Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ho, Ho, Ho-Simple Santa Decoration

Here is a quick holiday decoration.


One wood block
Red paint
Two white buttons
Hot glue gun
Santa belt (found at craft stores) or you can use a metal ribbon slide found in the scrapbooking section at the craft store and black ribbon.

1. Sand and paint your block
2. Make and attach the belt
3. Hot glue the buttons on

Ta-daaah! One simple and quick santa block. We made this in a very short time today so they go pretty quickly.


  1. I totally like this idea! We were thinking right down the same alley today with our posts. I did one on creating your own handmade ornaments. I would love to know what you think about them, as you seem to be the queen of decor tips. :)

  2. How fun, I want to make these with my daughter.

  3. That is so cute! I am loving all your Christmas posts! I'll be linking.

  4. You guys are too creative. I featured this at
