Monday, November 7, 2011

i'm still here! {coming up for air}

Wow, do you ever get to the end of the week and wonder how you got there? I feel like I'm just coming up for air after a crazy couple of weeks! Besides celebrating my oldest son's baptism with out-of-town guests (and a trip to historic Nauvoo), I've been finishing quilts, putting together new fall decor for my house (tutorials coming!), making projects for a couple of guest posts, and working on three new crochet patterns!

Not to mention staging photo shoots for the finished products. Whew! I'm beat!
But I'm back this week with new tutorials and a giveaway, and watch for my new patterns next week (at least that's the plan!). So don't give up on me! I'm still alive and kickin'.


  1. Those little hats are adorable! Your "model" seems to be enjoying them as well :)


  2. I am waiting for the new tutorials :)

  3. what kind of yarn did you use for those hats? They are super cute. I'm not much of a crocheter, so maybe it is just normal yarn, but it looked chunkier. Love them.

  4. Love all the colors you used !!!

  5. Can't wait for your new crochet patterns! I love them!

  6. Hi Jennifer! You'll have to buy the pattern to find out! ;) Hopefully next week they'll be in my shop--they're just in the testing stages. :)
