Thursday, November 13, 2008

cupcake bath bombs tutorial

These sweet treats look good enough to eat! But as I've told my three-year-old a dozen times, don't eat them! They taste like soap--yucky! Bath bombs are made up of a few simple ingredients, along with essential oil for aromatherapy and almond oil to soften the skin. They fizz when you drop them in water and create a luxurious bath experience. But these are extra sweet because we added frosting with real powdered sugar.

We made simple round bath bombs at our recent class, but each attendee got to take one of these bath bomb "cupcakes" home as a door prize. (The frosting was just too complicated to add to an already complicated class.) We made up several dozen of these "cupcakes" to sell at our upcoming craft fairs. We'll have to be sure to mark them "don't eat!" because they do look delicious.

Want to make your own? Here's the recipe, along with a tutorial to help you avoid the problems we had as we were figuring this art out. Because it is an art, not a science, you should work in small batches (i.e. don't double the recipe), and be prepared to tweak things to get them just right. All that said, they're really not that hard! I promise!

Okay, let's get started!

Bath Bomb Fizzy Recipe

What you'll need:

*2 c. baking soda
*1 c. citric acid (We found this in the bulk section at a local health food store)
*1 Tbsp. oil of your choice (We like almond oil, but grapeseed oil or even olive oil would work)
*5 drops fragrance/essential oil
*3-5 drops coloring (You can use food coloring, but it may fade quickly and even leave a ring around your bathtub. We used a special oil for bath products we found on
*1 tsp. Bentonite clay (optional--this just makes them harder; we found it here, too.)
*1 tsp. to 1 Tbsp. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (optional--this makes your bombs lather up, and we also found it here.)
*Witch hazel (poured into a spray bottle)
*Paper cupcake liners
*Silicone cupcake molds

1. Prepare your molds by placing a cupcake liner inside the silicone cupcake mold. It won't fit perfectly--just shove it in.

2. Place all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and gently mix. Be careful not to inhale it!

3. Add fragrance to the dry mixture. Measure out the oil and place a few drops of color to it. Add it to the dry mixture. Gently mix.

4. While kneading the mixture with one hand, begin spraying the mix with the witch hazel. (We did this as a team, but one person can do it alone.) Be careful not to get the mixture too wet--the moisture will activate the citric acid and your bath bomb will be ruined. Continue to slowly spritz the mixture with witch hazel and squish it in your hands until it has the consistency of crumbly pie dough.

5. Quickly pack the mixture into your liners inside the silicone molds. You want it to be packed in tight. Allow the mixture to set in the silicone mold for at least 5-10 minutes before removing. Now let's add some frosting to these bad boys.

6. Make your frosting.

Cupcake Bath Bomb Fizzy Frosting (Royal Icing Recipe)

*3 Tbsp. meringue powder (we like Wilton's) or powdered egg whites (you can use real egg whites or egg white substitute, but we didn't have very good luck with them)
*1 lb. (measured by weight) powdered sugar
*1/4 tsp. Cream of Tartar
*5-6 Tbsp. warm water
*Few drops of color
*Glass bowl
*Hand mixer

Few drops of fragrance

7. Mix meringue powder into warm water first in a GLASS bowl. Add cream of tartar and powdered sugar. Start beating on high. If your mixture feels like stiff cookie dough at this point, add another tablespoon of water. Beat for 7-9 minutes. Frosting is done when it forms stiff peaks and is thick and fluffy.

8. Add color and fragrance and beat until well mixed (one minute or less).

Note: If you decide to add baking soda (for fizziness) and sodium lauryl sulfate (for lather), you will want to increase your water to about 6-7 Tbsp. Add them with the color and fragrance.

9. Spoon frosting into a disposable cake frosting bag with the cake decorating tip of your choice.

10. Frost your cupcake bath bombs however you like. Allow bath bombs to sit overnight to harden before packaging. Be sure to let your children, husband, or dog know these are NOT EDIBLE!

11. Package them in cellophane bags with pretty ribbons and tags for the perfect gift!

If you want a simpler process, try making them in round molds like we did for our class. We found clear, fillable Christmas tree ornaments at Michael's. Pack one half, then the other, then push them together. There should be a little of the mixture coming out the seam, and the two sides should be sticking together. Allow to set 10-15 minutes before removing from mold, and overnight before packaging.


  1. YEY!!!! I have always wanted to know how to make these!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

  2. You can't smell it but these little beauties are strawberry, honeysuckle, and cherry almond fragrance. YUMMY!! I definitely recommend making a batch of these for your friends this Christmas.

  3. These would be great to give out as little gifties for all of the women in the office at work! Thanks for the great tutorial!

  4. Hmmmmm I really wonder if I could make these?????? Maybe I could get my sisters to help me and make it a group thing.

  5. TX for an amazing tutorial! I love bath bombs and love the idea of making my own even better...and the cupcake is too cute! I'm all over this!

  6. These are so precious and would make a great party favor for my little girl's cupcake themed birthday party. Dumb question - is the icing part okay to use in the bath?

  7. I love this!! Thank you for the recipe! I am just loving your blog...have been stealing all over the place! Keep it coming.

  8. Yes, the icing is okay for the bath tub. It dissolves slowly. It's kind of like a sugar scrub that many people use in the tub.

    And this would make a great group project! We had so much fun doing it together.

  9. I am SOOOO excited that you posted a tutorial for making these!! I just discovered your site last night and stayed up until 2AM reading, reading and getting SUPER inspired! I can't thank you enough, this is hands down my new favorite site! Just a quick question and you totally don't have to answer it if you don't have the time, but do you know about how many bombs (in the ornaments) one batch will make? I can't WAIT to make these! Thank you, thank you thank YOU!!!

  10. LOVE your blog. Can't wait to find some free time to try out all of the tutorials! Quick question about the bath bombs..if I were to make these for holiday gifts, how long do they last? Do you think they would hold up enough to ship through the mail? Keep up the fabulous and inspiring work! Wish I lived in the Pacific NW to take one of your classes... :)

  11. This recipe makes about two of the big bath bomb balls and four to five cupcake bombs. I think they will last a while, especially if you add the clay. The clay sucks the moisture out and makes a harder bath bomb that really lasts. We've made it with and without the clay. Without is fine, but after a while I noticed it got a little soft and may not hold up in shipping. Just put some shredded newspapers in with it. Make sure you use good quality fragrance and enough that it won't fade after time. Also be careful with the cupcake toppings when shipping. If the frosting is not wet enough it won't fuse correctly to the cupcake bomb and may pop off. Again, this is where the whole "it's an art not a science" thing comes into play. You want stiff frosting, but not too stiff it won't adhere correctly. Hope this is helpful!!

  12. Oh, my...Gosh!!! I have to try this! My daughter will LOVE to make these...what great christmas gifts, teacher gifts, birthday gifts...uh, anytime gift! Thank you for posting this tutorial! You rock!

  13. man, i love your blog!!! keep it commin.

  14. Wow, these are so pretty! Thanks for sharing your recipe!


  15. OH, I have to post about your tutorial!!!

  16. THANK YOU!! I have always wanted to know where to start to make these....i have your page bookmarked now so i can go get all the supplis and have my laptop close by to follow your directions!!

  17. what an awesome awesome tutorial I guess I won't be going to Lush anymore ;)thanks!

  18. I love your idea..actually I have used this same recipe before, but made the round bombs, but it seemed to be too much for one bath. I love your idea of cupcakes, they are smaller. They are so much cuter too!

  19. ps. .do you mind if I link this to my blog!
    Thanks for all your great ideas!

  20. Wow those are gorgeous!! That would be a fun project to do w/ my sister--thabks for the tip!

    And thanbks for stopping by my blog!!

  21. Do you happen to know how much it costs per cupcake to make these?

  22. I have often wondered about making these, thanks for the great tutorial. They look fabulous

    I know - NO EATING! :-)

  23. Does anyone know where you can buy Citric acid in SLC, UT? I can't find it anywhere.:(

  24. Ashley, I just bought Citric Acid at The Good Earth in Provo. I had to ask a worker and it was with their baking stuff. It was sold in 2 oz bags for 1.99 each. I just made these tonight and it takes 4 oz. to make this recipe which made me 6 cupcakes. I looked on and it was cheaper even with shipping to buy the citric acid through them, so next time I'll do that! In case you haven't found the silicon muffin holders, I got them at Wal mart in the cooking section by the cake pans.

  25. When I frosted mine the frosting didn't seem to stick, so I'm afraid when they are dry they will not be stuck on. Any tips on how to stick it on when it's dry? I guess I could put a dab of hot glue, they would just have a peice of hot glue left in their bath water! I was wondering if I could spritz the top of the bomb with water or witch hazel to make it stick, but it probably wouldn't work. Any experience with this?

  26. Kerri,

    Make sure your frosting is nice and wet so it fizzes/fuses to the cupcake. You could try a quick spray of witchhazel before you add it on. We have not tried that so let us know if it works. We've had some frosting not stick in the past and it was because the frosting was too dry. Hope this is helpful.

  27. I really didn't think the tops were going to stick, but they did! So no worries. My first batch wasn't the best looking, but now that I've made about 7 batches, my frosting skills have improved and they look very pretty. Does anyone know ho wto keep the frosting from cracking when they dry?


  29. Very clever, thanks for sharing. I think I'd better stick to trying out the round molds though because I think I'd end up with a strong sugar craving if I tried to make the others.

  30. Cool! I'm going to have to try it out!

    Happy SITS day!

  31. These are too cute!! Happy SITS day!!

  32. These are so super cute!!! And your 3 year old is right.... almost looks good enough to eat!!! hehehe :)

  33. Hey SITSta! It's my first time here and I really love the tutorial. I'm def going to check your site more often

  34. How nice to mix creativity with a luxurious bath experience!

  35. Dropping by from SITS. Thanks for posting this "how to" I've always wondered how these were made!

  36. Those are just rawking!! Right up my alley, I have to try making these, thanks for the idea!! :)

  37. Visiting from SITS. I'd never heard of these before, but everybody seems to love them - so maybe I'll have to try it!

  38. Brilliant and ADORABLE!

    I'm so glad SITS linked us here because your site is PRECIOUS!

  39. These are totally cool. And what great gifts for just about everything from holidays to party thank yous. But you're so right--they look delicious! I can see why you are a Friday Favorite!

  40. Wow! Those are awesome! Thanks so much for telling us how to make them! They would make a perfect present. I'm loving your blog!

  41. Those look delish and soooo fun to make. Thanks for the demo!

  42. What a super cool project. Followed your link from SITS. Thanks for sharing.

  43. I have bought these from stores and always wondered how to make them. Visiting from SITS and will definitely try these! Thanks!

  44. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this! They are too cute!

    Dropping by via SITS.

  45. Soooo glad you are the Friday Spotlight...I have been needing a new blog just like yours....whooo hoo....I see a new project coming on....

  46. Happy SITS day! (actually, I've been following your blog for a while now! LOVE IT!)

    These are truly awesome! Thanks for the tutorial. I've been making cold process soap for ten years or so but these look FUN! I wonder you think Kindergarteners would try to eat them if I gave them away as V-day gifts?

  47. Okay, just by the sheer LENGTH of the instructions I know this isn't for me! LOL It's insane what others can do with their time and I feel like I can barely finish a load of laundry. :) Happy Friday and SITS feature day.

  48. Those are so cute. Your blog is great.

  49. Awesome tutorial! I love it. My daughter and I are going to have to try to make these. She loves bath bombs and making bath stuff. Thanks so much!

  50. holy cow, those are just the cutest things!

  51. These are AWESOME! My Little Princess loves having fun fizzy stuff in her bath (OK, Mama does, too! *grin!*) These will be so much fun to make! Thanks for the tutorial!

    For those that can't find citric acid locally, you can do a Google search and find it - I get mine from a wine-making supplier online for my homemade wine. If you buy it in bulk it's of course cheaper! ;)

  52. Great idea, and I LOVE the packaging!
    ~~Meredith from SITS

  53. I am definitely making these for my daughters preschool teachers for Valentines Day!

  54. Both ways are super-pretty!

    Congrats on your SITS feature!

  55. dropping in from SITS!
    Love the tutorial..thank you!

  56. so cool!! Adding you to my loooonnnng blogroll.

  57. Those are adorable and your to creative!

    New to SITS and congrats!!!

  58. Oooh, these look so yummy. Are you sure I couldn't eat them? :)

  59. No matter what you keep saying, I totally want to eat one. They look so yummy!

    Thanks for sharing how to make those!

  60. Thank you for sharing! WooHoo! Another gift idea to add to my collection.

  61. Happy SITS Day!! Those cupcake soaps are so cute. I wouldn't even want to use them. I would use them just for show. Too pretty!

  62. I've been visiting your site for weeks and love it. Congrats on being featured on SITS!

  63. Happy SITS Day! What a fun site! I'll be back!

  64. How cute! Thanks for sharing.

  65. THAT is AWESOME~ I am so making these!

  66. I want a baker's dozen, please! Fabulous!

  67. This is the such a great gift idea! I can't wait to try it! Thank you!

  68. Dropping by from SITS. This looks too complicated for me!

  69. Wow, those look AMAZING!!! What a great gift. Thanks for sharing the secret!

  70. What a great idea! I've used bath fizzies before, and they are great! Nice to know that they are pretty easy to make. :) Happy SITS day!

  71. Those are beautiful...and yummy looking. I can see how the kids would be confused! LOL!

  72. Now those are just about the cutest idea. Thanks for showin' us how to make 'em. You could do these even for Christmas and birthdays for a nice gift. Thank you so much. You have a great blog.

  73. These are sooooo cute!! I'm making a bunch for Valentine's Day!

  74. Wow! Those are so cute! i am going to make those for my next "girly" party. Congrats on your blog of the day award!

  75. Thanks!! I always loved these and never bothered to look up how to make them.. Perfect for Valetine's and Mother's day coming up!!
    Awesome tut and pic guide.

  76. Hi,I just found you thru SITS.Why don't you post about these on Pink Saturday.I see you have over 200 followers.You may not think you need to.But wow what a Pink Saturday this would be...Ann

  77. I'm so excited to try these! Thank you.
    I've also been looking for an activity for a young teen girl birthday party, I think this might be it!

  78. Visiting from SITS - I've never seen these before. What a great idea!

  79. This is wonderful! I'm definitely following you now. Found you through SITS...I'll be back to see what you're up to. ;)

    Have a Beautiful Day!r

  80. Cherry Almond has my name written all over it! Sooooo wonderful!

  81. Those are amazing and so cute!!!! I'm bookmarking this idea so I can come back to it when I actually think I can do it!!


  82. visiting from SITS and these are so cute...I don't know whether to eat them or put them in the tub!

  83. Happy Friday! Great post - I LOVE baking! oh... and your countertops are like mine :)

  84. oooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I so want to do this!

  85. The cupcakes are adorable! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing it.

  86. I'm so happy to see that you made it on SITS! I have been reading your blog quietly since the fall and have had this particular page bookmarked forever! Lol.

  87. Oh my word, ya'll are the most crafty people ever. This is a cool site you have here...I don't know if I'd ever venture out into the bath bombs though. They look like they'd be worth it in the tub though.

  88. Congrats on your SITS Day! You girls so deserve it!

  89. Those look amazing! And the way the little ones and I go through bath products, I need to learn this! I still do think it would be easier if I had a group of ladies to help me...Im not so good at crafts, alone! ;)

  90. Awesome! I cannot wait to make some bath bombs! They will make awesome gifts.

    Love your blog! I am going to pass it to all my friends :)

  91. What a great idea! I don't have kids of my own, but I have a 4-yr. old niece that I know will love these. Thanks for sharing.

  92. Ooooo its making my mouth water and my skin tingle ;)

  93. I am so making these. I made all of my friends peppermint bath salts for Christmas so what a great little follow up. My bath salts recipe is on my blog sometime in December if you want to check it out.

  94. That looks totally fun...if not a little intimidating. I'll have to ponder on that a while.

  95. What a fabulous gift idea! These are darling!

  96. Darling, and beautifully photographed. But how does the sugar/egg white disolve in thebath? wouldn't it make your skin a little sticky?

  97. I need to hit a Whole Foods to find citric acid now!

  98. Seriously one of the cutest ideas I've ever seen. Frills! Love it.

  99. I've never seen anything like the cupcake ones - cute!

  100. I want to eat them! Oh! Oh! oh!. I could use these for an upcoming bridal shower as favors!

  101. Wow - I love your blog! What a fun idea :)

  102. Greetings from SITS - what a fun project!

  103. OMG!!! I truly adore your blog. I was wondering how to make these. My son has a birthday party coming up and I think I'm gonna try a hand at making these for party favors. I'll let you know how they turn out.

  104. Adorable! I love it! That is such a cute idea.

  105. Those are super cute! Congrats on your SITS day! Enjoy the weekend!

  106. I already had your site bookmarked, and especially wanted to try these out. Thanks again for posting the instructions and great photos! I can't wait to read more :) Happy SITS Day!

  107. Wow, I would so eat one of those!! J/k I know, were not aloud!!

  108. Very cool! May have to try it one day. The definitely look good enough to eat!

  109. They look sooo yummy! Love to have these surrounding my would be sooo delicious!

  110. These are so cool!!!

    Stopping by from SITS!!

  111. Really nice! I love the ribbons and tags you used, too - pretty.

  112. This is just fantasic! Something my daughter and I can do for Christmas or Birthday gifts...thanks for the tut :)

    Also featuring you on my Friday Finds this evening. Hope thats okay. Happy sits day!

  113. And what great packaging too! Love the plain round ones!

  114. Very cute and creative gift ideas! Love it.

  115. That is SO cute, haha when I first saw it I was like "THAT LOOKS SO YUMMY!" I think I'm going to try to attempt a batch for my friends birthday. Thanks for sharing!

  116. So, so, so, so cute, especially with the little tags. The list of ingreients is a little off-putting though.

  117. Totally look good enough to eat!

  118. these look good enough to eat, love the packaging too!

  119. That is so freaking cool!!! Thanks so much. Happy SITS day. :)

  120. Those look so adorable! I have to make these. :)

  121. Visiting from SITS. These little cupcake bombs look like the perfect little gifts! Just wish somebody'd get me one! :-) Thanks for the info!

  122. Can't wait to make these!!!
    Happy SITS day!

  123. Beautiful packaging! I love the idea of making these for gifts!

  124. What beautiful packages! I just adore the way you've made them look so special!

  125. These are so cute and a wonderful gift idea! I think I will try them!

  126. Oh, I love this! I've made soap before and molded and fragranced it, but this is way cool... I think I know what I'm doing for teacher gifts at the end of the year... now to bookmark this so I remember ;)

  127. Happy SITS day! The bath bombs look good! I can't wait to get down to doing some!

  128. OK, I am totally amazed by this. WOW! I'm bookmarking it for when I'm feeling super crafty! Thinking I should do these for my daughter's 2nd b-day party favors!

    Congrats on your SITS day!!


  129. Wanted to wish you a happy SITS day sorry I am so late!

  130. FANTASTIC! LOVE this!
    Hope you had a lovely SITSday!

  131. WOW!! I love this post. I am such a bath junkie.

  132. These are absolutely brilliant! I love them, and I know my friends would, too! Thanks for the great instructions!

  133. That delight! Mmmm….
    Pretty idea.
    Happy pink saturday!!!

  134. wow they look amazing!!! I will have to save this so I can do this in the future! :)

    came over from SITS!!

  135. Those are Sa weet!!! What a great part of a Valentine's Day gift...with flowers, Of course!!

  136. I've wondered how to make these... thanks! They are so cute :)

  137. Oh how cute. I love the cupcake one and I probably would never use it! I wouldn't want to take it out of the wrapping!! Precious.

  138. Wow, how great to have a tutorial! Happy Pink Saturday!

  139. What a clever idea. Visiting from SITS a day late.

  140. These are awesome! Right up my alley. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy day late SITS FB! :o)

  141. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday.

    These are fantastic and fun. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  142. Cute! What a great gift and something I could make myself too - thanks!

  143. Oh WOW, these are too amazing for words! Thank you for the tutorial! Happy Pink Saturday! ♥ Diane

  144. WOW! Those are fantasic! Great gifts ideas...Thank for sharing...Happy First Pink Saturday..Katherinellen

  145. Happy Friday from SITS!

    I have seen these around and wondered how to make these... now I know! Thanks!

  146. Thanks for showing how to make the bath bombs. Great tutorial.

  147. Great idea, thank you for the instructions. I found your blog because of pink Saturday.

  148. Here from SITS - your blog is amazing!

  149. If I planned on shipping these, would I need to ship them in anything special (to keep them from getting too hot)?

  150. One more many cupcake bombs does this recipe make?

  151. Hi Amanda W. I am not sure what you could pack them in to keep them cool. You may want to make sure there are packing peanuts or bubble wrap in the box to keep them from getting crushed. Also, how many this recipe makes depends on how full you make your cupcake. We got about 10 when we made our recipe.

  152. Beautiful! I'm always looking for crafty gift ideas!

  153. I love it!

    I can't wait to make them.

    What a lovely gift.

    Thanks so much.


  154. Oh, how precious! I just love these, and that's so sweet of you to give us the tutorial! I love it!

    Love your blog, too! Very, very cute.

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  155. Happy Pink Saturday; Your cupcake bath bombs look really nice.
    hmmm I wonder if I really could make them. They would be fun to make though. Thanks for showing us how.


  156. Whoa, I'mm standing in a really long line! Thanks for posting on these.

  157. They sure do look good enough to eat! :) What a wonderful idea. Happy Pink Saturday!

  158. Those bath cupcakes are the bomb!
    I will have to try and make them.
    I love bathtime and trying different bath products.

    It's nice to meet you.

  159. Happy Pink Saturday! What a surprise to see the bath bomb recipe. Yay. Your finished products will make marvelous gifts. Thanks for sharing.

    All the best, Lana

  160. These look divine. I have a question though, when using real egg whites , should i fluff them first and Then add the sugar...also there is no cream of tartar where i live, can i use a substitute? Thanks for the great site!

  161. HI! this is the best tutorial I have saw! I would love to make these, but do you have to use the liner? If so, do you just remove the liner before you put it in the tub? Sounds silly I know.. but I don't want to assume. I thought of making them into "petite 4's" I saw a silicone mold at the craft store and thought petite 4's would be something different,,,DO how important is it to use the liner, and how easy is it to remove? THANKS..HUGS to you Ang

  162. Water, I make these little guys all the time and love 'em. Yes, you do need to use a liner. If you don't, the cupcake doesn't come out easily. Yes, take the liner off the cupcake before putting into the tub. =)

    Little Birdie, I updated the frosting recipe to make it melt easier in the tub. You can check it out here:

  163. For this tutorial, may I know how many cupcakes we can make? What is the size of your cupcakes made from this recipe?

    Thanks! Nice job!

  164. Hi! I've been reading your bath bomb instructions and I love them! The last couple of days I've been having a hard time making them because once they get out of the mold they stick together but then they start to go flat. Every time I turn them they still go flat. It's rained here the last couple of days. Do you think that could be the problem? I've made some before and they've turned out great but not this time. Any help would be appreciated.

  165. I love the flower tags that you used for packaging. Did you use a paper punch? If so do you know what size/kind? This is so cute!!

  166. I am so looking forward to making these, but i just have a question before I order from Brambleberry. What coloring did you buy for the icing? Love that pink!

  167. Thanks for the wonderful instructions!!! These are so fun and easy to make! (My "frosting" will "frost" 3 batches of the bombs!) I was wondering... what size cellophane bags did you use?? I've got the 4x6 for the mini cupcakes.... but can't seem to find anything suitable for the standard sized cupcakes.

    Thanks again!! Awesome site!

  168. Thanks so much for the idea! I made these last night and the frosting was quite stiff when I piped it, but then as it dried, it kind of "sank" and cracked. The bombs I had taken out of the muffin tray even had some of the frosting fall off!
    SHould they be dried in a low oven maybe? They seemed to take a very long time to dry (the icing is still not totally solid the next morning!)

    Help! I want to make these to offer for Christmas gifts!

  169. Helene,
    It sounds like your frosting was too dry when you piped. It should come out smoothly. It should be wet enough to fuse to the cupcake and not dry and crack. Hope this is helpful!

  170. Where can I found Sodium lauryl sulfate?

  171. ... okay.. after making several batches, I am still having problems with my frosting. It seems that gets little dark spots on it while it's drying. I've even tried adding some of the bentonite clay to the mix to try to dry them out. Any ideas??

  172. I just tried these. I had a recipe similar to this, without the clay. It had cornstarch in it and only 1/2 cup citric acid and 1/2 cup soda. They turend out great until they sat overnight and then they sort of "melted" down to a blob. Now they look like big patties or something. Any idea why they didn't hold their shape? Should I leave them in the silicone molds to completely dry?

  173. Hi there

    I found your blog because I was looking for a recipe for bah bomb frosting - these are purrrrfffeect! Thanks for a great tutorial - I do have one question though - is it posible to use something other than egg-white powder as a subsitute? I dont have access to egg-white powder and I want to make these tonight!!! Thanks again for a great tutorial and I will be following your site!

  174. Hi there

    I found your blog because I was looking for a recipe for bah bomb frosting - these are purrrrfffeect! Thanks for a great tutorial - I do have one question though - is it posible to use something other than egg-white powder as a subsitute? I dont have access to egg-white powder and I want to make these tonight!!! Thanks again for a great tutorial and I will be following your site!

  175. You can use a regular royal frosting recipe that would call for egg whites, not the powder.

  176. Thanks - I'll give the egg-whites a try!

  177. I have a question. I have made quite a few lovely batches of both small and large cup cakes. I've packaged them up and they look great! But now after sitting for a week or two I'm starting to notice they are getting these dark spots on them. Can you tell me what these spots are (mold??) and what I can do to get rid of them?

  178. I don't believe it is mold. I think it is a discoloration in your frosting part only. We've changed the frosting recipe so it is just a pure royal icing now. The SLS or if you used regular food coloring is probably what is discoloring them. Try to gently remove the tops and remake them. The actual bath fizzy part should still be spot free. If I am wrong, let me know.

  179. Good to here that it's probably not mold. Do you think I could avoid these dark spots from appearing if i stop putting food coloring in the icing? also I was wondering what the new recipe was for the icing?? thank you so much

  180. I made these last week as Christmas Gifts for my bath lovin' sister, brother-in-law and nefew. It was so much fun. I love how they turned out! They look so real! I wanted to give them each about 4 cupcakes so I recycled a plastic muffin package after I ate the muffins and they look super cute, and will hopefully travel in my car safer.

  181. I made these last week as Christmas Gifts for my bath lovin' sister, brother-in-law and nefew. It was so much fun. I love how they turned out! They look so real! I wanted to give them each about 4 cupcakes so I recycled a plastic muffin package after I ate the muffins and they look super cute, and will hopefully travel in my car safer.

  182. Someone said this recipe only makes 4-5 cupcakes, but when I clicked on the link for the modified frosting, that blog said it would make over 20. Does anyone really know how many cupcakes this recipe will make per batch?

  183. Someone said this recipe only makes 4-5 cupcakes, but when I clicked on the link for the modified frosting, that blog said it would make over 20. Does anyone really know how many cupcakes this recipe will make per batch?

