Saturday, March 5, 2011

top 50 tutorials {in one place}

It's been at the top of the page for months, but we've finally filled the Favorite Tutorials page with our Top 50 tutorials of all time. Or at least since July 2008. These are the tutorials that have had the most traffic and/or comments since we started the blog. A number of them are by one of our original founders, Stacy, who last year decided to spend less time blogging and more time with her family, and we are very grateful for all her amazing contributions to this list! We plan on doing a separate page for recipes soon, so you won't find recipes there yet. But you will find great sewing, crocheting, quilting, papercrafting, and kids and gift ideas. So what are you waiting for? Go check 'em out!


  1. ooh ! ooh! where do i start?!! thankyou soo much, bless you! jennyx

  2. Love this post! I shared a link on my facebook fan page page...hope that’s okay!

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  3. Wow! You just reminded me of a few things I need to get around to trying... Great list!

  4. Thank you! Now I can erase all those bookmarks and just have ONE! :)

  5. Very nicely organized for easy use. Thank you.

  6. So awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  7. Fantastic. Bookmarking for a rainy day!

  8. Thank you for the crochet flower tutorial. I've tried to make them on my own without any help and I was never able to do it. Watching you do it made it easy to understand! Now I can make flowers and so can my 11 yr. old daughter! Thank you!

  9. Is there a link for # 20? I'd love to try it - thanks!! Love all that you do!

  10. Oh, Little Birdie Secrets, how I love you! You are my go-to site for all things clever, crafty and classy. Thank you!

  11. Wonderful...all my favourites together in one place :)

  12. Thanks for this all fab tutorials.

  13. Thankyou soo much for this tutotials.


  14. Thank you! Some of these I already had bookmarked, but now I can see them all in one place. I'd like to know how you did that too.

  15. I've only recently found your blog and it is such a joy. Thank you for your geneosity, your creativity and sparkle! Just too much fun. I must say, the reason I actually started reading your blog is because I have a gd named Wren and saw your title and had to follow it. Lucky me!

  16. so glad the picnic blanket made it! I made one from your tutorial and use it all the time. Thanks for all your hard work!

  17. Oh, thank you! I'm always going back to look through your tutorials and now they'll all be in one place!
