Saturday, January 29, 2011

family motto 2011

It's still January, so I'm still thinking New Year's resolutions! Each year I pick a word to live by, but this year I decided to extend it to our little family in the form of a family motto. When I found this framed embroidered quote while visiting Utah for Christmas, I knew this was our theme. It's a life lesson that my husband and I feel is especially important for our children to learn now, while their mistakes are still relatively inconsequential. It's just on their level, but it is so crucial to their success in life.

Of course when I saw this piece I though, I could make that! But I also knew I probably wouldn't get around to it for six months and by then it would be too late. Plus it was only $9.95. My time is worth that much at least.

That said, I will definitely be making one like this for next year's theme, whatever it may be. The quote is stitched on muslin, wrapped around a batting-covered piece of cardboard, and framed. Easy peasy. If you want to make something like this but need help with your hand-stitched letters, check out this awesome tutorial from Studio Calico for using printed letters as a guide.

Or this index of 15 tutorials for great hand-stitched letters from Needle 'n Thread!

I'm headed to CHA in LA in a couple of hours and I'm too excited to sleep! If you don't know what CHA is, you'll want to check back over the next few days to see what my lucky eyes will be seeing. If you do know what it is, you'll really want to check back! Ta-ta for now. . .


  1. Have a fab time at CHA, and bring back reports of everything you see! I'm in the UK, so it takes a while to filter through here, Judith xx

  2. Lovely idea and great to involve the children.
    Jen & Row

  3. I didn't know what CHA meant, but I googles it, :^) Can't keep secrets anymore, lol.

  4. I reaslly like this quote. My daughter teaches 5th grade & is always trying to get her students to make good choices. She tries to show them that whatever choice they make, they need to be prepared to live with the result, good or bad, and that they need to examine the consequences before they make that choice. I sent your quote to her. It's perfect for her classroom!

  5. You have inspired me to do the same. We are wordy people around here and sometimes forget the power words can have on making our lives better and more meaningful. I just picked up a copy or the book, the Geography of Bliss. I have not read it, but seems like something your would enjoy. I love your blog as always. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  6. This is so timely. I also pick a word or phrase for each new year. This year has been tough to pick one for me because we are focusing so much on the needs of the family right now. I love this idea of picking a family phrase this year. It just "feels" right, you know?! Thank you!

  7. LOVE that quote! Thanks for sharing it.

  8. Yes they do. Thanks for sharing a wonderful motto.

  9. Decisions Determine Destiny...I'll write it down so I won't forget it! Thank you for sharing!

    Great tutorial by the way!

  10. What a wonderful quote from President Monson.
    I know in a couple of days it would be February, but I'll ask ny family to choose a motto in the next FHE.

    Have fun at CHA!

  11. I love it! I do a family quote too. This year is Bury your sword.
    ps-I'm a new follower and I love your blog!

  12. Fantastic idea, and I love how your kids are staring up at the words so intently. I think it's great to have words up around the house that are meant to remind, inspire, and convict! When my child can read, I plan to do the same. :)

  13. Such a wonderful quote... I love that merely a few words can hold so much meaning, inspiration and the power to bring about change! If you get a chance feel free to visit my blog, say hi and to enter my follower giveaway for a chance to win a $30 Voucher & free postage to Shop @ SpaNGle.
    Hope you can stop by...
    The Spangler @
    The Quick Unpick

  14. I really love that saying! I am dying to try out hand stitched letters.

    I realized I left my glue gun right when I got home...It's a good thing I have three back-ups. Yes. Three. Yes, I am that lame. Thanks for fun craft night! I'm excited for next month :)

  15. I love the sign and motto. I would love to DIY a similar one. Can't wait to check out the tutorials you linked to. :)
