Monday, July 8, 2013

fabric covered photo board {with the new michaels fabric!}

Remember how I told you that Michaels is now carrying fabric in stores? I am still so excited about it! Michaels sent me some of the new fabric to try out for myself. I got a couple rolls of burlap as well as some fun patterned fabric.

If you are like me you have seen some fun fabric covered boards all over Pinterest and I have been dying to make one. I grabbed some canvases and cork-board at Michaels as well as some pushpins to create some of my own photo boards (which could also be used for message boards or recipe boards, etc!) If you are like me you get tired of putting new pictures in frames all the time so I love a photo board so I can just keep switching out pictures all the time. Plus it adds a fun decor element to my home!

There honestly could not be an easier project on the planet. I know that is a big bonus for us moms, especially when all the kids are out of school for the summer!

I wanted to use the cork-board for this so I can tack any pictures I want to it, but I also bought canvas to just make some cute fabric covered canvases to display in my home with different coordinating fabric. It is such an inexpensive, easy way to add some color and excitement to a wall.

Cut your fabric to fit whatever size board you are making. I used a 16 x 20 inch board.
Pull the fabric taut and adhere it around each side. You can adhere your fabric on the back side of the board with mod podge or tacks or a staple gun (which is what I used). When you get to the corners you will want to fold the fabric so it can over lap and stay tight.

Then you are done and can start using it! OR, you can add some pushpins all along the edge for some added decor (and extra adherence!).

Don't mind me switching from patterned to brown burlap in the picture here.

Get creative with this project! Use any colors and patterns you want and use the board for anything you want. You can make a board to hang in your kitchen and tack recipes onto it that you plan to make throughout the week. These really are so versatile. Be sure to visit the Michaels LookBook page for more inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. My name is Emily Stevenson. I thoroughly have enjoyed looking through your blog! It has given me many fun ideas to try with my kiddo's. I also blog about crafting and the family friendly lifestyle at if you are interested.

    Thanks for all you do to promote fun opportunities for kids and families!

