Wednesday, November 12, 2008

print your own fabric -- spoonflower is up and running!

Have you ever wandered around the fabric shop, looking for a very specific fabric that just didn't seem to exist? We've wished a few times we could just create our own design. Something in just the right colors, with exactly the right theme. Well, we're doing a happy dance right now because our wish has come true! We have been waiting and waiting for this awesome new site to be open to the public, and they are finally ready to take orders! is an amazing company that lets you design and order fabric of your own designs. You create the design and send a scan to them, and they turn it into fabric. You can order as little or as much as you like. And at $18.99 a yard, it's really not bad considering you get exactly what you want!

The coolest part is that the idea came from a crafty momma just like many of us--with an awesome, forward-thinking husband. This is a quote from their About Us page:

Stephen Fraser is an Internet marketing geek who used to consult for startup companies and who can't sew to save his life. One night after their three girls had gone to bed, his wife Kim interrupted his usual muttering to offer a suggestion: “You know what would be really cool? If I could print my own fabric.” Stephen agreed that did seem pretty cool.

My favorite sample I saw was a letter a woman had written to her niece and had it printed in a cute font. Then she used it as the backing to a quilt she made for her. So sweet!

They've got information and tips on how to go about creating your design on their FAQ page. You can even view others' designs to get inspiration, plus check out their Flickr pool to see what people have made with the fabric they designed. This service is truly revolutionary in the crafting world. We can't wait to try it!


  1. Hi, and thanks for your post!
    This is such an amazing idea.
    I often browse the fabric shops, and can't find anything special.
    Love the idea of the handwritten note!

  2. What an awesome idea!!!!!!!

  3. This literally is just what I've been waiting for. Good heavens, I'm so excited!!!!!!
    Thank you so much for posting about this~

  4. I love your site and have so many ideas for christmas gifts thanks! do you have any ideas for gifts for the guys on my list you could post?

  5. Oh what a great blog you have. I have been trying to get more crafty in my old age so I shall returnand start following you!

  6. what a brilliant idea!

  7. wow, I haven't ever heard of this. What a great idea! Way cool if you want to make a quilt.
