on here.

First up is the neighbor gift I gave out last year. I realize many people get tons of treats from friends at the holidays, so when I got this gift from a friend a few years ago I was thrilled! She decided to go a different route and give out a roll of wrapping paper. Who doesn't need wrapping paper at the holidays? I passed it on last year and it was a hit. I attached a little tag that said, "Get yourself all wrapped up in the holidays!"

Instead of making cookies I thought it would be fun to do some "cookie mix in a jar" so my friends could bake up the batch of cookies whenever they wanted instead of having too many to eat at once. I found a great site that has a ton of different varieties. Razzle Dazzle Recipes has many other ideas besides cookie mixes as well. I attached the recipe of what they need to add when they make the cookies and slapped on some cute paper and a ribbon. Voila! Very cute and very easy gift.

For an even simpler idea I put some Hershey kisses in a whisk with a tag that reads, "We whisk you a Merry Kissmas!" I am all about the pun on words. So cute and it can't get much easier than this idea.

Although...this one might do it...
The tag reads, "Have a sparkling Christmas."

Don't forget we have a label in our sidebar that says "Christmas Neighbor Gifts" if you want to go back through ideas from throughout the year and from last year.

See, aren't you happy? We've practically crossed one thing off your list for you!


  1. Wow - what amazing ideas! Thanks so much - especially love the chocolates in the whisk and the cookie mix in a jar!!!

  2. I wish a neighbor would come to my door with wrapping paper! I need to get started in wrapping!

    Cute ideas for gifts! I wouldn't have thought of some of the things you mentioned, but all your ideas were ones that were not only thoughtful but practical for the gift receiver as well (rather than just another thing to sit on the shelf and never get used).

  3. these things are so cute. I have seen on your blog and a few others this idea of "neighbour gifts" but have no idea how it works. does it literally mean gifts given to your neighbours, as in people who live near you? or is there another meaning? is this tradition widespread? how many neighbour gifts are usually given? I am familiar with giving gifts to family, close friends, charity, teachers. will you please help a confused aussie?

  4. Cute Cute Cute. Merry Christmas dear lady...

  5. In my family, we do raffle gifts and gag gifts that always use puns. I am so giving away a whisk this year! Thanks for the ideas.

  6. Have you ever heard of a brownie mix in a jar? My in-laws LOVE brownies and I want to give them this on a big scale. I'm hoping to find a recipe for a bulk brownie mix (5 gallon bucket size)?

  7. Wow! Your cookie jars look so cute! Who wouldn't love the wrapping paper gift?! Great ideas!

  8. Oh, such good ideas! I have a neighbor who is on dialysis and has a very strict diet. I was trying to think of a good, non-food gift to give and I love the wrapping paper idea!

  9. I am sooo happy I just saw this in my reader!!! I was driving home this morning knowing I'd seen ideas like this last year and thought oh geez, it's going to be so hard to find the ideas since I hadnt bookmarked any of the sites last year!! Yay! Thanks so much!

  10. I really like the wrapping paper idea. I love to give (and receive) food gifts but I'm always worried about special diets, people not liking my baked goods, etc. Because, I know this sounds terrible, but I have received baked goods before that weren't so great. I would hate for someone to think that about mine. I think I just might do that wrapping paper thing.

  11. you just helped me figure out what to get my hard to shop for friends...a roll of holiday paper! Simple Genius!!!

  12. I have made the "cookie mix in the jar". It is fun and easy!...yummy too. Love all of your other ideas too! Thanks for sharing!

    Stay Cozy& Merry Christmas,

  13. I love these ideas. I'm trying to be really creative with my gift giving this year. What size jars did you use for the 'cookies in a jar' by the way?

  14. Love love love this blog! It makes me feel creative, like I should go be crafty (which I am NOT!) lol. Anyway, wrapping paper is a great idea! And they have tons of it in the dollar sections at Target right now. At least here in Texas. Great idea! Thanks!

  15. The merry kissmas whisk is too cute! Just found your blog this morning and am really liking it.

  16. Love the wrapping paper idea! Fantastic! I know I could use an extra roll or two, or three.
    PS - I found your blog through a link at Sugar Bee.
