Tuesday, July 19, 2011

keeping in touch through email

Thank you to Yahoo! Mail for sponsoring this post about staying connected. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

Well, it's true.  Mandy left me.  She's somewhere across the country right now.  All I know exactly is she is far away. We've known each other for over 3 years and it seems really weird not to be in the same state anymore.  She stopped by my house on her way out of town to give me a few things I needed for the blog and a little gift.  I was able to keep my tears at bay, but I was still a little shell-shocked that she was really leaving.

We have said more than once that we are grateful for the blog which will help us stay in touch and really grateful for email.  What would we do without email? Of course there is always the phone, but email makes it so easy to stay connected and send a message off when it's convenient.  The other person can then read the email whenever it is convenient for them, so it works wonderfully on both ends! Especially with 3 boys running around my house and 2 running around Mandy's, you just never know when you will get the opportunity to pick up the phone.  And if you never know if you will be able to hear anything with all the other background noise!

Email has afforded me the opportunity to stay connected with so many friends across the country.  Without it, I am sure we might have lost touch along the way with they busyness of our lives. But because I can hop on the computer and send an email in a matter of minutes, I have been able to keep in touch and I cherish those close friendships I have been able to maintain.

I love this video from the new Yahoo! campaign. I wanted to share it with you because it reminds me how simple it can be nowadays to email and share our lives with each other! 

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Jess, I love you! And I can't believe we're not on the same street anymore! I love that video you picked--it's us when we're old, still sending cute blog ideas and notes via e-mail, wherever we both are. :) Miss you!
