Wednesday, May 9, 2012

free mother's day card {printable}

I just got my Mother's Day gifts in the mail. I really meant to on Monday, but the boxes I had were too big for the Priority Mail box, and then baby had a blowout, the boys were whining about making another trip to the post office and that was it. I seriously just gave up. Some days that's just how being a mother is, right?

"Home is where your mom is."

I saw this quote on Pinterest last week and thought it would be perfect for my Mother's Day cards for my mom and mother-in-law (who is like a second mom--I'm so lucky!). The sweet part is that we just found out we really are {finally} going home! We just took a job back in Utah, and I'm so excited to be back near our families. I have loved everywhere we've lived, and it's been good for us to have some space as a family, but I'm ready to be back. My kids need it, and I need it. Sometimes I just need my mom, and being a $900 plane ticket away does not work out well for that! So here is a little peek at their cards. . .

I always take a long time to make cards, but these came together pretty quickly. I just layered a few coordinating papers, used mini alphabet stickers (by Making Memories) to spell out my sentiment (the big letters are Thickers by American Crafts), adding a few buttons, some ribbon, and some machine stitching. Voila.

I was making up these {relatively} easy Mother's Day cards when my friend Lori offered to let us share her Mother's Day card printable for free. MUCH easier and just as cute! Unfortunately, my printer is on the fritz, so I guess it's a good thing I already had something going. I loved the quote on motherhood she used, though:

"Motherhood. . .is near divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels." ~James R. Clark

Somehow I sometimes forget that I'm like an angel when I'm changing a dirty diaper, so it's nice to be reminded! Now that we're just a few days away from Mother's Day, some of you may be looking for a quick and easy Mother's Day card that you can print and get in the mail today, and here it is! Thanks, Lori! It includes two cards on one sheet of paper, so you have multiple moms, grandmas, friends, etc. covered. Get the printable here.
Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Beautiful cards, they inspired me to get started on my cards today too! I posted mine on my blog and linked back to you. I hope that is okay!

  2. great idea! u are so creative.. i love ur creativity. nice :)

    i'm visit u from malaysia :)

  3. That is a beautiful card! Thanx for sharing, I'm totally inspired by that now and I'm ready to finally make my mother's day gift! :)

