Sunday, January 2, 2011

kids helping hand towels

It's a new year. That means I can resolve to keep my house cleaner this year. To do that I really need the help of the little boys who contribute to many messes at my house! I heard of an idea to have the kids decorate their own hand towels to use when they clean up. This way when I want the table wiped off, or there is a spill, they can run right to their own towel and help me out.

This is an easy, cheap, fun activity to do with your kiddos. The supply list is simple as well. I found a big pack of towels on clearance at Target. All you need after that is crayons, newspaper, an iron, and ironing board (or use your counter top with several layers of towels for protection).

You can have your child use the crayons to decorate the towels however you like. I helped trace my boys' hands on the towels since I called them helping hand towels. Then I had each boy write his name so he would know which towel was his. Make sure you pick a dark enough color and press hard so the color is bold.

After you are finished coloring on the towels, place them face down onto a thick layer of newspapers. Using the cotton setting on your iron, apply some pressure and iron all over the towel for several minutes. Replace the newspapers since a layer of crayon will come off of the towel and then repeat. After this, you can wash and dry the towels and the crayon will stay!

I have noticed that it does fade over time, but my boys loved this activity so much that I won't mind making more in a few months! Best wishes for a clean home (and happy helpers) this year!


  1. What a great idea!! I can just picture them running to get their towels. I just hope they don't "accidentally" make spills to clean up! =)

  2. What a cute idea! I will have to be on the lookout for clearance tea towels to use with my kids at church.

  3. What a cute way to personalize and motivate for the kids to help keep the house clean and tidy.

    Happy 2011!


  4. wow! I love crafts with crayons. I did NOT know the iron would set it like that. thanks for sharing! tai @ taidye original

  5. Such a cute idea! I need to have my husband make one :)

  6. Your boys are so cute! Good idea!

  7. What a cute idea!!! Thanks for sharing.

  8. This would make a terrific Mother's Day gift!

  9. This is a cute idea. My daughter loves to help me do things around this house and she would love this. I posted a link to this on my blog...
    @Blessings Granted

  10. We made handprint t-shirts when my girls were in elementary school. They are now in college and they still have those shirts. A great keepsake!

  11. That is such a cute idea! I'm pondering whether having their own towels will motivate my kiddos to help clean up...

  12. These area lways fun to make and I love your take on the whole idea. HAppy NEw YEar...

  13. I see gifts for Grandma... I'm a Granny and I would love a gift made by my grands! She probably wouldn't use it, but definitely cherish it. We made leaf printed and personally signed scarves for the kid's grannies one year, and it was one of my Mom in laws favorite things.
    <3 Terri

  14. Cute idea! I'm going to do that with my little girl!

  15. LOVE This!! I am so going to do this as soon as I can get out and get some towels! I love it! And my kids are old enough too to enjoy decorating and USING these!! THanks for sharing!

  16. Great idea, I can already picture my little guy getting excited to line up his hand with the one on the towel while he uses it to clean.

  17. Great idea to make the towels. I use this technique in quilting, but in place of the newspaper I use paper towels. I don't know if the newspaper would transfer to the towel, but the paper towels are great.
