Wednesday, March 9, 2011

try something new {how i fell in love with quilting}

Thank you to P&G’s Have You Tried This Yet? program and Kroger for sponsoring my writing about trying new things and breaking out of my everyday routine. Click here to find great savings on high-performing P&G products at a Kroger store near you. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

I've been expressing myself artistically as long as I can remember. From dance to painting to scrapbooking to writing. I even majored in poetry and creative writing in college. Creativity is a way of life for me. When I moved to the Seattle area almost five years ago, I discovered almost everyone I met here was into quilting. But for some reason I just couldn't see myself doing it. I loved the quilts my new friends had made, but I couldn't imagine being able to express myself through quilting the way I could with other crafts.

Lucky for me I had one persistent friend. She loves quilting and somehow she knew I would love it, too, if I would just give it a try. She began holding regular private quilting lessons for me. She put on a 12-part quilt block class, just for me. Each block taught a different piecing technique, and gave me tons of practice. And I needed it, because I hadn't sewn since I was about 17 years old. But it was hard to learn not only the techniques, but how to pick fabrics, patterns, notions. It was a whole new world to me.

It probably took me half the "class" to finally see that I was in love with this new art. From there I broke out and made my first baby quilt. I actually never finished the blocks lessons because I was so excited about this new hobby. (But I promise I will before we move, Kayleen!) And now it is probably one of the hobbies I spend the most time (and money!) on.

I am so glad Kayleen persuaded me to break out of my crafting routine and try something totally foreign to me. I'll admit it--I didn't love my first quilt. It wasn't a total success. But every quilt I've made really has a piece of my heart in it. And since then I've gotten Kayleen back--I introduced her to stamping and card making, and she is more than hooked!


  1. Beautiful quilts. I wasn't creative and learning to quilt changed my life.

  2. Those quilts are incredible! I love the one with the pennant banner and little birdie! I'm working on my very first quilt right now! It's good to be reminded that I won't be great at it right away, but that it pays off if I keep trying!

  3. I love this post! This year I have been really trying to do things creatively that I haven't done yet. Quilting is on my list, and my neighbor is teaching me. Last month I made my first quilted placemat- small enough to finish in one session, big enough to get a feel for it. :)

  4. Okay, I gotta know the name of the fabric used on the back of the butterfly quilt and did you use a pattern for the butterfly quilt? Love, love and it would be PERFECT in my little girl's room.... Awesome job!!!

  5. Thank your friend (again)because your quilts are wonderful!

    Do you have a pattern or tutorial for the first quilt shown? With the pennants? I'd love to learn more about that one!

    Thanks, Kimberly

  6. Friends can be such wonderful ways to learn new things. A friend I have since lost touch with taught me how to sew on a sewing machine, and another very good friend taught me how to stamp and make cards, too! I love doing both, although I do more stamping than sewing. But I'm always grateful to both of them for showing me how to do those things.

  7. Your butterfly quilt is simply gorgeous! I have never seen anything like it!

  8. Your quilts are wonderful. This is a world I wish to enter. How do you actually "quilt" -- machine, right? do you draw on a template ? I'm lost and don't have the wonderful teacher you had!! Beautiful job

  9. such beautiful quilts!!...i tried (many years ago)to do some quilting and was not too sucessful. i made a very less than perfect quilt for each of my 2 children and that was IT! I live in seattle (area) also for 22 years but sadly never found a quilt tutor. i am blessed to be the keeper of the quilts for my husband's family and have 7 quilts made by his grandmother and greatgrandmother. but does anyone know how to clean antoque quilts? the newest one is at least 60 yrs old and i am afraid to use or display at all for fear they will get dirty and i know they can't just go into the washer.

  10. I saw your beautiful orange car quilt on Pinterest and fell in love! I am preparing for my second little boy, due in December and have been trying to pick out nursery fabrics. I realize it has been over a year since this post, but do you possibly remember where you found the orange car fabrics/coordinates?
